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看板Aries作者 (注音很慢的打字機)時間13年前 (2011/01/22 19:55), 編輯推噓3(300)
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http://my.horoscope.com/astrology/tomorrow-horoscope-aries.html Today you might be constantly engaged in deep, intense thought, Aries. There probably isn't a specific matter that you're concerned about, but you may find that a number of different fragments of information capture your attention and get your mind going. Don't write this off as crazy behavior. Write down your thoughts. They may prove useful later. 羊兒,你今天會時常陷入沉思,思索的內容並沒有一定的主題,千頭萬緒在心中如萬馬奔 騰,讓你悠然神往。別讓這些念頭如浮光掠影般轉瞬消失無蹤,應一一記錄下來,時候到 了,自然就會派上用場。 http://shine.yahoo.com/astrology/aries/daily-overview/20110123/ Quickie Don't worry about potential snags. Just let go and enjoy the roller-coaster ride. Overview Now is the time for you to get started on something new and big -- maybe a new business partnership? Whatever it is, you should find that things go swimmingly for you if you start today. 快報 不需要杞人憂天,放寬心,事情時好時壞也是一種滋味。 概述 又到了著手進行大計畫的時候了,不管是找個新的事業合夥人還是其他事情,只要從今天 開始做起,就會發現一切順利到不行。 http://theastrologyroom.com/daily-horoscopes/ What you think to be fact may turn out to be only fiction. Slow your pace please and try to look at the bigger picture. Certain close ones have been trying to cover their backs. 你認為是真實的東西原來只是虛構出來的產物。請你放慢腳步,以更宏觀的角度來看待事 情。有些親信正在文過飾非,極力撇清自己的責任。 ============================================================================== 昨天的翻譯似乎有些人有疑問 在此一併解答 checkup 這個字翻成「身體檢查」似乎不太好 一般說法應該是「健康檢查」 快報是從「畫龍點睛」這句成語轉化出來 幫龍畫上眼睛是畫龍的收尾工作 昨天快報的意思是說:工作的最後一個步驟要由你來完成 記得要做好準備 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

01/22 21:59, , 1F
01/22 21:59, 1F

01/22 22:01, , 2F
親信? 根本就沒有得相信吧 XD
01/22 22:01, 2F

01/23 00:41, , 3F
01/23 00:41, 3F
文章代碼(AID): #1DEiN7hz (Aries)
文章代碼(AID): #1DEiN7hz (Aries)