Re: [問題] BRP是否該在開課前拿到

看板AdvEduUK作者時間8年前 (2015/07/15 19:57), 8年前編輯推噓1(103)
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※ 引述《Geass (C子)》之銘言: : : 如題,我已經辦好了簽證,可是護照上只寫7/14-8/30入境 : : 我有說我29的飛機,也確實30號就會入境 : : 由於今年又多了BRP的規則,所以代辦擔心我是否在8/30入境 : 之後的開課前(8/31)就得先到郵局先拿BRP才能開始上課?! : (這樣我應該會來不及....更不知道郵局有無六日開) : 我對於這個的猜測是可以先上課再拿BRP就好.... : : 不知道有沒有已經開始拿BRP的版友是已經先開課才拿BRP的呢? i guess it is unlikely that your enrollment date is actually on 31 aug. Schools usually assign you a time slot when you need to go to the registry over an 'enrollment week'. the 31 aug is likely to be a date stated just for visa application purpose. the important thing is that you need to show your brp when you enrol at the school. otherwise, you may enrol at the school with your vignette before collecting you brp, in which case... : → ahyang : you need to show your brp to your institution 07/15 19:23 : → ahyang : before the expiry of your 30-day vignette. 07/15 19:24 i hope i didn't mislead anyone in the previous post. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(, 來自: ※ 文章網址: ※ 編輯: ahyang (, 07/15/2015 19:59:28

07/15 20:28, , 1F
I suppose to ask more information of the first
07/15 20:28, 1F

07/15 20:29, , 2F
day of pre-session courses.....I hope I can
07/15 20:29, 2F

07/15 20:30, , 3F
enroll it after I start my classes orz
07/15 20:30, 3F

07/15 20:34, , 4F
Thank u for ur answer
07/15 20:34, 4F
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