[情報] 06/14 羊兒運勢綜論

看板Aries作者 (磁充又爆惹)時間8年前 (2016/06/13 23:01), 編輯推噓16(1602)
留言18則, 16人參與, 最新討論串1/2 (看更多)
Astrology.com http://goo.gl/uXmY62 All of your hard work and planning is finally starting to pay off for you in some major ways! But you need to keep going. Go the distance, and don't take your eye of the ball or slow your roll. You are so close to what you want right now that if you take even the slightest break from the action you could be making a huge mistake. You can take a nap some other day. Right now, you'll be having way too much fun to want to stop what you're doing anyway. 你所有的計畫與努力終於得到了回報,但你必須持續努力下去唷! 你已經離你想要達到的這麼近了,那怕是一丁點的偷懶都會讓你前功盡棄 這段距離不能放慢腳步也不能分心! 現在真的太多太多誘惑讓你想要停下來了 如果想好好休息的話建議移到隔天 Astrocenter.com http://goo.gl/k8VWq The astral energy will have you reminiscing all day long over childhood memories, Aries. These memories will take you to the houses and places where you were raised and where your personality and character were formed. Many memories will surface - happy, melancholy, and everything in between. You should probably seize this opportunity to write them down. 羊兒們,這天星體的能量將喚起你小時候的記憶 這些記憶會圍繞在塑造你個性與人格的地方 (原文是寫養育的地方或是其他場所) 很多的記憶將會湧現 - 快樂、憂鬱 以及在這之中的所有一切 你應該抓住這個機會把這些東西寫下來 Claire's http://goo.gl/aqJgFn Something you have committed to no longer seems to hold the same appeal it did when you started. Today offers you the chance to back out without fear of humiliaion, so keep your eyes peeled. 有件你致力想做的事情,在你開始做之後好像不再那麼的被要求了 今天剛有有這個機會讓你可以反悔又不會因此而丟了你的面子 所以睜大你的眼睛,別讓這機會溜走惹 ---- 抱歉這幾天都沒空翻譯~ thejust大這幾天因為一些問題沒辦法翻譯 而我因為連假這幾天要處理很多自身周遭的問題 真的是分身乏術惹...(看上一篇發文時間就有眉目哈哈) 今天也終於把案子交出去了 呼 老樣子 來首歌 https://youtu.be/uOstnsehasY
反正20天都沒有放晴了,就這樣吧(攤手) 第二則的意味 我覺得應該是讓你好好審視你目前的內心 藉由寫下這些事情好好的重整自己,如果你有參考上面幾篇運勢的話 港覺會有一點點相關聯 明天心情又要有漣猗了...六月是要過了沒~ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Aries/M.1465830078.A.779.html

06/13 23:02, , 1F
06/13 23:02, 1F

06/13 23:05, , 2F
推推 第一則好棒
06/13 23:05, 2F

06/13 23:08, , 3F
06/13 23:08, 3F

06/13 23:12, , 4F
推 最近的確有點懶散哈哈 會重啓我的步伐的
06/13 23:12, 4F

06/13 23:17, , 5F
第一則好棒 希望可以聽到面試好消息QQ
06/13 23:17, 5F

06/14 00:02, , 6F
06/14 00:02, 6F

06/14 00:06, , 7F
06/14 00:06, 7F

06/14 00:15, , 8F
06/14 00:15, 8F

06/14 00:39, , 9F
06/14 00:39, 9F

06/14 00:50, , 10F
06/14 00:50, 10F

06/14 02:56, , 11F
推第二則! 剛剛才正邊回想邊寫!
06/14 02:56, 11F

06/14 05:30, , 12F
06/14 05:30, 12F

06/14 06:49, , 13F
06/14 06:49, 13F

06/14 07:34, , 14F
如果開晴就用力推爆...沒道理連莊20這麼詭異= =
06/14 07:34, 14F

06/14 10:48, , 15F
06/14 10:48, 15F

06/14 14:28, , 16F
06/14 14:28, 16F

06/14 17:12, , 17F
06/14 17:12, 17F

06/14 17:20, , 18F
06/14 17:20, 18F
文章代碼(AID): #1NNig-Tv (Aries)
文章代碼(AID): #1NNig-Tv (Aries)