[情報] 01/29 羊兒運勢綜論

看板Aries作者 (Chi)時間8年前 (2016/01/28 17:57), 編輯推噓12(1207)
留言19則, 12人參與, 最新討論串1/2 (看更多)
http://goo.gl/o6OQ20 Astrology.com A former romantic partner might be reappearing on the scene soon, and the feelings they stir up won't be the ones you were expecting to feel. They've taken the initiative to get back into your life, and there could be a very significant reason for it. Aren't you curious to know what that is? Give them some of your time, but not all of your time. Make it clear that you have boundaries that you have no intention of changing for them -- at least not yet. 前情人可能會再次出現在你眼前,心情被擾亂的感覺其實不是太好受。 他們也主動開口表示想要再重回你身旁,他們可能有好理由,你不好奇到底是什麼嗎? 可以給對方一點時間,但不是你全部的時間; 也要表示清楚你的界線,告訴他們你現在不想要改變現況 - 至少不是立刻想要改變。 http://goo.gl/LkbPDZ Astrocenter.com Frustration and upset with others in your circle could tempt you to go out and get rid of that energy by spending a lot of money. You might overindulge in food or drink, or you could give in to impulse buying. Treat yourself a little, Aries, but don't go overboard. You don't want to give yourself an upset stomach, and you won't want to take unwanted items back to the store. Instead, get some exercise or throw your passions into creative pursuits. 他人相處的挫折與沮喪讓你想要暫時到外面把精力花在血拼上面。 你可以放縱自己大吃一頓、或者是衝動的狂買些東西; 小小的安慰一下自己沒關係,但是不要太超過哦! 因為你不會想要吃壞肚子或者是再把不想要的東西帶回店裡去退吧! 不然的話,可以把精力花在運動或者是開發一些創意也很好。 http://goo.gl/J8AeDN Claire's The rest of the zodiac will be turning to you for advice, so make sure you add thought to the words you speak this week. It can make or break an important relationship. 行星的運轉會讓你成為給予他人建議指引的對象, 所以本週在表達的時候,記得加上你自己的想法在裡面。 但是要小心,你給出的想法能成就或毀掉一段重要關係。 -- 客氣跟媽媽說過年要請他們吃飯… 結果就被指定說要吃晶英酒店 XDDDDD 我媽根本獅子大開口啊啊啊… -- 事後諸葛的1.0視力 http://goo.gl/w2DKl4 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Aries/M.1453975047.A.B6C.html

01/28 18:12, , 1F
01/28 18:12, 1F

01/28 19:16, , 2F
推牛排屋啦 我今年已經請了兩次了(口袋空
01/28 19:16, 2F

01/28 19:16, , 3F
01/28 19:16, 3F

01/28 20:28, , 4F
01/28 20:28, 4F

01/28 22:50, , 5F
01/28 22:50, 5F

01/28 23:14, , 6F
01/28 23:14, 6F

01/28 23:46, , 7F
01/28 23:46, 7F

01/29 01:53, , 8F
01/29 01:53, 8F

01/29 01:58, , 9F
01/29 01:58, 9F

01/29 02:30, , 10F
01/29 02:30, 10F

01/29 10:40, , 11F
一個運勢兩樣情…我多麼不希望前任出現,那是一場惡夢 XD
01/29 10:40, 11F

01/29 10:41, , 12F
01/29 10:41, 12F

01/29 10:41, , 13F
點最貴的3千多 XDDDD
01/29 10:41, 13F

01/29 12:08, , 14F
各種準 覺得想哭QQ
01/29 12:08, 14F

01/29 12:58, , 15F
01/29 12:58, 15F

01/29 12:59, , 16F
不過要提早訂喔 很快沒位子現在應該都滿了吧...
01/29 12:59, 16F

01/29 12:59, , 17F
鐵板燒就是比較精緻 排餐是吃起來比較不拘束
01/29 12:59, 17F

01/29 17:15, , 18F
01/29 17:15, 18F

01/29 18:33, , 19F
喔喔 第一個中了~~!
01/29 18:33, 19F
文章代碼(AID): #1MgUO7ji (Aries)
文章代碼(AID): #1MgUO7ji (Aries)