[情報] 10/15 羊兒運勢綜論

看板Aries作者 (Chi)時間7年前 (2016/10/15 00:13), 編輯推噓10(10010)
留言20則, 12人參與, 最新討論串2/3 (看更多)
https://goo.gl/J6koiK Astrology.com You cannot be the leader all the time, and it is important for you to learn how to step back and hand control over to someone else when the situation requires it. Today, make sure that you know when to toss in your ideas and when to bite your tongue -- there are delicate yet powerful egos involved, and you wouldn't want to tick any one of them off! You can still achieve your goals without being the one in charge. Don't get hung up on titles -- it could be holding you back. 你畢竟無法總是當個領導者的,有時候情勢所需的話, 學會退後一步,把權力遞給當下可以掌控的人很重要。 所以今天你要會的事:何時把想法分享出來給大家,而什麼時候該閉嘴 - 這其中何時要收起傲氣、何時又需要展現傲嬌都很重要,你不會想要只表現其中一種! 而且,就算你不當掌權者,你依舊能達到自己想要的目標, 不要為了那個名而固執 - 有時候這種東西反而會成為你的阻礙。 https://goo.gl/aTi7nm Astrocenter.com You're finally on the mend, Aries. The minor ailments that may have dragged you down lately are beginning to disappear. You're about to regain all of your physical energy. If you overindulge, your energy level is likely to plummet once again. If nothing else, you will have learned a valuable lesson about the importance of moderation, especially now. Don't overdo it! 羊兒們終於要恢復元氣了! 過去的小小微恙讓你慢下腳步,接下來這些症狀要慢慢消失了。 你的體力也將會完全的回升,但是!如果繼續這樣放縱的話,很快的又會體力不支喲。 經過這些事,別的不說,你至少應該要扎實的學了一課,知道過與不及都不好吧。 尤其現在正在恢復的階段,你更要知道不要太超過呀。 https://goo.gl/cchn1i Claire's It will be difficult for you to tell the difference between fact and fiction today so be careful of acting on what could be false information. A good time to go back into education if you’ve been out of it. Ring now to hear which jobs I think your sign is made for. 今天你可能會有點無法分辯真實或假象,所以要小心你所得到的資訊可能是假的。 另外,如果你離開學校好一陣子了,最近蠻適合回到學校重新學習新知識喲。 -- 偷偷跟大家說… 我今天整理衣櫃時拿出了以前「體重比較輕」時的衣服來試穿… 結果我默默的、一個人在家中的走廊當了鐘樓怪人 = = 脫不下來啊!!!!!衣服一直包著頭走過來走過去… 還好家人沒有剛好上樓,會被我嚇死… -- 關於職場;關於英文。 歡迎來我的部落格一起分享交流~ http://chipersonalbranding.blogspot.tw/ Personal / Enterprise Branding。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Aries/M.1476461605.A.199.html

10/15 00:36, , 1F
10/15 00:36, 1F

10/15 00:43, , 2F
也太好笑了吧 不過…………這種事我也做過 哭
10/15 00:43, 2F

10/15 01:24, , 3F
10/15 01:24, 3F

10/15 04:29, , 4F
10/15 04:29, 4F

10/15 04:47, , 5F
10/15 04:47, 5F

10/15 08:03, , 6F
10/15 08:03, 6F

10/15 09:11, , 7F
後來滿身大汗,慢慢的一吋一吋拉上來…全身都痠爆了 XDDD
10/15 09:11, 7F

10/15 09:12, , 8F
10/15 09:12, 8F

10/15 09:31, , 9F
10/15 09:31, 9F

10/15 09:43, , 10F
10/15 09:43, 10F

10/15 09:43, , 11F
冷汗 XD 脫下來的瞬間,真的覺得解~脫~了
10/15 09:43, 11F

10/15 10:57, , 12F
辛苦了XDD 鐘樓怪人好可愛XDD 解脫就好XDDD
10/15 10:57, 12F

10/15 10:57, , 13F
最近也是想整理舊物 心情換新一下><
10/15 10:57, 13F

10/15 12:11, , 14F
10/15 12:11, 14F

10/15 12:11, , 15F
10/15 12:11, 15F

10/15 13:54, , 16F
哈哈哈哈 (樓上不會是原本要留ㄋㄣㄅ那篇吧xD
10/15 13:54, 16F

10/15 15:43, , 17F
10/15 15:43, 17F

10/15 15:43, , 18F
10/15 15:43, 18F

10/15 15:43, , 19F
吧 = =
10/15 15:43, 19F

10/16 03:12, , 20F
多來幾次~會瘦! XDD
10/16 03:12, 20F
文章代碼(AID): #1O0GGb6P (Aries)
文章代碼(AID): #1O0GGb6P (Aries)