[情報] 羊兒8月運勢

看板Aries作者 (Chi)時間7年前 (2016/08/03 18:06), 7年前編輯推噓11(1109)
留言20則, 13人參與, 最新討論串1/2 (看更多)
http://goo.gl/BafyHN Astrology.com Let your emotions take you on a wild ride on the 1st and 2nd. Not that you're really one to hold back anyway, but when you follow your heart, there's no telling what you might say or who you might say it to. When new projects get started on the 7th, 8th, and 9th, you've got your hand up the highest to volunteer to help. Would you do it for nothing? Yes! If the only way you can be part of the team is to give your time for free, you're still all in. The pressure you feel to perform well is huge on the 15th and 16th, which turns you into your own worst critic. If you don't believe in yourself, you'll fail before you even set foot on stage. You're ready for battle on the 21st and 22nd, and any opponent who tries to take you down will be sorry they did. You're a force to be reckoned with, no doubt! You're into spicy, adventurous foods on the 30th and 31st, and you're willing to travel to find new culinary experiences. You won't like everything you try, but at least you can say you were brave enough to try it! 月初1、2日的時候就讓情緒引導你到瘋狂世界吧,並不是說你平常太保守矜持; 而是當你真正聆聽內心聲音時,自己也無法知道接下來要跟誰說話或會講出什麼。 到了7號至9號之間如果有新的案子啟動,你會很樂意的提供幫助, 而你是否真的想要無償的付出?是的!就算那是唯一讓你可以參與其中的方法你也願意。 月中15、16日,你可能會有想要表現好的壓力,讓你成為自己最大的批評者; 如果你不相信自己,那你可能在上台前就自己先跌跤了。 21、22號的羊兒很強,那些想要打倒你的人會深深後悔與你對戰。 別懷疑!你的面孔會被大家深深記住。 月底的時候可能會突然對口味重的、或是新奇的食物感到有興趣, 還可能為了體驗異國文化而出發去旅行。 當然,你或許不會喜歡每一項你嘗試的事物,但是至少你很勇敢的去試過了! http://goo.gl/PnRlwe Astrocenter.com The August 2 New Moon wants you to go ahead and start that wild new project or take up that crazy new sport. Be safe, and watch the budget, but otherwise indulge that fantastic desire. The Full Moon on August 18 sparkles with a bright social life. Dress for a hot time and go somewhere more upscale. You might spend a bit more money or time than you intend. Put on your leader's hat when Mars and Saturn conjoin in Virgo on August 24. Take command and delegate skillfully. Issue an order, make it sound like a request, and see it instantly fulfilled. 本月2號的新月帶著你著手開始狂野的新案子、或者是開始瘋狂的新運動。 不管怎麼樣還是注意安全,還有也要照顧荷包。 18日的滿月照亮了社交生活,可以嘗試新穿著或者提高社交場所的檔次; 但是也可能因此花上比原本預期還要多的金錢與時間喲。 24日當火星與土星在處女座相合的時候,你將有機會擔任領導的角色; 可以發出指令並貢獻你的能力 - 發出你的需求,把它講得像是命令那般, 然後看它很快的被完成吧。 http://goo.gl/Tqncl8 Claire's This month’s line up leaves you in no doubt as to what is fact and what is fiction. You start to feel more at ease with who you are, where you’re going and who you want to be with. Pisces link to a better home life and the security which you wanted for a close one no longer comes into question. It is helped by someone you only just realised plays a key role. Be careful of chasing something or someone from your past that isn’t right for you. Try to be open to new ideas this month and it will be the making of you. Ring now to hear how 2016 is a year of completions. 這個月的星象排列讓羊兒可以明顯的看出哪些事是真實的、而哪些又是虛無的。 你也開始比較自在的接受自我,明白自己將走往哪裡、也知道自己最想要跟誰處在一起。 雙魚座的人會帶給你家的感覺以及你想要的安全感; 而這些想法與感受,其實是從最近某個朋友身上感知到的。 不過,要小心你會想要去追回過去不適合你的人或事物, 要讓自己打開心胸去接受新的想法,才能成就更好的你。 http://goo.gl/XCp0ol Jane's It’s August, yet the planets are taking you back to spring’s thoughts and events. Here’s a chance to think again about what you started then. Maybe you now need more information? Or perhaps it’s time to finish up a project, or mull over possible changes of direction? Mars in fiery Sagittarius energises everything to do with seeing the bigger picture through travel, study, and friendships. What you discover helps you prepare for a new era, one that’s already strewing big, fat hints in your path. Your task is to look after yourself, make some space, and see what (or who) you’d like to pursue and what you might like to finish up for good. Take it easy, and give the Sun in playful Leo a chance to shine on your romantic, creative dreams. By October, your horoscope is pulsing with opportunities and enthusiasm, so now’s the time to get ready. And if something comes to an end this month, let it go, let it go. 雖然是8月了,但是星象的排列卻帶著你回到春天的狀況; 讓你開始思考今年度開始了些什麼事、哪些方面需要新資訊? 或者是有沒有哪些事已經可以開始收尾了呢?又有哪些需要做微調? 火星正處在火熱的射手座中,透過旅行、研讀、或友誼關係的能量, 讓你對所有事務都能得更遠。 而你所發現的想法,也將幫助你成就下一個新時代, 雖然其實眼前的一切都已經很明顯的散佈在你將前往的整路上了。 你的任務就是照顧好你自己,所以可以考慮給自己一些空間, 然後你才能看得更明白誰(或什麼)是你最想要追隨的,而哪些你想要永遠斷絕關係。 別急,給太陽正進駐的調皮獅子座一些時間表現, 它會照亮你的感情、以及與創意有關的夢想。 到了十月,整個羊兒的運勢將會充滿著新機會與熱情,而你應該從此時就開始做好準備; 如果這個月有些什麼事結束了,就放手讓它去吧~let it go~ -- 最近在尋找動物溝通師 XDDD 想要來跟燒餅聊聊天一下… -- 什麼?想要一個乳頭嗎?到底在講什麼! http://goo.gl/Bf8pWE 羊文章 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Aries/M.1470218810.A.899.html ※ 編輯: Thejust (, 08/03/2016 18:07:10

08/03 18:12, , 1F
謝謝Chi~ :)
08/03 18:12, 1F

08/03 19:32, , 2F
08/03 19:32, 2F

08/03 21:44, , 3F
謝謝XD 還滿準的!
08/03 21:44, 3F

08/03 21:51, , 4F
真的 最近逐漸感受到哪些人是自己想要保持聯繫
08/03 21:51, 4F

08/03 21:51, , 5F
08/03 21:51, 5F

08/03 21:55, , 6F
我有跟寵物溝通師聊天的經驗 非常美好又有趣溫馨 大推
08/03 21:55, 6F

08/03 21:55, , 7F
我找的那位現在沒做了 朋友找過伊爾絲很推 但她現在難約
08/03 21:55, 7F

08/03 22:32, , 8F
嗯 照顧好自己,放手讓他去吧…不再留戀
08/03 22:32, 8F

08/03 22:53, , 9F
08/03 22:53, 9F

08/03 22:53, , 10F
08/03 22:53, 10F

08/03 23:24, , 11F
08/03 23:24, 11F

08/03 23:33, , 12F
哦哦那是朋友推薦的 比較難約 但聽說很用心
08/03 23:33, 12F

08/03 23:33, , 13F
她是很真誠可愛那種溝通師 功力也很強
08/03 23:33, 13F

08/04 00:28, , 14F
八月剛好有安排旅行^^ 期待ing
08/04 00:28, 14F

08/04 01:10, , 15F
08/04 01:10, 15F

08/04 06:11, , 16F
看到雙魚不小心罵了個髒字 倒是雙子朋友給我安全感
08/04 06:11, 16F

08/04 06:11, , 17F
08/04 06:11, 17F

08/04 12:59, , 18F
要小心 想要追回過去不適合你的人和事物......
08/04 12:59, 18F

08/20 12:39, , 19F
08/20 12:39, 19F

08/20 12:39, , 20F
08/20 12:39, 20F
文章代碼(AID): #1NeS8wYP (Aries)
文章代碼(AID): #1NeS8wYP (Aries)