[情報] 3/14英文版綜論

看板Aries作者 (愛睏的眠羊)時間11年前 (2013/03/13 20:53), 編輯推噓4(402)
留言6則, 6人參與, 最新討論串2/2 (看更多)
http://my.horoscope.com/astrology/tomorrow-horoscope-aries.html Today you may feel out of sorts, Aries. You aren't sick, just exhausted from the effort you've been putting in at work lately. This is a sign of stress and an indicator that you need a real day off from chores and personal projects. Forget the workload you'd planned for the day. If you relax, everything you don't finish today can be done tomorrow. Take the day off - you need it! 今天你覺得有點不舒服,倒不是因為生病,而是最近羊羊們太過投入工作,導致筋疲力竭 。這代表你壓力有點大,建議放自己一天假,從各種瑣碎事務中抽離開。忘記今天預定的 工作排程吧~就算放了一天假,明天你還是可以完成所有的事情。 跟上司請個假吧,你 真的很需要。 http://0rz.tw/0HFO1 Your ambition is rarely a secret, and on a day like today, what you want is clear to see. Go for it — your path shouldn’t be blocked, and even if you run into trouble, you can handle it with ease. 老實說,你的野心就跟司馬昭的一樣 - 路人皆知。在今天這樣的日子裡,你真正想要 的東西將變得清晰可見。去追吧,別讓你道路被阻擋,就算你走錯了路,你也能輕易解決 問題。 It is time for you to experience a few new things in your life. Your day-to-day routine is losing some of its excitement and you run a slight risk of getting too complacent — and lazy! If you are living on a tight budget right now, don’t worry — it doesn’t require a lot of money to go exploring. As a matter of fact, doing it on the cheap is often much more interesting than going first class all the way. So put on some comfortable shoes and take a new path at least once today. 包包款款,準備好去體驗新事物了嗎?日復一日的例行工作開始失去新鮮感,你也有點變 得容易自滿且怠惰,要特別小心。 「可是我沒有錢(戳手指)」免煩惱,冒險並不需要花很多錢。事實上就是因為沒五星級 飯店住、沒包車包船包機票,冒險才顯得好玩咩。穿上你最舒服的鞋,今天至少開發一條 新上班上學的路線吧! http://theastrologyroom.com/daily-horoscopes/ Claire Having a personal life is very important for your sign. Without ‘me’ time you are not able to think with a balanced mind and heart. Making the time today could prove electrifying. 克萊兒: 你很需要保有個人生活。如果沒有自己專屬的時間,羊們就無法維持平衡的身心來思考。 今天為自己留點時間,你會發現驚喜的功效。 Frank A subconscious urge may excite the rebel in you, or prompt you to take edgy action to get what you want. If you ruffle feathers then you can expect negative feedback 法蘭克: 潛意識聲聲催促,讓你體內的反叛因子蠢蠢欲動,或讓你不擇手段奪取想要的東西。如果 你搞毛了周圍的人,下場也可想而知。 ------------------- 身心平衡啊... -- -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

03/13 21:29, , 1F
03/13 21:29, 1F

03/13 22:54, , 2F
03/13 22:54, 2F

03/13 23:08, , 3F
03/13 23:08, 3F

03/14 00:37, , 4F
已經決定明天要請假了~ 0.0"
03/14 00:37, 4F

03/14 00:45, , 5F
03/14 00:45, 5F

03/15 12:31, , 6F
03/15 12:31, 6F
文章代碼(AID): #1HG7RBOk (Aries)
文章代碼(AID): #1HG7RBOk (Aries)