Re: [新聞] Blasting his way to history

看板A-Rod作者 (A-Sweet Start)時間17年前 (2007/04/06 11:54), 編輯推噓5(501)
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春訓時的新聞,有點舊了.. 然後有些地方是用猜的...||||| 如果有猜錯或謬誤或奇怪請不吝指正,謝謝!! ※ 引述《PerryRod (Partridge)》之銘言: : 噗,只截取有關A-Rod的部份。 : From: : Blasting his way to history : Rodriguez undeterred by constant criticism 轟出歷史   Rodriguez未因不停的抨擊炮火停下腳步 : By Nick Cafardo | March 11, 2007 : Alex Rodriguez, Frank Thomas, Manny Ramirez, and Jim Thome all could join the : 500-home run club this season (with Gary Sheffield having an outside shot). Alex Rodriguez、Frank Thomas、Manny Ramirez,以及Jim Thome今年都 可望加入500轟俱樂部(啊那個Gary Sheffield是還有一絲絲絲希望啦)。 : A-Rod needs 36 and would be the youngest player to reach 500; he turns 32 on : July 27. Former A's and Red Sox great Jimmie Foxx hit No. 500 at 32 years, : 337 days. Barring injury or a poor season, Rodriguez will take over that : distinction. A-Rod如果在今年球季打出36發紅不讓會成為最年輕達成500轟的球員,他 將於7月27日過32歲生日。紀錄保持人前運動家及紅襪隊球員Jimmie Foxx 在32歲又337天擊出第500號全壘打。 : Rodriguez has plenty of time to break a lot of records, but with the scrutiny : he's under and the criticism he receives at every turn for a player so : gifted, you wonder whether Barry Bonds's soon-to-be home run record or Hank : Aaron's RBI record are even on his radar screen anymore.   Rodriguez還很年輕,所以我們可以期待他打破一堆紀錄,但對一個這麼   有天份的球員來說,在被大眾如此嚴密檢視、無情批判之下,你想知道   Barry Bonds將打破的全壘打紀錄或Hank Aaron的打點紀錄是否還在他的 雷達顯示螢幕上? : "I don't know, and I don't like answering that because everything I say is : twisted and I get sick and tired of people twisting my words around and : turning it into something negative," he said. "I think the good Lord has a : good plan for me. I'll let him and my family dictate how long I want to play.   「不知道,我也不想回答這些問題,因為我所說的每一個字句都被扭曲誤解,    我已經受夠了也厭倦人們把我說的話歪曲拆解再組合成負面的東西。」    Rodriguez說。「我想上天已經安排好我未來的路,我會聽從上天的指示及    家人的意見來決定我以後要打多久。」 : "I have four more years left on this contract [with an out after this season] : and I can see myself playing two or three years. I'll never play for personal : achievements. That's not what I'm about. Everyone says you're crazy moving to : third base one home run short of the record for shortstops [Cal Ripken hit : 345 homers at shortstop], but that's not what I play for. And that's a prime : example of that."   「我還有四年多的合約(今年球季結束後可以選擇中止這份合約成為自由球員)   我想我應該還能再打個兩三年。我從來都不是為自己的成就打球的人,那不是   我關心的事。大家都說你瘋了嗎?只差一支全壘打就追平游擊手的全壘打紀錄   居然給我跑去守三壘!(Cal Ripken在游擊區留下了345支全壘打的紀錄)但是   我就不是為了那個打球的嘛!我想這個例子可以完全證明我不是為了個人成績   而打球的。」 : On hitting 500, he said, "It's hard to even think about that number and think : about yourself. In our mind, you're always young and full of energy, and when : you reach a milestone like that, it means you're getting old or that you've : done good things for a while."   關於生涯500轟,他說:「你很難去想像那個數字也很難想像你可能會達到   那個數字。我們總是覺得自己年輕又充滿精力,而當你達到那樣的里程碑,   那代表你年紀有一點了,或是你打了一段時間的好球。 : Could he have imagined 500 homers growing up in a single-parent household in : Miami?   這個來自邁阿密單親家庭的大男孩曾經想像過有一天打出500支全壘打嗎? : "No, no," he said, shaking his head. "Over the last four or five years, I've : become this overdog that everybody loves to hate or whatever. I come from a : small section of Miami with a single parent and I was always the ultimate : underdog growing up. Never when I was 10, 12, 13 years old did I ever imagine : that I would hit 200 home runs, let alone 500."   「無可能無可能,」他搖搖頭說:「過去四、五年來,我就像是落水狗一樣   惹人厭。我來自邁阿密一個小地方的單親家庭,成長過程中我老被看不起,   直到10、12、13歲才夢想說或許哪一天我會打出200支全壘打吧,更別提幻想   打500支全壘打了。」 : He speaks glowingly about his slugging contemporaries: Thomas, who has 487 : homers, Thome, who has 472, and Ramirez, who has 470 (Sheffield has 455).   他熱情的談著這幾支同期大砲:Thomas至今累計487支全壘打,Thome有472發,   Ramirez470發(Sheffield共455轟)。 : "Jimmy is one of baseball's greatest guys," Rodriguez said. "Big, strong guy. : Frank has gone through several stages in his career, two-time MVP, and he : redefined his career last year and is well on his way to the Hall of Fame.   「Jimmy是棒球界最偉大的球員之一,」Rodriguez說。「大隻又強壯的傢伙。   Frank在他的職業生涯經歷了許多階段,他是兩度MVP球員,而去年他讓自己的   棒球事業再造巔峰,可以預見不久之後他會走進名人堂。」 : "I think Manny is the greatest righthanded hitter we've ever seen. That I've : ever seen, no question. I can't think of anyone over the years better than : Manny Ramirez.   「我認為Manny是我們這輩子看過最偉大的右打者,我也沒看過像他這麼猛的,   真的,實在想不出來這幾年還有誰比他厲害啊!」   : "Now, I haven't seen Hank Aaron and Ernie Banks and Willie Mays, but I can't : imagine their being greater than Manny Ramirez. I have the utmost admiration : for Manny, he's a very close friend."   「雖然我無緣拜見live版的Hank Aaron跟Ernie Banks跟Willie Mays,但我很難   想像他們會比Manny Ramirez還要棒,我超崇拜Manny的啦!他是我的麻吉啦~」 : If he were a teammate, how would he handle Ramirez's quirks and antics?   如果他跟Manny Ramirez是隊友,他要怎麼應付Ramirez的古怪個性呢? : "Very easy," he said. "Thirty-five, 120 every year. I'll take it every day. A : lot of superstars have some gimmicks. I'm a goofy guy and I have some : [expletive] that comes with me, you know? I judge Manny on two things. No. 1: : 7:05 [p.m.]. Every night he's ready to go. And secondly, he's probably the : hardest-working player I've ever been around. He keeps it a big secret. He : keeps it away from you guys." 「太簡單了,」他說。「喲!每年都扛35發、打120分耶!我會天天這樣"提醒" 他。很多巨星都有一些獨門祕技,(下一句不懂)你知道嗎?我可以用兩件事 來評斷Manny。第一:晚上7點05分。每天晚上他都準備好要上場大開殺戒。第二: 他可能是我遇過最努力的球員。這是他的大秘密,他很小心不讓你們發現這件事。」 : Even as we spoke, some fools in the peanut gallery were shouting nasty things : at A-Rod for no apparent reason. He seemed to do well in ignoring it. 即使我們還在訪談中,一些坐在廉價觀眾席的笨蛋仍沒來由的對A-Rod叫囂、 說些垃圾話,A-Rod則表現出不受影響的樣子。 : Johnny Damon interjected, "He's much tougher mentally than I am. He hears it : all the time. His family hears it. It's unfortunate." Johnny Damon插嘴說:「他的心裡層面比我強悍多了,他一天到晚都聽到這些, 他的家人也聽的到這些,真的很衰。」 : "I think I've done the best job this spring [of shutting things out]," A-Rod : said. "I came in with a fresh new attitude. I got sick and tired of people : twisting and turning and dissecting everything I said. It became so much : about what I said versus how I'm playing. It's hard enough to play." 「我想我今年春訓做了一件很棒的事,」A-Rod說。「我帶著全新的態度來到這 裡。我真的很厭煩人們把我所說的每句話扭曲轉變或是斷章取義,然後變成一堆 我說了什麼、我打的如何的大亂辯。在這種情況下是要怎麼打球呢?」 : He knows much of the venom directed toward him is a result of the 10-year, : $250 million contract he was handed by Rangers owner Tom Hicks. In his heart, : A-Rod wanted to play shortstop for Boston, and he was willing to give back : some of the money to do it -- until the deal was nixed by the Players : Association. 他知道多數的怨念是來自於遊騎兵隊老闆Tom Hicks給他的10年2億5千萬美金 合約,A-Rod曾屬意投效紅襪隊並鎮守游擊大關,而他也願意退還一些薪水來 完成這個心願 — 直到球員工會駁回這個交易。 : "I'm very proud of the contract," he said. "I wouldn't do it any other way. : That's what God put me here for. That's how avenues opened up for me. The : contract allows me to help millions of people. 「我對這份合約引以為傲,」他說。「我不會亂動它。這是上天讓我在這裡的原 因,攤在眼前的是一條康莊大道啊。這合約讓我有能力幫助許多需要幫助的人。」 : "Somebody has to be the highest-paid at some point, and someday it's not : going to be me. But while I'm here, if I can protect other players from the : crap and [expletive] that I get, I'm cool with that." 「就像班上總得有人當第一名,球場上也總要有人拿最高薪吧!將來某天那個 人就不會是我了。但是只要我還是,如果我能保護其他球員不會受到我所遭受 的咒罵,那我OK啦!」 : He's cool with 500 homers as well. Not bad for his age. 他看待500轟的心情也一樣平靜,以他的年紀來說,嗯,還不壞。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From: ※ 編輯: subaru 來自: (04/06 12:19)

04/06 12:20, , 1F
這次的發言感覺比較得體 Go Go A-Rod!!
04/06 12:20, 1F

04/06 12:46, , 2F
A-Rod加油!!! 我會一直支持你!!!
04/06 12:46, 2F

04/06 13:49, , 3F
A-Rod趕一下進度,拿第500轟當生日禮物吧<( ̄▽ ̄)>
04/06 13:49, 3F

04/06 15:00, , 4F
04/06 15:00, 4F

04/07 00:39, , 5F
04/07 00:39, 5F

04/08 11:06, , 6F
04/08 11:06, 6F
文章代碼(AID): #165SHPyZ (A-Rod)
文章代碼(AID): #165SHPyZ (A-Rod)