Re: [新聞] A-Rod and Half Brother Are Worlds Apart

看板A-Rod作者 (chanword)時間16年前 (2007/09/04 23:41), 編輯推噓2(200)
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※ [本文轉錄自 NY-Yankees 看板] 作者: a111156987 (燈泡) 看板: NY-Yankees 標題: Re: [新聞] A-Rod and Half Brother Are Worlds Ap … 時間: Tue Sep 4 21:21:51 2007 幫翻第二頁 ※ 引述《numblife ()》之銘言: : 來點不一樣的新聞 : A-Rod and Half Brother Are Worlds Apart : 阿肉同父異母的兄弟 不同世界的兩個人 : (有圖有真相) : Lt. Col. Victor Rodriguez, Alex Rodriguez’s half brother, at Langley Air : Force Base, where he is based. Victor and Alex were reunited in 2003 after : not seeing each other in 23 years. : Victor Rodriguez是阿肉同父異母的哥哥,他在維吉尼亞州蘭利空軍基地服務, : 23年未見,他和阿肉在2003年再度重聚。 : By JACK CURRY : 1).雖然是阿肉的兄弟,不過非常少人會叫他為V-ROD,大家態度會很恭敬,會看場合 :   而定。他是授勳的軍官,並且可望在12月時晉升為陸軍上校,負責審查超過100億 :   的新式武器計畫。他走向我,看起來是那麼的有禮貌,有紀律甚至是一絲不茍的。 : 2).阿肉穿的是洋基的條紋衫,正追逐著季後賽門票跟最有價值球員。而他兄弟Victor : 則是穿著空軍基地的迷彩制服,掌管著軍用物料政策。 : 3).待在洋基至今已四個球季了,即使是關於阿肉最枝微末節的小事,也會變成球迷 :   關心的話題。"阿肉"這個名字也成了棒球界無人不知曉的名字。 : 然而他有個哥哥在美國軍事單位擔任要職,而且兩人在23年後重逢建立起關係, : 這件事卻鮮為人知。 : 4).在空軍戰鬥指揮部裡頭負責傳統(非核)武器的長官,他說他的工作就是確保 : 標準化的產量,以及分配無誤。最終就是要讓這些軍備到達該到的地方: :   像是伊朗,阿富汗。 : 5).阿肉說了句極度感人的場面話: : 如果把我跟他比,我只能說他做的事比我做的還要更令人欽佩許多。 : (場面話大概跟魔人學的) : 6).接著哥哥Victor也來了段場面話: : 在一路變成"洋基仔"的過程中,這壓力實在太大了,換做是我,我真的辦不到。 : 我就是我,我能夠在人群面前做真正的我,人們對我就是直接了當而不掩飾。 : 7).坐在餐廳中,棕眼和修剪整齊服貼的黑髮,帶著一貫穩定的節奏,談論小他15歲而 : 富有盛名的弟弟。同一個父親所生,外表雖不太相像,確有著相似的品德。 : 當他們回答問題時,總是會先仔細思量一番,如果他們給了一些比較熱烈的答案, : 會習慣性的往前傾。 : 8).阿肉說,他們的78歲老父親,對於兩個兒子的長久分離,比起兩個兒子自己的態度 : ,顯得更為小心翼翼。阿肉和哥哥是在2003年的一場比賽中重聚,當時阿肉還在 :   遊騎兵。想想年齡上的差距,以及兩個在不同家庭成長的孩子,多少有些疏離是 :   可以理解的。 : 9).哥哥Victor擁有理工科技學士學位和人力資源管理碩士學位,他在1986年任命空軍 :   軍官,並在海軍陸戰隊開始了他的軍旅生涯。曾在土耳其,埃及,義大利跟德國 : 駐軍,也參與過沙烏地阿拉伯的軍事行動。 : 曾經使用CPR急救,救活了同僚的兒子而接受表揚。 : 10).已婚,育有四名子女,即使人不在前線,還是一樣的謹慎小心。 : 阿肉的太太C-Rod說,她大嫂(Mona Rodriguez)曾經告訴過她: :   即使大半夜的Victor爬起來跟她說再見,她也不能夠問他"你要去哪裡"。 : 幸好總是能夠在三壘找到阿肉,這個地方可是他又再一次締造完美球季的地方。 : 雖然一年前的今天,他被噓的很慘。不過今年球季結束後,他就是自由球員了。 : 從十七歲之後就不再打棒球的Victor笑著說,我不曉得阿肉下一季在哪打球。(別想套我) : "多麼政治正確的回答,是吧?"  Victor說.... :     : Very few people call him V-Rod. Hardly anyone does, actually. Those who use : that nickname with Lt. Col. Victor M. Rodriguez do so cautiously. : “They do it in a very respectful way,” Rodriguez said. “They find the : right occasion and the right context.” : Rodriguez is a decorated officer in the Air Force who is expected to be : promoted to colonel in December. He oversees the requirements on more than : $10 billion in new weapons programs. He comes across as polite, disciplined : and meticulous. He is also Alex Rodriguez’s half brother. : While Alex wears a pinstriped uniform for the Yankees and pursues a playoff : berth and another Most Valuable Player award, Victor wears a camouflage : uniform at Langley Air Force Base in Hampton, Va., and manages munitions : policies. : After nearly four seasons in New York, even the most trivial details of Alex : Rodriguez’s life have become known to fans. The nickname A-Rod has become a : common part of the baseball vernacular. And yet the fact that he has an older : half brother with a significant role in the United States military is not : widely known, nor is the fact that they have established a relationship after : not seeing each other for 23 years. : As chief of conventional munitions for the Air Combat Command, Victor : Rodriguez said it was his job to make sure that the standards for the : production and allotment of munitions were consistent, a job that ultimately : helps position the weaponry in places like Iraq and Afghanistan. : Alex Rodriguez said, “If you put my career against his career, I think what : he’s been able to do in his career is far more impressive.” : But Victor Rodriguez, playing the compliment game as well as Alex, said that : his half brother was “made of steel” and that he could not withstand the : pressure that he endures while trying to succeed in the pressurized cauldron : that comes with being a Yankee. : “I’m really the reflection of the people I have worked with,” Victor, 47, : said. “People have essentially loaned me their backs so I could climb.” : Sitting in an empty lunch room on the sprawling Langley base last month, : Victor Rodriguez, who has expressive brown eyes and tightly cropped black : hair on the sides of his head, spoke in the same cadence as his far more : famous half brother, who is 15 years younger. The men share the same father, : but they do not look much alike. They do have similar mannerisms. : When they answer questions, they usually ponder them before responding. Words : are chosen carefully. If they provide animated answers, they tend to lean : forward. Alex Rodriguez said Victor Sr., their 78-year-old father, whom both : sons have been estranged from for long stretches of their lives, is even more : circumspect than the two half brothers. : For Alex and Victor, the effort to build a relationship began when they met : at a game in Texas in August 2003, when Alex was playing for the Texas : Rangers. : “Unfortunately, our life paths went different ways,” Alex said of their : long separation until that point. : Considering their age gap, and the fact that they were raised in different : families, the separation seems understandable. Victor Rodriguez owns bachelor : ’s degrees in mathematics and industrial technology and a master’s degree : in human-resource management. He was commissioned an officer in the Air Force : in 1986 after beginning his military career in the Marine Corps. He has been : stationed in Turkey, Egypt, Italy and Germany, and has done military work in : Saudi Arabia. And he has been cited for using CPR to revive a military : colleague’s son who was convulsing. : Married, with four children, he is discreet in describing his military : responsibilities, which have not included front-line combat. But Cynthia : Rodriguez, Alex’s wife, said Mona Rodriguez, Victor’s wife, told her that : Victor sometimes “gets up in the middle of the night, says goodbye to her : and she can’t ask where he’s going.” : Alex Rodriguez, meanwhile, can usually be found at third base, where he is : having one of the best seasons of his remarkable career. Still, he was : heavily booed by Yankees fans a year ago, when he struggled, and he could opt : to leave the Yankees as a free agent after this season. : Victor Rodriguez, who stopped playing baseball when he was 17, laughed and : said he had no clue where Alex would play next season. : “How is that for a politically correct answer?” he said. : 有錯請指正:) : 來源 阿肉在他生涯的大部份時候,只知道有兩個同母異父的兄姊Joe和Suzy。 當他聽到家人提起有位哥哥叫做Victor時,他對此並無印象,因為Victor在阿肉 念幼稚園時就高唱從軍樂了。(阿肉家的族譜真亂= =) 阿肉爸(Victor Sr.)在電話訪問中提到,他與第一任妻子Pouppe Martinez 結婚 六年,在1960年生下Victor,隔年便離婚了。之後,他娶了已經生過兩了小孩的 阿肉媽Lourdes Navarro,並在1975年生下阿肉。 Victor記得阿肉還是個小男孩的時候,但他18歲時加入海軍,並在之後開始了漫 長飄泊的軍旅生涯,其中包括12年的海外服務,致使兩兄弟之後從未見過面。 大約1991年的時候,阿肉爸向Victor提起阿肉成為了一個傑出的高中棒球選手 ,但在此之後的五年,父子倆就沒再聯絡過,當然也就沒再聽到阿肉的消息。 在他們恢復連絡之後,Victor得知阿肉在水兵隊打球。   "我一直很希望再見到阿肉",Victor說"就像我常和我家人提到的,我們失去太多 (相處)時間,並且盡一切力量去彌補這些。 他們的再相會發生在Victor駐紮在德州Abilene時,他默默的買了張條子的球票 ,並沒有刻意接近阿肉,但阿肉夫妻從阿肉爸那裡聽到這個消息,便邀請Victor 和他的家人來看球。 "你知道人們說的‘You were walking on clouds’嗎?(是指飄飄欲仙嗎XD... )" Victor說,"當這麼多年後再見到阿肉時,我有這樣的感覺。 阿肉說他一開始對於要跟哥哥見面這件事有點焦慮,但這種感覺很快就消退。 "你們來自同一個爸爸,並且有著相似處,就像照鏡子但動作不一樣(這段不會翻 = =),喔,man,這真的很詭異。"阿肉說。 在上週一個陰天下午,Victor大步走過蘭利基地,並一路與擦身而過的同事們 互相敬禮。他是一熱血空軍的最佳招牌,甚至可以說"我不敢相信他們還付我錢 做這個工作。"(意指沒錢也甘願) 因為才剛剛從義大利調回蘭利基地,他仍在努力把人名和臉連起來(謝f大指點) 但這並沒有防礙他呼同事"ma'am" or "fella",並且使他們微笑。 Victor的辦公室寬大而且開放就像個機棚,並有多間小臥室供數十名職員使用, 甚至附帶展示已失效的飛彈。 幾個月前他們曾討論過阿肉和他幾個隊友是否有可能在季後到阿富汗勞軍。 阿肉曾想像過穿著條紋衣幫阿兵哥們簽名以及和他們打球。 阿肉說他哥哥有告訴過他這有些危險,儘管他不排除這個可能性。 (這句之前翻那樣是考慮到中文的邏輯,但跑掉原文的意思,謝n大指點) "等著瞧",Victor說。 如果洋基打進季後賽,Victor會想辦法去看。阿肉跟老婆說他想在球季結束後 花一天的時間拜訪蘭利基地,他想看大家向他哥哥敬禮的樣子。 "我想去他的基地看他工作,而他也來看我打球。"阿肉說。 現在,兄弟倆一個月見幾次面。雖然有著截然不同的人生,但他們在23年的隔閡後 了解了彼此。 (完) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 第一次翻譯,有錯請鞭小力一點^_^~ 括弧不懂的還請高手幫忙~Thanks~ -- 棒球,是像酒一樣有後勁的 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:

09/04 21:25,
09/04 21:25

09/04 21:27,
push 肉哥
09/04 21:27

09/04 21:26,
09/04 21:26

09/04 21:27,
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09/04 21:28,
09/04 21:28

09/04 21:28,
推 挺有趣的
09/04 21:28

09/04 21:30,
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09/04 21:31,
09/04 21:31

09/04 21:34,
09/04 21:34
※ 編輯: a111156987 來自: (09/04 21:40)

09/04 21:41,
推文被修的抱歉了 = =
09/04 21:41

09/04 21:45,
09/04 21:45

09/04 21:45,
09/04 21:45

09/04 21:49,
漫步在雲端 XD
09/04 21:49

09/04 21:51,
09/04 21:51

09/04 21:54,
09/04 21:54

09/04 21:55,
阿肉媽.有Roberto Alomar的感覺.哈
09/04 21:55

09/04 22:00,
漫步雲端 意思是棒球很順利吧? 推阿肉XDDDDDDDDDD
09/04 22:00

09/04 22:03,
09/04 22:03

09/04 22:19,
09/04 22:19

09/04 22:19,
蘭利是CIA總部吧 A-Rod哥真猛~
09/04 22:19

09/04 22:20,
09/04 22:20

09/04 22:25,
應該不是指CIA總部 純粹是個空軍基地
09/04 22:25

09/04 22:34,
09/04 22:34

09/04 22:55,
應該是同父異母吧= =
09/04 22:55

09/04 22:57,
開頭小小錯 不過感謝翻
09/04 22:57

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09/04 22:59

09/04 23:17,
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09/04 23:33,
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09/04 23:41,
09/04 23:41
-- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:

09/05 04:26, , 1F
09/05 04:26, 1F

09/05 14:03, , 2F
09/05 14:03, 2F
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文章代碼(AID): #16tNohxW (A-Rod)