[情報] 06/09 英文版綜論

看板Aries作者 (如果我能保護妳)時間12年前 (2012/06/08 22:18), 編輯推噓17(1701)
留言18則, 16人參與, 最新討論串1/3 (看更多)
http://my.horoscope.com/astrology/tomorrow-horoscope-aries.html You're likely to be feeling especially romantic today, Aries. If you're currently involved, plan an intimate evening at home with your lover. If you aren't involved, anything goes. Don't be surprised if someone new and exciting comes into your life. Your imagination is high, so you might decide to put your energy into creative projects. Take whatever time you need. Don't let the day pass you by. 今天你可能會覺的特別浪漫,羊羊們。如果你目前正參與策劃在家與愛人度過甜蜜夜晚, 而如果你不參與,一切都會消失。如果有新血和振奮人心的人進入了你的生活,千萬不要 感到訝異。你的想像力非常豐富,所以你可能決定將精力投入創作議題。善用你的時間, 別讓今天虛度而過。 http://shine.yahoo.com/astrology/aries/daily-overview/20120609/ Quickie Your curiosity might be getting the better of you right now -- so stop asking why. Overview You love to improvise, but on a day like today, why not try planning ahead? You've got the right kind of mental energy to dream up something great, so run with it and gather your forces. 快訊 現在你的好奇心可能會使你更進一步。所以,別再胡亂瞎問了。 綜述 你喜歡來個神來一筆、自由發揮,但像今天這樣的日子,為何不事先規劃呢?人生有夢, 築夢踏實。善用你的心靈能量去好好實現吧。 http://theastrologyroom.com/daily-horoscopes/june-daily-horoscopes-saturday-9th Things will turn out a lot better than you think, so stop worrying. This is a particularly good time for any sort of mental activity such as studying. The world is your oyster now Aries. Enjoy. 事情會變成比你想像的好了很多,所以不用擔心。參與像學習等任何與心靈層面有關的活 動,現在是個絕佳的好時機。現在, 吃光世界上的牡蠣吧 羊羊們。享受下去。 (開創人生,盡其在我) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 感謝參閱 勞煩 明天拜託善心人士一天 幫忙星期天的 讓大家不會斷糧 -- ╔═孤問直指══════╗ 創世真龍終末之章 禍龍敗亡命喪蒼雲 ╚══════如燕翱翔═╝ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

06/08 22:21, , 1F
推!! 感謝K大接手~辛苦了~~~
06/08 22:21, 1F

06/08 22:38, , 2F
06/08 22:38, 2F

06/08 22:42, , 3F
06/08 22:42, 3F

06/08 22:51, , 4F
06/08 22:51, 4F

06/08 23:12, , 5F
好開心...謝K大 XDD
06/08 23:12, 5F

06/08 23:18, , 6F
推 謝謝
06/08 23:18, 6F

06/08 23:38, , 7F
06/08 23:38, 7F

06/08 23:45, , 8F
06/08 23:45, 8F

06/08 23:50, , 9F
不過第一則的Anything goes好像是任何事都有可能發生@@
06/08 23:50, 9F

06/08 23:52, , 10F
06/08 23:52, 10F

06/09 00:54, , 11F
我也覺得是說: 有伴的就來個親密之夜;單身的..有無限可能
06/09 00:54, 11F

06/09 00:54, , 12F
06/09 00:54, 12F

06/09 01:17, , 13F
感謝翻譯>w< k大真好!!!!羊版超棒有你們
06/09 01:17, 13F

06/09 01:52, , 14F
我來吧~~ 不過他哪時會放呀
06/09 01:52, 14F

06/09 02:27, , 15F
06/09 02:27, 15F

06/09 02:44, , 16F
感謝翻譯!!! :D
06/09 02:44, 16F

06/09 09:45, , 17F
06/09 09:45, 17F

06/09 11:45, , 18F
推petestar跟Irra 當然也謝謝k大
06/09 11:45, 18F
文章代碼(AID): #1FqWd9-e (Aries)
文章代碼(AID): #1FqWd9-e (Aries)