[新聞] A-Rod宣布復原進度 惹洋基總管不爽

看板A-Rod作者 (ForeverChop)時間10年前 (2013/06/26 20:37), 編輯推噓4(404)
留言8則, 5人參與, 最新討論串1/2 (看更多)
原文出處: http://mlb.mlb.com/news/article.jsp?ymd=20130625&content_id= 51721618&notebook_id=51722806&vkey=notebook_nyy&c_id=nyy 麗台運動報 – 2013年6月26日 下午12:25 正在積極復健的洋基明星三壘手A-Rod(Alex Rodriguez),最近的舉動惹來洋基總管 凱許曼(Brian Cashman)不悅,主要原因為A-Rod私自在推特公布復原進度。 A-Rod在推特上貼了一張與主治大夫凱利(Bryan Kelly)的合照,並在推特上寫「 Kelly醫生週末看我比賽,他告訴我一個好消息,就是我可以比賽了。」 Visit from Dr. Kelly over the weekend, who gave me the best news - the green light to play games again! http://instagram.com/p/bAAhgcmxM3/ Cashman departed Yankee Stadium without speaking to other reporters. His comments to ESPN came after the GM was also irked by a newspaper report that cited a source close to Rodriguez saying he would begin to play in Minor League games on July 1. Cashman told MLB.com on Monday that was inaccurate. "The tail is not wagging the dog, at least in this case," Cashman said. 不料此舉動卻引來總管凱許曼不爽,凱許曼向ESPN表示,洋基有事宣布,我們會透過 正常程序宣布,A-Rod應該閉上嘴,現在我要打給他問問是怎麼回事。 雖然A-Rod昨日在模擬賽中打擊,不過凱許曼今日對外表示,隊醫 還沒允許他打復健賽,但他傷勢復原很接近可以打復健賽了,我們還沒訂他出賽的日期。 至於主治大夫凱利表示A-Rod可以比賽,洋基也對外滅火,球隊雖然同意主 治大夫幫他開刀,但能否比賽還是要球團來決定。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)

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※ 編輯: ForeverChop 來自: (07/20 13:56)
文章代碼(AID): #1Hok23BG (A-Rod)
文章代碼(AID): #1Hok23BG (A-Rod)