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看板Aries作者 (注音很慢的打字機)時間13年前 (2010/12/18 20:30), 編輯推噓11(1100)
留言11則, 10人參與, 最新討論串1/2 (看更多)
http://my.horoscope.com/astrology/tomorrow-horoscope-aries.html Give it a rest today, Aries. Recharge your batteries. Stick close to home and take a load off your feet. Convince someone to give you a massage, or better yet, go to a professional. You deserve a break. Once you're restored, consider all the ramifications of whatever actions you take before you start. Plan your moves carefully. Be strong and decisive not rash and frantic. 羊兒,請好好休息一天吧!暫時把外務拋開,待在家裡養精蓄銳,叫人幫你來個馬殺雞, 還是找個專業按摩師也行;休息是為了走更長的路,一旦你恢復精力後,記得不管做什麼 事,都要先把每件事情的枝枝節節梳理一番,謹慎計畫每一個步驟,勇往直前,而不躁進 貪功。 http://shine.yahoo.com/astrology/aries/daily-overview/20101219/ Quickie You're well on your way to breaking bad habits -- congratulations, now celebrate! Overview Keep all communication short but sweet today -- that's how you can guarantee that people get the most important bits first. Save the idle chatter for some other day -- you need to get down to business! 快報 戒除惡習的進展良好,恭喜你,好好慶祝一番吧! 概述 溝通要保持簡潔明快、理直氣和,確保其他人在第一時間就抓到你要表達的重點,先把該 做的事做好,不著邊際的閒話就留到改天再說吧! http://theastrologyroom.com/daily-horoscopes/ You think that your recent actions to support a close one have gone unnoticed. You are wrong and conversations you have tonight will show how very far you have both come with your relationship. 你或許覺得自己為親近的人付出這麼多,對方卻似乎一直渾然不覺;快別這麼想了,你們 今晚聊過之後,你就會明白,你付出的一切並非徒勞無功... ============================================================================== -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

12/18 20:56, , 1F
12/18 20:56, 1F

12/18 20:59, , 2F
12/18 20:59, 2F

12/18 21:15, , 3F
12/18 21:15, 3F

12/18 21:23, , 4F
12/18 21:23, 4F

12/19 00:08, , 5F
12/19 00:08, 5F

12/19 00:50, , 6F
12/19 00:50, 6F

12/19 01:31, , 7F
12/19 01:31, 7F

12/19 01:49, , 8F
12/19 01:49, 8F

12/19 08:48, , 9F
快報跟最後一則!! 希望有準到
12/19 08:48, 9F

12/19 15:21, , 10F
12/19 15:21, 10F

12/19 23:21, , 11F
12/19 23:21, 11F
文章代碼(AID): #1D3Ac1V5 (Aries)
文章代碼(AID): #1D3Ac1V5 (Aries)