作者查詢 / sniper99

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作者 sniper99 在 PTT 全部看板的留言(推文), 共357則
[Intr] Hello, hello, hello.
[ EngTalk ]5 留言, 推噓總分: +2
作者: adidaschia - 發表於 2008/03/15 22:40(16年前)
1Fsniper99:Nice to meet you.... 1990! So young. Me so old. -_-03/15 22:56
[Intr] ... New to Taipei
[ EngTalk ]21 留言, 推噓總分: +11
作者: UTEng - 發表於 2008/03/13 23:02(16年前)
3Fsniper99:跟我差不多15歲離開 28回來 現在准備當兵..XD03/14 10:34
4Fsniper99:Iforget it is EngTalk..-_- How can I delete my reply?03/14 10:36
8Fsniper99:It is worth or not, I believe it depends on person.03/14 16:35
9Fsniper99:But I will answer this question when I finish it. XD03/14 16:35
12Fsniper99:Because I love US.... haha. XD03/14 20:22
21Fsniper99:Too late for Jar-Head. Already army...03/15 18:23
[Talk] Practice
[ EngTalk ]8 留言, 推噓總分: +3
作者: krest - 發表於 2008/03/13 22:40(16年前)
1Fsniper99:Go Go. I am sure you will improve.03/14 10:41
[Intr]hello ...
[ EngTalk ]6 留言, 推噓總分: +2
作者: cindycloudy - 發表於 2008/03/13 02:43(16年前)
6Fsniper99:Nice to meet you...03/14 10:43
[Ask ] If you could live abroad, where would you go?
[ EngTalk ]4 留言, 推噓總分: 0
作者: vivi77999 - 發表於 2008/03/13 01:29(16年前)
2Fsniper99:If I can speak English quite well like you, then I03/14 10:44
3Fsniper99:will go to Japan too to learn Japan.03/14 10:45
[Intr] Hi there...i'm the new kid in town.
[ EngTalk ]48 留言, 推噓總分: +7
作者: Nedio - 發表於 2008/03/12 19:01(16年前)
2Fsniper99:Not that old man... still have alot of chances.03/13 00:18
[Intr] Hi,people!!
[ EngTalk ]8 留言, 推噓總分: +4
作者: zephyr0093 - 發表於 2008/03/12 15:14(16年前)
3Fsniper99:Hey. Nice to meet you too.03/13 00:19
[公告] 2038T 報到談天區
[ Militarylife ]88 留言, 推噓總分: +78
作者: chingsong - 發表於 2008/03/06 20:32(16年前)
31Fsniper99:花蓮北埔 29歲的老人 -_-03/12 11:39
40Fsniper99:上一梯在花蓮的好像很多,還有台北的一堆...03/13 00:04