[情報] 12/04 英文版綜論

看板Aries作者 (杏翎)時間10年前 (2013/12/03 23:53), 編輯推噓7(700)
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http://ppt.cc/g00f There's a terrific, warm, and nurturing quality to the day. The people around you are validating your inner and outer aspects. Emotions could get intense, but your grounded perspective helps you see through the situation. Spend time cooking up a great meal for those you love. If you don't feel like cooking, splurge on a good meal at your favorite restaurant. 這裡有個了不起、溫暖和培育素質的一天。你周遭的人正在驗證你的內在和外表。情緒可 能會是較激烈或是緊張,但你穩定的視角能幫助你看清情況。花點時間煮頓飯給你所愛的 人們吧,如果你對料理不拿手,那就帶他們去餐廳吃點好料的吧! http://ppt.cc/aoq5 You can make a real difference as long as you believe in yourself — so make sure that you’re giving yourself the benefit of the doubt and marching forward toward your epic destiny! 只要你相信自己,你就能做到真正的區別--所以就相信自己,並且走往你那史詩般的命運 吧! 每日運勢學英文(?): "give the benefit of the doubt"是一句英文成語(/諺語),意思是指寧願相信這是好的 ,也不要相信這是壞的。 http://ppt.cc/TF6j Claire: A little self criticism is beneficial. Too much is harmful. You’re taking stock of where you’ve been and where you are and this enables you to make your most constructive move yet. 克萊兒: 稍微自我批評一下是有好處的,太多反而有害。你正在累積曾經去過和現在所在的地方的 經驗,這可以讓你的下一步更有建設性。 http://ppt.cc/W0jD Frank: It’s an ideal day to broaden your horizons, but be careful how much you take on board, as Christmas is just around the corner and you don’t want to run out of energy. 法蘭克: 今天是擴展視野的理想日子,但要注意你帶了多少能量去拓展;就像是聖誕節快要到了, 你也不想在節日來前用光你的能量吧? 換了熱水器有久違的熱水 結果太舒服一直度估快睡著了XDD (之前寒流只有溫冷水太折磨人了) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

12/04 00:24, , 1F
12/04 00:24, 1F

12/04 00:28, , 2F
12/04 00:28, 2F

12/04 02:19, , 3F
12/04 02:19, 3F

12/04 05:26, , 4F
12/04 05:26, 4F

12/04 07:50, , 5F
12/04 07:50, 5F

12/04 08:12, , 6F
12/04 08:12, 6F

12/04 09:36, , 7F
12/04 09:36, 7F
文章代碼(AID): #1IdVvdgi (Aries)
文章代碼(AID): #1IdVvdgi (Aries)