[情報] 12/26 英文版綜論

看板Aries作者 (杏翎)時間9年前 (2014/12/26 02:10), 9年前編輯推噓12(1201)
留言13則, 12人參與, 最新討論串3/3 (看更多)
http://ppt.cc/g00f Aries, you're bound to enjoy this day! It's full of possibilities and opportunities. It may begin routinely, but keep your eyes and ears open for hints of change. Your new adventure may come about in a mundane way. You might meet someone in line at the store who becomes a business partner. Or maybe you will meet a romantic interest at the ATM. Adventure is all around. Trust that you will find it! 羊兒你一定會享受今天的!今天可是充滿了各種可能與機會。在開始時可能會跟平常一樣 ,但保持眼觀四面耳聽八方,好好注意改變的暗示,你的新冒險可能就是從平凡的地方來 的!你可能會因為在店裡的隊伍中遇見某個人,而他有可能成為合作夥伴,或者你也可能 會在ATM遇到浪漫有趣的事情(我覺得這個超不平凡的啊...)。冒險無所不在!只要相信就 會發生! http://ppt.cc/217L Helping others is as good as it gets for you right now — and every good deed you do racks up twice as much good karma. Something you do this morning comes back to honor you tomorrow. 助人為快樂之本 - 而且你會得到比所做的善行還要更多的回報。你今早做的某件事將會 在隔天回報給你。 http://ppt.cc/16W5 Claire: This boxing day sees you with many questions you want to ask your close ones, but you don't seem to be too sure where to start. Time spent with Sagittarians reveals what you want to know. 克萊兒: 在這個boxing day你似乎有很多問題想要問問親近的人,但你不太確定要從哪邊開始。花 時間和射手座相處,將能看到你所想要知道的。 *boxing day: 其中幾個說法是拆禮物日、節禮日等,但在英語系國家,這天是超低折扣 的日子,除了可以用很棒的價格買到想要的東西外,也能順便挑想要送親友的禮物和該採 購的購物清單。在國外難得一見的超長排隊景象都能在這天看到,像是商家還沒營業就大 排長龍、人多到必須要控管進入人數等等,折扣的部分則有人分享他用4.99的價格就買到 499的東西,如果想知道更詳細的內容就要麻煩大家去google找找看了OAO/ http://ppt.cc/EKGl Frank: There’s a lot of good things going on today and you get the chance to make connections with the kind of people you know will be useful at have around at new year. Don’t be too quick to jump to conclusions in your personal life. If you want to know, then ask. 法蘭克: 今天有各種好事來到,而你會有機會和那些你知道在新的一年會很有用處的人們開始有接 觸。在你的個人生活中不要太快就下定論。如果你想知道,就去問吧。 朋友介紹了新遊戲 - Don't Starve Together 簡單說就是類似Minecraft的荒野求生遊戲 (? 第一次玩已經快熬不過冬天啦XD 是說遊戲現正打折中,最低可以用12塊多就買到全部(含原聲帶),有人有興趣就再說吧 ( 欸 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Aries/M.1419531040.A.867.html

12/26 02:32, , 1F
推! minecraft好玩XD。但是我害怕打怪
12/26 02:32, 1F

12/26 03:04, , 2F
12/26 03:04, 2F

12/26 05:47, , 3F
現在正準備要去Boxing day中!
12/26 05:47, 3F

12/26 07:00, , 4F
12/26 07:00, 4F

12/26 08:33, , 5F
12/26 08:33, 5F

12/26 09:30, , 6F
12/26 09:30, 6F

12/26 10:27, , 7F
12/26 10:27, 7F

12/26 11:41, , 8F
Don't Starve Together看起來好好玩哦!!!
12/26 11:41, 8F
4個人一起玩真的會有餓死的感受 (認真

12/26 12:18, , 9F
12/26 12:18, 9F
※ 編輯: cat412 (, 12/26/2014 14:18:07

12/26 14:29, , 10F
12/26 14:29, 10F

12/26 16:33, , 11F
12/26 16:33, 11F

12/26 21:36, , 12F
12/26 21:36, 12F

12/27 13:35, , 13F
12/27 13:35, 13F
文章代碼(AID): #1Kd5CWXd (Aries)
文章代碼(AID): #1Kd5CWXd (Aries)