作者查詢 / panda20087

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作者 panda20087 在 PTT 全部看板的留言(推文), 共1270則
[心得] 我的億萬面包,收視率差,草草下檔!
[ Ariel_Lin ]40 留言, 推噓總分: +18
作者: usntin - 發表於 2009/02/27 11:37(15年前)
11Fpanda20087:是依晨沒有嘗試過的02/27 23:44
23Fpanda20087:I can't think so. true love>money(bread)03/01 21:22
24Fpanda20087:This drama is closer to theatrical performance....,03/01 21:27
25Fpanda20087:through dislocation between the subconscious and XD03/01 21:29
26Fpanda20087:reality to express their real feelings03/01 21:30
27Fpanda20087:Although the errors of script difficult to count...03/01 21:36
28Fpanda20087:I think this is her interesting try.03/01 21:37
[新聞] 08版《射雕》杭州造勢
[ Ariel_Lin ]6 留言, 推噓總分: +4
作者: panda20087 - 發表於 2008/11/21 19:21(15年前)
5Fpanda20087:http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNTU3MjM4MzI=.html11/26 21:59
6Fpanda20087:08/11/24,Zhejiang Science and Technology Education11/26 22:03