Re: 請教這個橋段的詳細內容

看板Alan_Ball作者 (The L Word)時間19年前 (2005/04/08 00:34), 編輯推噓4(400)
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※ 引述《Arendt (離我遠點。)》之銘言: : 剛躺在床上發呆,突然想起這個橋段, : SFU第二季以後因為時段問題我沒有看了,DVD還沒時間拆@@。 : 我記得有次趕上看最後半小時吧, : 看到Nate和Brenda大吵, : 好像是Brenda和兩個路人甲乙上床,寫在文章裡, : Nate發現那不是故事而是真的事情, : 當時看他們吵架的時候覺得好痛噢, : 每一句話都正中對方最脆弱的部份, : 第一次看到螢幕上的情侶吵架, : 會讓我覺得痛得不忍心多看一眼的感覺。 : 最後是Nate拔下戒指, : Brenda哭著說Don't throw the ring.It's fucking cliche. : I'll fucking barf! : Nate把戒指對著她扔過去說,Barf! : 我剛去找劇本網站找不到這一段耶, : 請問哪位大大記得這段是在哪一季的哪一集呢? : 我對他們每句對白都印象深刻, : 但是詳細的不太記得, : 請看過的板友指教囉^^。 以下是我用聽寫的紀錄下來的 有些可能不太正確 但大概是這樣了 希望裡面有你要的東西 N:turn it on. B:Nate,please, come on. N:turn it on........alright.....fiction my ass. N:Is there everything you've written here is everything you actually done? B:No. N:Alright, then. Would you read the shit out loud, or you're gonna tell me what is true B:No, it's my writing. It's private. N:No, i don't care. You don't get the private until you Go'damn tell me the truth. B:Get it back to me. Who do the fuck you think you are? N:Who the fuck am I? Who the fuck are you! B:You know who I am, Nate! I am the woman that fucked you in the closet in the airport in couple hours after i met you. That's true who i was the day we met. N:You really fucked two guys? B:You have sex with two women at once? N:Not when i was engaged to you. B:Oh, no, you only had sex with one woman when you're engaged to me without a condom. N:Where did you fuck them? did you fuck them in our bed? why don't you just break up with me? Jesus Christ! B:I don't know. I don't know why i did it. I don't know. I fucking wish God that i did..... N:Did you fuck your brother? B:Alright, go there. N:Oh, why not go. did you? B:Did you fuck the rabbi? I know you wanted to. N:No. B:I bet it was because she wouldn't. And just for the record, you did it in Seattle before I ever. N:I was scared to death. I just had the fucking seizure. B:And that thing. You would have told me about it. You haven't been forced to. N:You know what. Maybe i felt safe with her. To be frankly speaking, that's something i never felt with you. B:Oh, you felt safe with her. N:Yah. B:Yah, because you are leaving the next day. N:Oh, God. B:Nate, you created a human being. There is gonna be another person on this planet now. A person who might ever told a miserable fucking lie on the curse fucking day she was born because you are walking out on her. The way same you are ganna walking out on me. N:Oh, fuck you. My life doesn't have to be miserable just because you are. Oh, yah, I know weird shit sould happen, and you know what, it happen to all of us and I am sick to death that you are using it as an excuse to act like some fucking come from hell. B:Wow. How long you've hated me like this, Nate? N:Oh,I don't need to hate you. You did a pretty damn good job hating yourself. B:You picked me. You know. N:Yah, well, only because i have no idea how fucked up you really are. B:That's bullshit. You know and you love it, because that made you feel good about yourself. N:God, you are so full of shit. B:You just can't see it, because you're so in love with the idea. "Nate, the good guy" "Nate, the hero" "Nate, the fucking Siant with the fucking great haircut" The truth is you would run from the real love every time it came at you. N:What the fuck did you know about the real love? B:Yah, real love, and the neediness, the ugliness. there's possibility. you would fucking run. you know it. The only reason you're staying with me is i was never really here. N:You know what? Take your ugly fucking ring. B:Don't you chuck that fucking ring on me. That's a fucking cliche. I'll fucking barf. N:There. Barf. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From: ※ 編輯: sebastiane 來自: (04/08 02:43) 04/08, , 1F
太認真了,推~ 04/08, 1F 04/08, , 2F
★★★★★!! 好認真的Six Feet Under版友!! 04/08, 2F 04/08, , 3F
太感謝了!!!!!!!感激不盡^^!!大推!!!!!!! 04/08, 3F 04/10, , 4F
㊣㊣㊣㊣㊣ XDXD 04/10, 4F
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