[吐草] 12/06 英文版綜論

看板Aries作者 (蛋蛋)時間11年前 (2012/12/05 20:03), 編輯推噓19(1907)
留言26則, 21人參與, 最新討論串2/2 (看更多)
http://my.horoscope.com/astrology/tomorrow-horoscope-aries.html You might find it difficult to deal with people on an emotional level today, Aries. Others could seem too demanding of your attention, and want to keep the focus on themselves. At the same time, you will probably need a bit more attention than usual. Try not to be so stubborn! Give people the love they need and you will find that the love you require will come to you as well. 咩咩們今天在"騎哞擠"上(脾氣),很難去跟人家相處!! 其他人太想要你去注意他們了(感覺很紅XD 可是你也很想把焦點放在自己身上阿!(感覺很想紅XDD 別那麼死腦筋嘛~! 人家想要你怎麼愛他(她),你就這樣去愛嘛~ 之後你會發現你想要的愛也會飛回來的啦!!! http://shine.yahoo.com/horoscope/aries/overview-daily-20121201.html You should take better care of yourself -- though that's hardly unique! You do have uniquely focused energy today, though, so you should be able to follow through on even the loftiest of health goals! 多照顧好自己一點好嗎? 可是這樣就不特別了阿~(是說大家都很會照顧自己嗎?XD 但是你今天卻擁有獨一無二的專注力阿!夠特別吧!! 所以你所能注意到最微乎其微的健康方式,都拿來實行吧!! 延伸閱讀:◢▆▅▄▃崩╰(〒皿〒)╯潰▃▄▅▇◣ It's the squeaky wheel that usually gets all the oil, so if you are in need of some attention today, you'll have to speak up loudly, early and often! The usual agitators in your group won't be making much noise right now, so the coast should be clear for you to take center stage for a while. You might have to guard this attention soon, though -- your window of opportunity will be closing by the end of the day. So speak up now or forever hold your peace. 會吵的小孩有糖吃!! 所以如果真的很想在聚光燈下,那就大聲唱~~( ‵□′)───C<─___-)||| 我是說,如果有什麼想被注意的,就大聲的講、早點說、常常提阿!! 平常意見一大堆的今天竟然不吵了!? 那就趁勢跳上舞台中央,大搶麥克風阿XDDDD 想要得到注意,你要自己知道怎麼吸引目光!! 阿這個被關注的機會倏忽即逝喔(舉食指 今天一結束,這個機會也就"no速"了(沒了 所以~要就趁現在喊出來,不然就去沉默之丘住囉!(2要上映了XD http://theastrologyroom.com/daily-horoscopes/claires-daily-horoscopes-thursday Today should see you turn an important corner with the way that you look at life and indeed love. You finally seem to realise that you don’t have to say what other people want to hear. 今天會碰到你生活上跟真愛中的轉捩點(⊙o⊙)!! 你終於知道了!(拍手 不需要去說別人喜歡聽的!不需要去做別人想要你做的!!(拍肩 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (〒︿〒),有大大反應看不懂,搞的我很慌... 可是現在反而是我不懂:看不懂的點是?? 回顧了一下一直以來的翻譯,我...我真的不懂= = 心情因此有點saaaad~ 可是我不管啦!我就是不想不喜歡逐字翻啦!! 你看caca大的翻譯可以看到貼心的"每日重點提示", 你看我的翻譯就是會感覺有個白目朋友在跟你喇賽啦!! That's my style(yo~check it out 我保證不會扭曲原意, 如果有,就是我弄錯英文的意思,請務必跟我說!!我也邊學嘛XD 我就是會話多,會過HIGH,會有情緒的字眼,會愛做結論 提醒我一下我會收斂的啦~可是不要叫我只照字面翻啦!(打滾 第三則是在跟我說的嗎?v( ̄︶ ̄)y<---自己腦補XD 是運勢叫我不要妥協的...(心虛 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

12/05 20:05, , 1F
感謝翻譯,這兩天都有看懂了QwQ 之前的有些看不到重點Q3Q
12/05 20:05, 1F

12/05 20:09, , 2F
12/05 20:09, 2F

12/05 20:09, , 3F
12/05 20:09, 3F

12/05 20:11, , 4F
12/05 20:11, 4F

12/05 20:12, , 5F
12/05 20:12, 5F
※ 編輯: remenberegg 來自: (12/05 20:16)

12/05 20:17, , 6F
kersznre大謝謝~真的,我們回到過去了XD 怎麼改標題!!?
12/05 20:17, 6F

12/05 20:32, , 7F
12/05 20:32, 7F
※ 編輯: remenberegg 來自: (12/05 20:43)

12/05 20:44, , 8F
12/05 20:44, 8F

12/05 21:42, , 9F
12/05 21:42, 9F

12/05 22:07, , 10F
我還是很喜歡你翻譯的,輕鬆可愛又特別啊:D 加油~
12/05 22:07, 10F

12/05 22:35, , 11F
12/05 22:35, 11F

12/05 22:53, , 12F
12/05 22:53, 12F

12/05 23:01, , 13F
12/05 23:01, 13F

12/06 00:15, , 14F
感謝翻譯 還好呀 都看得懂呀>"<
12/06 00:15, 14F

12/06 00:23, , 15F
推 超喜歡你的翻譯
12/06 00:23, 15F

12/06 00:37, , 16F
12/06 00:37, 16F

12/06 01:01, , 17F
自己翻得開心就好了啦 XD 我好愛第三則喔~(冒愛心)
12/06 01:01, 17F

12/06 01:01, , 18F
而且你的風格學也學不來~超棒的 :D
12/06 01:01, 18F

12/06 01:59, , 19F
12/06 01:59, 19F

12/06 02:01, , 20F
就是讀得很不順暢 而且不看原文 不知道哪裡是本意
12/06 02:01, 20F

12/06 02:02, , 21F
但確實不會看不懂 喜歡的人就會看囉 何必配合每個人
12/06 02:02, 21F

12/06 03:29, , 22F
12/06 03:29, 22F

12/06 11:32, , 23F
推樓樓上QQ 看得很辛苦要再回去念原文
12/06 11:32, 23F

12/06 12:01, , 24F
12/06 12:01, 24F

12/06 13:18, , 25F
12/06 13:18, 25F

12/06 20:10, , 26F
推atan 不過還是謝謝翻譯 反正我多看一次英文當練習XD
12/06 20:10, 26F
文章代碼(AID): #1GlpWBWp (Aries)
文章代碼(AID): #1GlpWBWp (Aries)