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看板Aries作者 (愛睏的眠羊)時間11年前 (2013/03/17 18:03), 編輯推噓5(500)
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http://my.horoscope.com/astrology/tomorrow-horoscope-aries.html Today you might concentrate on some very close work, Aries, perhaps a drawing or painting, sewing, jewelry making, or creating a new recipe. You may take longer to do this than you normally do, probably because there are a lot of details involved. This is good, because you will be happy with what you do. Take occasional breaks or you could strain your eyes. 今天你可能會專注在一些相近的工作,可能是素描、繪畫、裁縫、珠寶設計或設計新食譜 。這份工作會比往常花更多時間,因為有很多細節要處理。但沒關係,因為這是你喜歡做 的事情。別忘了偶爾要休息,不然眼睛會壞掉喔~ http://0rz.tw/0HFO1 Clarity is highly prized on a day like today — so make sure that you are being as clear as you can be, especially with friends and family. Don’t let misunderstandings linger long, either! 清楚易懂是今天的首要任務,確保你的一舉一動都保持言行如一,特別是和家人或朋友相 處時。別留下任何誤解。 Use your naturally warm personality to help melt the cold shoulder you’ve been getting from someone you work with or see daily. It’s a fun challenge for which you are perfectly ready, right now! Send them a sweet email that offers some genuine compliments. Tell them what a cool person you think they are. Consider this your last chance to get through to them, because it just might be. If they don’t respond to your overtures today, just move on. It’s their loss. 用你熱情的性格去融化那些與你朝夕相處、或每天一同工作的人冰冷的態度吧。你已經準 備好面對這好玩的挑戰,隨時都可以! 寄給他們一封充滿誠摯讚美的信,告訴他們你覺得他們有多酷。把這當作你最後一次能改 善關係的機會(因為可能也真的是)。如果今天之內沒有任何回覆,就算了吧,這是他們 的損失。 http://theastrologyroom.com/daily-horoscopes/ Claire Not long to go now before you get your answer Aries, but I can see that the patience you’re having to show is agony. Dealing with a younger person’s problem today kills time and helps out. 克萊兒: 離你得到答案的時間已經不遠了,但我能看出這段忍耐是痛苦的。何不在今天協助一位年 輕人處理問題呢?至少能殺殺時間。 Frank Do you have private doubts, worries, fears or insecurities over a relationship? Or is it the joint funds involved that leave you on edge? Time to ask questions. 法蘭克: 是你個人對關係的懷疑、擔憂、恐懼或不安全感嗎?或是某個你參與的共同基金讓你坐立 不安呢?該坐下來好好思考了。 ------------ 法蘭克是想討論最近如果羊們心情不好,是什麼原因嗎XD -- -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

03/17 19:13, , 1F
03/17 19:13, 1F

03/17 20:37, , 2F
是喜歡的人忽冷忽熱QAQ 不過今天抽塔羅抽到快告白
03/17 20:37, 2F

03/17 22:13, , 3F
03/17 22:13, 3F

03/17 23:43, , 4F
喜歡的人忽冷忽熱+1 不要再對我忽冷忽熱了啊!!!
03/17 23:43, 4F

03/18 00:03, , 5F
03/18 00:03, 5F
文章代碼(AID): #1HHPK15X (Aries)
文章代碼(AID): #1HHPK15X (Aries)