作者查詢 / scysccc

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作者 scysccc 在 PTT [ AstralMaster ] 看板的留言(推文), 共180則
[配方] Dragon Burn(fire&earth)
[ AstralMaster ]5 留言, 推噓總分: +5
作者: scysccc - 發表於 2006/10/05 01:10(18年前)
5Fscysccc::),Icebolt,the same dragon burn deck,but i win u.11/04 00:32
[問題] your version is outdated, plaese
[ AstralMaster ]5 留言, 推噓總分: +3
作者: saiage - 發表於 2006/10/04 18:05(18年前)
4Fscysccc:http://www.astralmasters.com/files/ampatch14.exe10/05 01:53
[配方] KROSS流dorlak
[ AstralMaster ]19 留言, 推噓總分: +13
作者: leondemon - 發表於 2006/09/03 10:51(18年前)
2Fscysccc:I dislike high-price dorlak decks,which break balance.09/03 19:08
18Fscysccc:double-spellbreaker can win dorlak >50%09/08 13:36
19Fscysccc:yeah,and high-price amnesia09/08 13:38
[閒聊] 現在不能連??
[ AstralMaster ]2 留言, 推噓總分: +1
作者: Popopon - 發表於 2006/08/29 22:55(18年前)
1Fscysccc:cannot connect to server at 8/3008/30 12:04
Re: [問題] 有沒有辦法換卡片的圖案?
[ AstralMaster ]8 留言, 推噓總分: +3
作者: scysccc - 發表於 2006/08/23 16:27(18年前)
5Fscysccc:PhotoshopCS http://www.51ct.cn/downinfo/115.html08/25 21:54
6Fscysccc:Maybe it cannot be downloaded.08/25 21:56
7Fscysccc:Search"photoshop" at emule or edoney.Many reasults.08/25 21:58
Re: [閒聊] PTT round table大會
[ AstralMaster ]2 留言, 推噓總分: +2
作者: Reenter - 發表於 2006/06/08 00:03(18年前)
1Fscysccc:me too.06/08 00:55
[配方] The murder of wind
[ AstralMaster ]7 留言, 推噓總分: +5
作者: scysccc - 發表於 2006/06/06 18:38(18年前)
2Fscysccc:When my mp is 1500,i win many many duels by this cards06/06 19:13
[閒聊] 遇到瓶頸
[ AstralMaster ]17 留言, 推噓總分: +8
作者: cliveyen - 發表於 2006/06/06 00:48(18年前)
3Fscysccc:What about change knowldge wall into magic wall06/06 01:04
4Fscysccc:and change wind&earth into wind&water06/06 01:05
8Fscysccc:fairy mage+silencewall+fairylord,win at infinite cycle06/06 01:33
9Fscysccc:water:choose card,wind:blow enemy,earth:+mana 6(lord)06/06 01:38
15Fscysccc:The sequence in slots is mage,wall,lord,0&1&2card ok06/06 18:02
16Fscysccc:see http://bbs.hxgame.net/dispbbs.asp?boardID=81&ID=06/06 18:08
17Fscysccc:37573&page=306/06 18:10
[問題] BUG
[ AstralMaster ]5 留言, 推噓總分: +2
作者: selient - 發表於 2006/06/06 00:30(18年前)
5Fscysccc: either bug or cheater06/06 00:56