[吐草] 12/11 英文版綜論

看板Aries作者 (蛋蛋)時間11年前 (2012/12/10 19:42), 編輯推噓4(400)
留言4則, 4人參與, 最新討論串3/3 (看更多)
http://my.horoscope.com/astrology/tomorrow-horoscope-aries.html If you've been thinking about a job change or even a new career, a chance encounter could provide the opportunity. However, Aries, remember, "If something seems too good to be true, it probably is." Get the facts as clearly as you can. Consider all the ins and outs before committing yourself or getting too excited about it. If you still want to pursue the opportunity, go for it. 其實你想跳槽肖想創業想很久了吧!!(指 如果是這樣的話~今天剛好天外飛來一個機會!!! 可是阿~咩!記住喔! 如果事情真的好到令人難以相信,那就可能不是真的喔!! 盡量讓自己去看清事情的真相!多了解你將要涉入的地方... 在自己完全投入、興奮難耐之前,先考慮周全~ 雞毛蒜皮、有的沒的全都要仔細的計畫... 如果仔細認真的的思考過了,你還是想要,那就去做去追吧!!(柑芭爹) http://shine.yahoo.com/horoscope/aries/overview-daily-20121207.html There's a lot more going on than meets the eye, so you ought to make sure that you are dealing with it appropriately. It's a tough time for sure, but that just means you need to step up and be a grown-up about it! 事情比你看到的還要多很多喔!! 所以要注意你是不是都有處理好,都有做到!? 是啦~很累啦!現在是非常時期我知道... 可是阿~這也表示你正向前邁步,開始長大了阿!(我不想長大o(〒︿〒)o 促膝長談: You're eager for a sense of renewal to come into your life -- both in terms of the environment around you, and in terms of your own emotions. If you're feeling stale, you need to create your own fresh air and sunshine -- in the form of good energy and good times with your friends. Get together with the silliest folks you know and have a ball just sitting around complaining about the weather. You can't go wrong when you're with them. 你真的很想要你的生活重新開始... 不管是現在所處的環境啦,還是你自己的心情啦~ 都想換然一新對吧!? 如果你覺得這一切真的太無聊,不好玩! 是不會自己找樂子喔!?"快樂是自找的,不是你給我的"沒聽過喔?!(翻白眼 開開心心、充滿朝氣的去找找朋友阿~ 找那些超蠢、超白爛的人訴訴苦、天方夜譚、大抱怨都OK阿! 跟他們在一起,不用小心翼翼,費勁心力注意什麼該什麼不該~ 就是能輕鬆簡單,簡單快樂!! http://theastrologyroom.com/daily-horoscopes/claires-daily-horoscopes-tuesday Good times are in the stars for you on this day. You are going to find it hard not to smile. Why? Because you’re about to find out that your feelings are reciprocated! 再累也要跟你喝杯咖啡... 星星:事情就是該浪費在美好的人事物上~XDD 怎麼會眉開眼笑,止不住笑意勒(≧<>≦) 因為你知道"你快樂所以我也快樂"的意思了阿!! 快樂是會傳染的... -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 真的好冷!!咩咩們要小心注意身體阿~ 今天雖然沒有忙到不可開交, 可是這樣東弄弄西做做, 沒想到一抬頭看,下班時間就到了... 完全來不及Mondayblue╮(╯▽╰)/ 整個就很開心阿XD今天怎麼不太有星期一的痛苦感覺XDD 希望咩咩們都能這樣! 簡單快樂,快樂簡單~ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

12/10 20:35, , 1F
感謝翻譯 = ))
12/10 20:35, 1F

12/10 22:20, , 2F
12/10 22:20, 2F

12/10 23:24, , 3F
12/10 23:24, 3F

12/11 00:12, , 4F
12/11 00:12, 4F
文章代碼(AID): #1GnSgVvu (Aries)
文章代碼(AID): #1GnSgVvu (Aries)