[情報] 10/01 羊兒運勢綜論

看板Aries作者 (Chi)時間7年前 (2016/09/30 17:42), 編輯推噓21(21011)
留言32則, 24人參與, 最新討論串1/2 (看更多)
https://goo.gl/g1yR4j Astrology.com Your romantic skills might not be as sharp as you would like them to be, but that might just be because you're being so selective with your heart. It's true that the more you open yourself up to people, the more you are going to get hurt -- but what is also true is that if you never open up you will never connect with anyone. The more you open yourself up to people, the faster you will find what you really want. Give it a try, today -- tell someone you'd like to get to know them better. 你的戀愛技巧等級或許不高,但原因可能是因為羊兒們一直是很挑的; 越是打開心房,受到傷害的機率自然也就越高 - 不過,同樣的, 如果你總是不打開心房,就永遠不會有機會有新的連結。 其實,你越是與人接觸,才能更進一步了解自己呀! 今天(10/01)就放膽試試吧,開口讓對方知道你想要進一步了解認識他們。 https://goo.gl/3F7bxk Astrocenter.com Life's been a real social whirl lately, Aries. You may feel a bit overwhelmed by all the people and parties. It's fun to see everyone, but a bit daunting to renew ties with old friends and try to remember the names of new ones. Names and faces mingle to the point where you aren't sure of your own name, much less anyone else's. Take a deep breath, Aries, you're doing just fine. 最近的生活就像是轉盤那般旋轉不停,羊兒們可能對於身邊的人事物都感到不堪負荷了; 見到大家當然是件開心的事,但是要與舊朋友保持關係,又要記得新朋友面孔, 真的是蠻有壓力的呀!不斷的要把名字與長相連結在一起讓你都快要忘掉自己名字了。 深呼吸一下,你可以做得很好的。 https://goo.gl/JwnMTO Claire's In the not so distant past you would have accepted second best, but that is no longer the case. Remember how far you’ve come and keep eyes focused on making life the best it can be. Ring now to hear why Aquarians are worth keeping at arms length. 不久之前,你可能還會勉強接受第二好的選項,但現在已經不是當時的情況了。 記得你一路走過了這麼多,而且你也一直努力堅持只挑最好的呀。 -- 謝謝大家包容我快要忙不過來而偷偷少翻譯週運勢。 :-) 來跟大家偷偷講個大糗事,給羊兒們的週末來個開心的開始吧~ 話說我上週去吃字母Hotel的海鮮之夜時,我到了果汁吧想要點喝的, 因為服務人員說上面擺的都可以打成果汁, 我看到上面有一大片綠草,心想很久沒有喝小麥草汁了所以就點了它… 結果服務人員說:「呃…那個…是裝飾的假草………」XDDDDD 我們雙方都愣了一下… 根本太丟臉了我~ -- 簡報技巧 / 面試技巧 / 履歷整理 / 商用英文 你的個人品牌訓練師。Look after your Brand。 http://chipersonalbranding.blogspot.tw/ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Aries/M.1475228566.A.2E3.html

09/30 17:45, , 1F
09/30 17:45, 1F

09/30 17:55, , 2F
09/30 17:55, 2F

09/30 18:00, , 3F
09/30 18:00, 3F

09/30 18:06, , 4F
哈 羊兒果然愛吃草
09/30 18:06, 4F

09/30 18:14, , 5F
09/30 18:14, 5F

09/30 19:02, , 6F
09/30 19:02, 6F

09/30 19:03, , 7F
哈哈哈哈 好可愛啊原po
09/30 19:03, 7F

09/30 19:08, , 8F
09/30 19:08, 8F

09/30 19:26, , 9F
09/30 19:26, 9F

09/30 19:58, , 10F
哇有準 明天有新面孔要見!!
09/30 19:58, 10F

09/30 20:10, , 11F
09/30 20:10, 11F

09/30 20:18, , 12F
09/30 20:18, 12F

09/30 20:29, , 13F
09/30 20:29, 13F

09/30 21:29, , 14F
09/30 21:29, 14F

09/30 22:36, , 15F
09/30 22:36, 15F

09/30 22:36, , 16F
09/30 22:36, 16F

09/30 22:36, , 17F
09/30 22:36, 17F

09/30 22:57, , 18F
09/30 22:57, 18F

09/30 23:29, , 19F
09/30 23:29, 19F

09/30 23:35, , 20F
09/30 23:35, 20F

09/30 23:35, , 21F
09/30 23:35, 21F

09/30 23:35, , 22F
不是當時的情況了。 這好準
09/30 23:35, 22F

10/01 01:41, , 23F
10/01 01:41, 23F

10/01 07:26, , 24F
10/01 07:26, 24F

10/01 14:41, , 25F
10/01 14:41, 25F

10/01 15:04, , 26F
大家抱抱 看到運勢覺得大家都辛苦了><
10/01 15:04, 26F

10/01 15:04, , 27F
自己正準備回頭去接受第二好的 看到這篇好想抱抱大家><
10/01 15:04, 27F

10/01 15:05, , 28F
數字HOTEL的食物感覺好高檔呀 這趣事很可愛XDD
10/01 15:05, 28F

10/01 15:22, , 29F
字母HOTEL 剛打太快打錯了 一直想去吃吃看呀
10/01 15:22, 29F

10/02 02:35, , 30F
不打開心房就不會有新的連結 根本說到心坎裡。苜蓿芽
10/02 02:35, 30F

10/02 02:35, , 31F
10/02 02:35, 31F

10/09 10:44, , 32F
10/09 10:44, 32F
文章代碼(AID): #1NxZEMBZ (Aries)
文章代碼(AID): #1NxZEMBZ (Aries)