[S8 ] Adam新單曲 Want

看板AmericanIdol作者 (R費)時間15年前 (2009/06/20 12:06), 編輯推噓11(1105)
留言16則, 7人參與, 最新討論串1/2 (看更多)
第一支單曲出現了 Adam Lambert - Want http://music-mix.ew.com/2009/06/adam-lambert-want-new-single.html 當然不是他秋天要推出的專輯。 這首歌是在 05年錄的,現在即將在夏天隨著之前錄的歌, Hi Fi Recordings/Wilshire Records推出專輯 On With the Show, Want就是主打歌。 就是 Just Be Free, Best Kept Secret那種專輯啦~ 錄音品質當然普普通通,但聲音表現真的很好。 下面是 Adam對於這件事的回應: "Back in 2005 when I was a struggling artist, I was hired as a studio singer to lend my vocals to tracks written by someone else. I was broke at the time and this was my chance to make a few bucks, so I jumped at the opportunity to record for my first time in a professional studio. The work I did back then in no way reflects the music I am currently in the studio working on. I'm thrilled to be working with some of today's hottest songwriters and producers and can't wait for people to hear what my music really sounds like." -- Britney Spears Britney Spears Britney Spears Britney Spears Britney Spears You're a Womanizer baby. Womanizer, Womanizer, You're a Womanizer baby. Britney Spears Britney Spears Britney Spears Britney Spears Britney Spears Womanizer, Womanizhttp://rfed.pixnet.net/blog/post/21866566 omanizer, Britney Spears Britney Spears Britney Spears Britney Spears Britney Spears You're a Womanizer baby. Womanizer, Womanizer, You're a Womanizer baby. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

06/20 12:20, , 1F
推!!! 好聽!!!
06/20 12:20, 1F

06/20 12:32, , 2F
06/20 12:32, 2F

06/20 15:45, , 3F
06/20 15:45, 3F

06/20 16:33, , 4F
06/20 16:33, 4F

06/20 17:23, , 5F
06/20 17:23, 5F

06/20 20:30, , 6F
06/20 20:30, 6F

06/20 20:45, , 7F
真的蠻好聽的 我一直手動重複聽了好幾次
06/20 20:45, 7F

06/21 00:35, , 8F
其實有使用firefox的人可以去安裝download helper
06/21 00:35, 8F

06/21 00:35, , 9F
06/21 00:35, 9F

06/21 00:36, , 10F
06/21 00:36, 10F

06/21 00:36, , 11F
06/21 00:36, 11F

06/21 00:37, , 12F
對啊XD 所以我找到了MP3版本的網頁
06/21 00:37, 12F

06/21 00:39, , 13F
06/21 00:39, 13F

06/25 22:34, , 14F
前奏好像Eternal Flame... 所以他那時是幫人家錄demo帶?
06/25 22:34, 14F

06/25 22:35, , 15F
當當這麼棒的才人也有窮困潦倒的時候> <
06/25 22:35, 15F

06/27 15:47, , 16F
06/27 15:47, 16F
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文章代碼(AID): #1AF61HGK (AmericanIdol)