[情報] 11/27 英文版綜論

看板Aries作者 (杏翎)時間9年前 (2014/11/27 00:46), 9年前編輯推噓8(801)
留言9則, 8人參與, 最新討論串4/4 (看更多)
http://ppt.cc/g00f You'll want to jump into action today, Aries. Feel free to order others around for a change and delegate. An aggressive approach is exactly what's called for, and you have the ability to deliver the goods. Trying to do everything yourself may seem like a great idea at first, but you're better off enlisting help so others can feel involved and you can concentrate on doing a better job on fewer tasks. 羊兒今天將會想要開始行動,請放心對週遭的人下達改變和委任的指令吧。一個積極的態 度是現在所需要的,而你有這個不負眾望的能力。自己獨力完成所有事情在一開始看來是 很棒的想法,但你最好還是爭取其他幫助,這樣其他人才有參與感,你也才能夠專注在比 較好的工作和比較少的任務。 http://ppt.cc/2HiX Group efforts are more rewarding than anything you could do on your own — so make sure that you’re reaching out and getting others to do the same. Teamwork can move mountains! 團隊努力的成果會比你自己單打獨鬥的還要多 - 所以確定你有伸出手請別人一起來做同 件事吧,團結力量大! http://ppt.cc/4daH Claire: You're not the sign to work in a crowd. You'd be better applying yourself to solo ventures where you can work under your own steam, as and when you need to. Letters bring an intriguing offer. 克萊兒: 你並不是在人群中工作的那個標竿。當你有需要時,自己獨力完成工作對你來說可能會比 較好。信件會帶來奇妙的支援。 http://ppt.cc/qGph Frank: Being decisive is one thing, but whether those close to you are wiling to make their own decisions is another. You cant live their lives for them, but you’ll certainly exert a significant influence. Your confidence is off the charts when it comes to selling yourself. 法蘭克: 果斷做決定是一件事,但那些親近你的願意做下他們的決定時,那又是另一件事了。你不 能代替他們而活,但你一定能發揮重要的影響。當你需要推銷你自己時,你的信心會往下 滑。 中途的兔子在昨晚急診住院,今天情況更糟 在晚上的時候臨時轉移到愛兔名下以便後續醫療 (太龐大了承擔不了..) 雖然只照顧了一週也知道她接下來會有人接手,卻還是好感傷啊・゜・(PД`q。)・゜・ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Aries/M.1417020405.A.D3D.html

11/27 01:25, , 1F
11/27 01:25, 1F

11/27 02:20, , 2F
11/27 02:20, 2F

11/27 03:11, , 3F
11/27 03:11, 3F

11/27 06:52, , 4F
11/27 06:52, 4F

11/27 11:06, , 5F
推 還好有人接手了。祝福兔兔~
11/27 11:06, 5F

11/27 12:12, , 6F
辛苦了…先前也中途過一隻流浪狗 找失主認養人又醫病的
11/27 12:12, 6F

11/27 12:13, , 7F
11/27 12:13, 7F

11/27 12:42, , 8F
推!最近真的是蠻不順的 希望會好轉啊唉
11/27 12:42, 8F

11/27 14:39, , 9F
11/27 14:39, 9F
大概可以自己就自己,要團隊就團隊吧...大家都寫得不一樣啊啊啊 <囧> ※ 編輯: cat412 (, 11/27/2014 14:50:40
文章代碼(AID): #1KTWFrqz (Aries)
文章代碼(AID): #1KTWFrqz (Aries)