作者查詢 / RoShin222

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作者 RoShin222 在 PTT [ EAseries ] 看板的留言(推文), 共89則
[LIVE] Game of Thrones S8E01
[ EAseries ]756 留言, 推噓總分: +489
作者: twoquarters - 發表於 2019/04/15 08:38(5年前)
746FRoShin222: 布蘭:等了你一晚...再來推我一下啊!04/15 23:05
Re: [心得] Game of Thrones S08E01 (雷)
[ EAseries ]57 留言, 推噓總分: +37
作者: miq - 發表於 2019/04/15 20:18(5年前)
30FRoShin222: 問題是...只有6集還得那麼拖戲 沒馬丁後真那麼難想劇04/15 21:53
31FRoShin222: 本了嗎==“04/15 21:54
40FRoShin222: 各種S1E01致敬: https://i.imgur.com/rgoaSuo.jpg04/15 22:09
41FRoShin222: 還有一進城就是:「Where’s Arya」04/15 22:11
[討論] Black Sails S4EP7 (有雷)
[ EAseries ]15 留言, 推噓總分: +11
作者: sabreur - 發表於 2017/03/14 13:23(7年前)
14FRoShin222: Flint應該是要被金銀島歷史之壁GG了...殘念03/15 15:24
Re: [心得] Sherlock S4E2(雷) 這集很讚啊啊!!
[ EAseries ]30 留言, 推噓總分: +11
作者: henry654 - 發表於 2017/01/09 23:06(7年前)
10FRoShin222: S03E03 Sherlock跟 John說的:"The East Wind takes us01/10 00:29
11FRoShin222: all in the end... It's a story my brother told me01/10 00:29
12FRoShin222: when we were kids. The East Wind — this terrifyin01/10 00:30
13FRoShin222: force that lays waste to all in its path. It seeks01/10 00:30
14FRoShin222: out the unworthy and plucks them from the earth...01/10 00:30
15FRoShin222: ...That was generally me. 感覺大姊會很兇猛啊!01/10 00:31
Re: [請益] 求推薦必看神劇
[ EAseries ]98 留言, 推噓總分: +56
作者: jason8936 - 發表於 2016/12/19 12:20(7年前)
57FRoShin222: 正想說Black Sail! 看腹黑船長鬥爭超爽12/20 11:46
[請益] 求推薦像越獄風雲這種冒險且刺激的美劇消失
[ EAseries ]30 留言, 推噓總分: +24
作者: ggeasy - 發表於 2016/11/28 11:39(7年前)
6FRoShin222: Black Sail - 腹黑海盜船長歷險記11/28 14:30
[閒聊] GOT 現實生活中最不想遇到哪個對手
[ EAseries ]112 留言, 推噓總分: +82
作者: Muarean - 發表於 2016/06/19 17:09(8年前)
72FRoShin222: 絕對是Bran好嗎 直接被腦姦去當一輩子門擋06/20 00:55
[心得] Game of thrones S06E08(雷)
[ EAseries ]167 留言, 推噓總分: +68
作者: wcc0220 - 發表於 2016/06/13 22:34(8年前)
81FRoShin222: 笑話史塔克是說他們很摳門,蒼蠅偷喝那口都要祂吐出來X06/14 00:20
82FRoShin222: D06/14 00:20
[討論]GOT S6E5鐵群島選王過程是不是太簡單了?雷
[ EAseries ]78 留言, 推噓總分: +45
作者: fatpooh - 發表於 2016/05/28 16:10(8年前)
10FRoShin222: 選完也只能忙著找樹蓋船x100005/28 18:41