作者查詢 / SeaSprite

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作者 SeaSprite 在 PTT [ MenTalk ] 看板的留言(推文), 共206則
Re: [閒聊] 家人突然意外過世要怎麼面對
[ MenTalk ]30 留言, 推噓總分: +20
作者: ballII - 發表於 2012/10/24 18:16(11年前)
30FSeaSprite::')06/01 03:46
Re: [閒聊] 非高帥富, 但很多正妹的男人
[ MenTalk ]22 留言, 推噓總分: +12
作者: greenblue - 發表於 2012/06/30 13:32(12年前)
12FSeaSprite:big fat push...all about sleek and smooth06/30 15:26
Fw: [問題] 妳男朋友這樣做 妳會生氣嗎?
[ MenTalk ]161 留言, 推噓總分: +87
作者: KaisaWang - 發表於 2012/05/25 17:26(12年前)
355FSeaSprite:such an incredible gf and comments...speechless05/24 11:24
357FSeaSprite:better prepare urself if the life gets on your head05/24 11:25
363FSeaSprite:its a tough time for everyone, one more caring will05/24 11:28
365FSeaSprite:brighten up this society. dont u feel warm when05/24 11:29
367FSeaSprite:reading all those great stories ppl helping each05/24 11:30
369FSeaSprite:other in TV?05/24 11:30