[情報] 11/04 羊兒運勢綜論

看板Aries作者 (Chi)時間8年前 (2015/11/03 18:06), 編輯推噓9(903)
留言12則, 12人參與, 最新討論串1/3 (看更多)
http://goo.gl/jBbXjA Astrology.com Today is going to be all about speed! Whether you're ready or not, things are going to move quickly in one of your newer relationships, and you should hang on and see where it goes. Your expectations were so specific that they might not all get met in exactly the way you would have wanted them to, but the overall result should make you very happy. A celebration is coming in the near future that will require you to put on your finest outfit and look your best. 今天(11/04)的重點是速度!不管你準備好了沒有,你的某段新關係進展的速度將會很快; 而你要好好撐著才能看看它往哪邊進行了。 你對某些事情的期待非常明確,所以當它們成真時,或許無法完完全全符合你的要求; 但是整體的結果會讓你十分的開心喲! 近期會有一件值得慶祝的事,而且這值得你把最好的行頭穿上、讓自己看起來超棒的。 http://goo.gl/llBfJf Astrocenter.com Today you might feel unloved even though there's no real reason for it. Your relationships should be pretty strong, but your biorhythms are down so you might be lacking in self-confidence. Phone a close friend and get together. Go shopping or to a movie and raise your spirits. By the end of the day you'll feel like your old self again! 今天(11/04)沒來由的覺得自己似乎不被愛了;但其實你的感情狀況很好, 只是單純因為生理節奏不佳,讓自己沒了自信。 打電話給親近的朋友吧,一起去購物或看場電影讓自己打起精神。 日子結束時,你就會感覺那個原本的自己回來了! http://goo.gl/x9WP7b Claire's After such dramatic events, sometimes it is better not to understand. It can often be the only way to move on without being dragged back by the tide. 經歷過一些戲劇化發展的事情後,有時候最好的辦法就是不要再試著去了解它了。 很多時候,這是唯一讓自己前進、不再被潮水拖著走的最好方式。 -- 大破病…所以拖到今天才上工 每天回家都是東趴西躺的…完全沒有骨頭那般 = = -- 台南都會報Vol. 25 - 畢業生的第一份工作 http://goo.gl/vIlrNM -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Aries/M.1446545168.A.134.html

11/03 18:12, , 1F
11/03 18:12, 1F

11/03 18:29, , 2F
11/03 18:29, 2F

11/03 18:42, , 3F
謝謝翻譯 喜歡這天的所有話語!
11/03 18:42, 3F

11/03 18:50, , 4F
11/03 18:50, 4F

11/03 20:20, , 5F
11/03 20:20, 5F

11/03 20:29, , 6F
11/03 20:29, 6F

11/03 22:38, , 7F
11/03 22:38, 7F

11/03 23:34, , 8F
11/03 23:34, 8F

11/03 23:40, , 9F
11/03 23:40, 9F

11/04 00:37, , 10F
11/04 00:37, 10F

11/05 00:47, , 11F
11/05 00:47, 11F

11/05 09:35, , 12F
還好骨頭回來了 XDDDDD
11/05 09:35, 12F
文章代碼(AID): #1ME8SG4q (Aries)
文章代碼(AID): #1ME8SG4q (Aries)