[情報] 12/12 羊兒運勢綜論

看板Aries作者 (Chi)時間7年前 (2016/12/12 10:18), 編輯推噓16(1607)
留言23則, 17人參與, 最新討論串2/3 (看更多)
https://goo.gl/d3H6B4 Astrology.com The universe is challenging you right now to be more tolerant. This may feel like your patience is being tried by forces -- or people -- beyond your control, and this can be mighty annoying. Do something active to get some energy out, do your best to go with the flow -- and smile while doing it. The first step might be to cut yourself some slack, thus making it easier for you to do the same for others. 最近羊兒們的容忍度會受到挑戰,你的耐性被某些人或事磨練著, 讓你快要失控、很煩躁。 如果需要的話,去動一動把精力發洩掉吧,然後讓自己順勢而行就好 - 而且要帶著微笑。 首先要做的就是先放你自己一馬,別為難自己,然後之後才能學著也不為難他人。 https://goo.gl/NxTSLb Astrocenter.com Let your sensual, nurturing instincts shine through, Aries. Rely on your sixth sense. If things start to get rough, remember that you have the ability to keep your cool. Not only is this an extremely important tool but it's also essential to maintaining any sort of stability in the situation. Keep your footing at all times. Your sanity depends on it. 讓你的感受與充沛的直覺力發出光芒吧!請相信你的第六感。 如果事情開始變得辛苦,你要記得自己仍然有能力保持冷靜; 這不只是一項重要的工具、也是讓你保持穩定的關鍵。 隨時都要記得站穩你的腳步,你的理智也依靠著它而穩住。 https://goo.gl/IRY3iR Claire's The stars line up to hand you the gift of clear vision. You see with ease what needs to be done to make your life a happier place to be. Patience with finances is critical. Stay calm. Ring so I can help you make the most of this opportune time. 星相的狀況會為你帶來清晰的視線, 你將會清楚看見自己還能做些什麼來讓未來的生活更快樂。 不過對財務上的事可能要保持耐性,這不太容易,請努力冷靜下來。 -- 請問有沒有人手機泡進水裡後,還有存活下來的? 我媽前天把手機掉進水裡,送修後被店家通知手機報銷了… 可是今天我媽不甘心的再把手機打開,竟然一切都正常?不曉得會不會有什麼問題。 -- 簡報技巧 / 面試技巧 / 履歷整理 / 商用英文 你的個人品牌訓練師。Look after your Brand。 http://chipersonalbranding.blogspot.tw/ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Aries/M.1481509127.A.961.html

12/12 10:27, , 1F
12/12 10:27, 1F

12/12 10:40, , 2F
之前有過還能用的狀況,多撐了幾個月XD 剛好存錢買新
12/12 10:40, 2F

12/12 10:40, , 3F
12/12 10:40, 3F

12/12 11:29, , 4F
12/12 11:29, 4F

12/12 11:51, , 5F
12/12 11:51, 5F

12/12 12:00, , 6F
看完大家講的,已經立刻去提醒我媽要作好心理準備了 XDDD
12/12 12:00, 6F

12/12 12:59, , 7F
容忍度真的快到極限了 QQ
12/12 12:59, 7F

12/12 12:59, , 8F
我也有手機跑水過 雖然還能用但毛病很快就浮現QHQ
12/12 12:59, 8F

12/12 13:36, , 9F
我有隨身聽泡水過 隔一兩個月後正常開機 還變得更長壽
12/12 13:36, 9F

12/12 16:31, , 10F
泡水最好是把電池拔掉剩空機 把手機和乾燥劑或白米一
12/12 16:31, 10F

12/12 16:31, , 11F
12/12 16:31, 11F

12/12 17:25, , 12F
12/12 17:25, 12F

12/12 17:43, , 13F
12/12 17:43, 13F

12/12 17:51, , 14F
第一則好準QQ 已爆炸
12/12 17:51, 14F

12/12 21:21, , 15F
12/12 21:21, 15F

12/12 23:59, , 16F
12/12 23:59, 16F

12/13 00:50, , 17F
12/13 00:50, 17F

12/13 00:51, , 18F
12/13 00:51, 18F

12/13 00:51, , 19F
12/13 00:51, 19F

12/13 03:33, , 20F
啊啊啊啊 在冷靜跟失控邊緣....
12/13 03:33, 20F

12/13 10:59, , 21F
12/13 10:59, 21F

12/13 11:00, , 22F
12/13 11:00, 22F

12/13 11:34, , 23F
12/13 11:34, 23F
文章代碼(AID): #1OJWa7bX (Aries)
文章代碼(AID): #1OJWa7bX (Aries)