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看板Aries作者 (注音很慢的打字機)時間13年前 (2011/01/27 21:11), 編輯推噓5(501)
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http://my.horoscope.com/astrology/tomorrow-horoscope-aries.html Today you might have thoughts of expanding your horizons, perhaps on a monumental level, Aries. You might consider traveling or even moving to a distant place. Returning to school for an advanced degree could also be a possibility. Your mind could be on expansion less for financial gain than for personal growth. This is good, because the latter often leads to the former. Go for it. 羊兒,你今天或許會想拓展一下自己的視野,甚至去做一些天馬行空的傻事,旅行、搬到 遙遠的地方,或者是回到學校,攻讀個碩士、博士之類的,雖然你比較在意能不能讓自己 有所成長,能不能賺錢倒是其次,這樣淡薄名利是很好,不過古人說「書中自有黃金屋、 顏如玉」,魚與熊掌可以兼得,也是美事一樁,反正人生下來就是要做些傻事。 http://shine.yahoo.com/astrology/aries/daily-overview/20110128/ Quickie Your calm demeanor is valuable. Resist the urge to get caught up in any drama. Overview You're moving too quickly to worry about other people's feelings right now -- but that's okay. You can patch things up later, but you're just making too much progress to let yourself slow down. 快報 潔身自愛、作壁上觀,不要隨便淌渾水。 概述 你現在正勢如破竹,實在無暇顧及其他人的感受,不過這也沒關係,反正日後再補救就好 了。目前事情的進展順利到不行,讓你根本就停不下來。 http://theastrologyroom.com/daily-horoscopes/ All is about to be revealed about something which you have been curious about for some time. Take your time when dealing with paperwork today as it is more important than you could imagine my friend. 某件你一直感到有趣的事今天終於可以一窺全豹。處理文書作業的時候,記得要慢工出細 活,這件事的重要性非同小可,不要貪快誤事了。 ============================================================================== 中翻英好難.... -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

01/27 21:15, , 1F
01/27 21:15, 1F

01/27 21:25, , 2F
01/27 21:25, 2F

01/27 22:03, , 3F
01/27 22:03, 3F

01/27 22:14, , 4F
是英翻中啦 我只是在抱怨白天的工作而已
01/27 22:14, 4F

01/27 22:19, , 5F
XD 不過原PO英翻中翻得好好耶
01/27 22:19, 5F

01/27 23:06, , 6F
好準好準 我最近真的是這樣想的耶!!!!
01/27 23:06, 6F
文章代碼(AID): #1DGMxf30 (Aries)
文章代碼(AID): #1DGMxf30 (Aries)