作者查詢 / oter99

總覽項目: 發文 | 留言 | 暱稱
作者 oter99 在 PTT [ eVonne ] 看板的留言(推文), 共1176則
[公告] 2月份獎勵名單
[ eVonne ]4 留言, 推噓總分: +4
作者: qwerewq - 發表於 2013/03/01 20:27(11年前)
1Foter99:謝謝板主 收到獎金了!03/02 15:35
[公告] 1月份獎勵名單
[ eVonne ]6 留言, 推噓總分: +4
作者: qwerewq - 發表於 2013/02/04 20:05(11年前)
5Foter99:謝謝板主 收到獎金了!02/07 00:40
[情報] 2月份臉書+微博更新專區
[ eVonne ]132 留言, 推噓總分: 0
作者: qwerewq - 發表於 2013/02/04 19:37(11年前)
1Foter99:★2/1下午3點08分臉書更新02/06 23:49
2Foter99: http://ppt.cc/2Eda02/06 23:50
3Foter99: 就是今天!你們準備好了嗎? 今天目前氣喘發作了02/06 23:50
4Foter99: 兩次...但我現在還ok,慢慢的深呼吸!一切順利02/06 23:51
5Foter99: please! See you tonight... :)02/06 23:51
6Foter99:02/06 23:51
7Foter99:★2/1晚上11點48分臉書更新02/06 23:53
8Foter99: 今天真的很感謝大家來支持+參加我的純白音樂會!02/06 23:54
9Foter99: 我很感動... 真的!? 謝謝大家的包容+體諒,希望02/06 23:54
10Foter99: 大家喜歡今天的音樂會!02/06 23:54
11Foter99:02/06 23:54
12Foter99:★2/3凌晨0點17分臉書更新02/06 23:58
13Foter99: http://ppt.cc/Sj~X02/06 23:58
14Foter99: 大家貼心的信和禮物... 我還在慢慢的看你們寫的信,02/06 23:59
15Foter99: 謝謝你們一直以來對我的關心跟支持!很感動有那麼02/06 23:59
16Foter99: 多可愛+特別的禮物但希望大家不要花太多錢為我買禮02/07 00:00
17Foter99: 物好不好?我會不好意思啦!明天高雄2pm新光三越三02/07 00:00
18Foter99: 多點,台中6pm中友百貨見!02/07 00:01
19Foter99:02/07 00:01
20Foter99:★2/3早上10點15分臉書更新02/07 00:04
21Foter99: http://ppt.cc/BB8V02/07 00:04
22Foter99: 謝謝 許哲珮 小宇 慧欣e校 &所有的歌迷朋友們!02/07 00:05
23Foter99: 辛苦VIBE了!02/07 00:05
24Foter99:02/07 00:05
25Foter99:★2/3早上10點19分臉書更新02/07 00:07
26Foter99: http://ppt.cc/dp8X02/07 00:08
27Foter99: 下午茶在 LMNT [Element] Drink & Eat ,好吃好吃02/07 00:08
28Foter99: 好玩好玩!^-^02/07 00:08
29Foter99:02/07 00:08
30Foter99:★2/3下午5點42分臉書更新02/07 00:12
31Foter99: http://ppt.cc/xjrf02/07 00:12
32Foter99: 今天高雄的照片,現在到了台中的中友百貨,02/07 00:12
33Foter99: 你們在嗎?02/07 00:12
34Foter99:02/07 00:12
35Foter99:★2/4下午1點58分臉書更新02/07 00:15
36Foter99: http://ppt.cc/J4Ql02/07 00:15
37Foter99: 昨天台中簽唱會的照片!謝謝大家這幾天的陪伴,02/07 00:15
38Foter99: 祝大家新年快樂!02/07 00:16
39Foter99:02/07 00:16
40Foter99:★2/4下午3點53分臉書更新02/07 00:19
41Foter99: http://ppt.cc/PyE802/07 00:19
42Foter99: 昨天我跑簽唱會的時候我叫小寶貝跟水晶黑天鵝姐姐02/07 00:20
43Foter99: 做朋友,但小寶貝好像有點怕她,太害羞了!可能他02/07 00:20
44Foter99: 們兩個剛好很相反一白一黑,一毛絨絨的一個光滑的02/07 00:20
45Foter99: ,哈哈02/07 00:21
46Foter99:02/07 00:21
47Foter99:★2/4下午5點29分臉書更新02/07 00:23
48Foter99: http://ppt.cc/EcgX02/07 00:23
49Foter99:02/07 00:23
50Foter99:★2/5凌晨1點47分臉書更新02/07 00:26
51Foter99: http://ppt.cc/WaXF02/07 00:27
52Foter99: 謝謝你們的陪伴,不管是說你們有來到現場還是在網02/07 00:27
53Foter99: 路上支持我,我有感受到你們的關心!最近的感冒過02/07 00:27
54Foter99: 敏氣喘慢慢的有好的轉變,但我一累的時候發現氣喘02/07 00:28
55Foter99: 又更嚴重了,醫生有開了藥,我會乖乖的吃,也會保02/07 00:28
56Foter99: 重,相信過年休息一下就好了!大家不要擔心!02/07 00:28
57Foter99:02/07 00:28
58Foter99:★2/5下午5點52分臉書更新02/07 00:31
59Foter99: http://ppt.cc/IJw502/07 00:31
60Foter99: peggy 許哲珮 送我的 NIJI cupcakes!02/07 00:31
61Foter99:02/07 00:32
62Foter99:★2/6早上7點0分臉書更新02/07 00:34
63Foter99: http://ppt.cc/fLgQ02/07 00:35
64Foter99: :)02/07 00:35
65Foter99:02/07 00:35
109Foter99:02/21 17:42
110Foter99:★2/21下午4點12分臉書更新02/21 17:43
111Foter99: http://youtu.be/cJTRCtwf_X002/21 17:43
112Foter99: It's never too late to teach an old otter new02/21 17:43
113Foter99: tricks :)02/21 17:44
114Foter99:02/21 17:44
115Foter99:★2/22凌晨4點38分臉書更新02/22 08:33
116Foter99: http://ppt.cc/0sQm02/22 08:33
117Foter99: 小寶貝自己見識了,德州的東西真的比較大!02/22 08:33
118Foter99: my little guy has seen it for himself, things02/22 08:33
119Foter99: in Texas really ARE bigger!02/22 08:34
120Foter99:02/22 08:34
121Foter99:★2/22晚上10點14分臉書更新02/23 11:52
122Foter99: http://ppt.cc/u0v802/23 11:53
123Foter99: K歌 情人 夢... 2/24 看了這個,好想大家...02/23 11:53
124Foter99: 也好期待播出!大家要支持喔!02/23 11:53
125Foter99:02/23 11:53
[情報] 1月份臉書+微博每日更新區
[ eVonne ]393 留言, 推噓總分: 0
作者: qwerewq - 發表於 2013/01/01 20:16(11年前)
7Foter99:01/03 18:37
8Foter99:★1/3凌晨0點25分臉書更新01/03 18:37
9Foter99: do you know what today is?01/03 18:38
10Foter99: 你們知道今天是什麼日子嗎?01/03 18:38
11Foter99:01/03 18:39
12Foter99:★1/3晚上6點49分臉書更新01/03 23:15
13Foter99: http://ppt.cc/1z5R01/03 23:15
14Foter99: 昨天晚上從北京回到台北,今天一早開工,01/03 23:16
15Foter99: 現在有點想睡但還有通告,要繼續加油!01/03 23:16
16Foter99: got in to Taipei from Beijing late last night,01/03 23:17
17Foter99: started work earlyish today,01/03 23:17
18Foter99: now I feel like I'm running low on fuel01/03 23:18
19Foter99: but I still have work so I gotta keep going!01/03 23:18
20Foter99:01/03 23:18
21Foter99:★1/4中午11點02分臉書更新01/04 19:11
22Foter99: http://youtu.be/oF6DN_1YZms01/04 19:11
23Foter99: 破200k views 了!好開心!!謝謝大家!01/04 19:11
24Foter99:01/04 19:12
30Foter99:01/06 13:33
31Foter99:★1/6早上6點58分臉書更新01/06 13:34
32Foter99: 天啊!今天要錄百萬小學堂,好緊張!01/06 13:34
33Foter99: 有沒有人要來為我加加油?01/06 13:35
34Foter99: 翁知豪:01/06 13:35
35Foter99: ”要告訴每一位喜愛eVonne的朋友們一個大好消息,01/06 13:35
36Foter99: 就是在這個星期天01月06號eVonne要來<百萬小學堂>01/06 13:36
37Foter99: 挑戰答題拿獎金囉~誠摯邀請每位粉絲朋友們一起來01/06 13:37
38Foter99: 錄影現場為eVonne加油打氣!01/06 13:38
39Foter99: 集合時間:01月06號星期天16:3001/06 13:39
40Foter99: 集合地點:台視 一樓大廳 台北市八德路三段10號01/06 13:39
41Foter99: 報名專線:02-2528-6596#309 請於10:30~20:30間打01/06 13:41
42Foter99: 或用FB私訊跟我報名! 請留下人數 聯絡電話及姓名!01/06 13:41
43Foter99: 粉絲還有名額歐!!快快快”01/06 13:42
44Foter99:01/06 13:43
63Foter99:01/09 18:11
64Foter99:★1/8下午5點43分臉書更新01/09 18:11
65Foter99: http://ppt.cc/sKvm01/09 18:12
66Foter99: So inspiring!01/09 18:12
67Foter99:01/09 18:12
68Foter99:★1/9上午9點03分臉書更新01/09 18:19
69Foter99: http://ppt.cc/Gwvl01/09 18:20
70Foter99: 今天外面下雨又冷冷的,01/09 18:20
71Foter99: 去記者會準備彩排的路上好想瞇一下眼多睡一下下!01/09 18:20
72Foter99: 再兩天就發片了!01/09 18:21
73Foter99: today on the way to the press conference for01/09 18:21
74Foter99: rehearsal, it was cold and wet outside, made01/09 18:22
75Foter99: me just want to close my eyes and sleep for01/09 18:22
76Foter99: just a few more minutes...01/09 18:22
77Foter99: just 2 more days until my album release!01/09 18:23
78Foter99:01/09 18:23
79Foter99:★1/10凌晨0點38分臉書更新01/10 13:46
80Foter99: http://ppt.cc/GsjE01/10 13:46
81Foter99: 2/1 晚上:純白音樂會 在 西門河岸留言!01/10 13:46
82Foter99:01/10 13:46
83Foter99:★1/10上午10點51分臉書更新01/10 13:50
84Foter99: http://ppt.cc/Fv5B01/10 13:51
85Foter99: Thanks Janet Hsieh for coming to my press01/10 13:51
86Foter99: conference yesterday and bringing your 201/10 13:51
87Foter99: friends, haha!01/10 13:51
88Foter99: (1/9 eVonne 許慧欣 「欣*進化」發片記者會)01/10 13:52
89Foter99: pics from VIBE01/10 13:52
90Foter99:01/10 13:52
91Foter99:★1/10中午12點33分臉書更新01/10 13:58
92Foter99: http://youtu.be/oF6DN_1YZms01/10 13:59
93Foter99: 黑天鵝的mv破250k了,01/10 13:59
94Foter99: 明天「欣*進化」就要出來了你們準備好了嗎?!01/10 13:59
95Foter99: black swan's mv has broken 250k views,01/10 14:00
96Foter99: and eVolution is coming out tomorrow,01/10 14:00
97Foter99: are y'all ready?!01/10 14:00
98Foter99:01/10 14:00
99Foter99:★1/10中午12點42分臉書更新01/10 14:03
100Foter99: http://youtu.be/qC94thrltw401/10 14:03
101Foter99:01/10 14:04
105Foter99:01/10 22:18
106Foter99:★1/10晚上7點01分臉書更新01/10 22:19
107Foter99: http://ppt.cc/os4801/10 22:19
108Foter99: 今天在台中跟憲哥錄「週六大挑戰」,01/10 22:19
109Foter99: 遇到一個超可愛的小熊熊在我的cappuccino上!01/10 22:20
110Foter99: 我都捨不得喝掉!01/10 22:20
111Foter99: during the taichung tv taping of01/10 22:21
112Foter99: "saturday big challenge"01/10 22:21
113Foter99: i saw this adorable little bear floating01/10 22:21
114Foter99: on my cappuccino! he was so cute i didn't want01/10 22:22
115Foter99: to drink any and mess up the foam!01/10 22:22
116Foter99:01/10 22:22
117Foter99:★1/11上午10點29分臉書更新01/11 14:15
118Foter99: http://ppt.cc/DQmw01/11 14:15
119Foter99: 1/11 do you have your new 「eVolution」yet?01/11 14:16
120Foter99: ^-^ 1/11 你有最新的「欣*進化」嗎?01/11 14:16
121Foter99:01/11 14:16
122Foter99:★1/11上午11點01分臉書更新01/11 14:17
123Foter99: http://ppt.cc/ADKk01/11 14:17
124Foter99:01/11 14:17
146Foter99:01/15 09:29
147Foter99:★1/15凌晨0點18分臉書更新01/15 09:29
148Foter99: http://youtu.be/rgy4LFRccWo01/15 09:30
149Foter99: 「一個人唱歌」mv出來了!:)01/15 09:30
150Foter99:01/15 09:31
151Foter99:★1/15下午2點18分臉書更新01/15 21:08
152Foter99: http://ppt.cc/k_yt01/15 21:08
153Foter99: 今天天氣不錯 太陽笑了 還帶著微風... :)01/15 21:09
154Foter99:01/15 21:09
155Foter99:★1/16下午2點17分臉書更新01/16 20:07
156Foter99: http://youtu.be/oF6DN_1YZms01/16 20:08
157Foter99: 「黑天鵝」破310k views了!!謝謝大家!:)01/16 20:08
158Foter99:01/16 20:08
159Foter99:★1/17中午11點48分臉書更新01/17 17:10
160Foter99: 為什麼一直聽到好像欣專輯一直很難買到?!有嗎?01/17 17:11
161Foter99:01/17 17:11
162Foter99:★1/17晚上7點46分臉書更新01/18 21:34
163Foter99: 等下 10pm 上 蘋果娛樂新聞 live,01/18 21:34
164Foter99: 有可能會唱唱欣歌喔~你們會收看嗎?:)01/18 21:35
165Foter99:01/18 21:35
166Foter99:★1/18凌晨0點11分臉書更新01/18 21:41
167Foter99: http://ppt.cc/s-NS01/18 21:42
168Foter99: 當主持來賓還是好緊張!大家有看嗎?01/18 21:42
169Foter99: 喜歡「妳的小說」嗎?現在回到家要趕快整理行李,01/18 21:42
170Foter99: 洗澡,看有沒有時間睡覺,01/18 21:43
171Foter99: 因為明天早上4:30要起床準備去機場飛北京!01/18 21:43
172Foter99: hosting, even as a guest host still makes me01/18 21:43
173Foter99: super nervous! did you all watch? did you like01/18 21:44
174Foter99: "your story"? :) now i'm home, i have to hurry01/18 21:44
175Foter99: and pack my luggage and get to bed soon01/18 21:44
176Foter99: (if possible) bc i need to be up at around01/18 21:45
177Foter99: 4:30am to get ready to head out to fly to01/18 21:45
178Foter99: Beijing!01/18 21:45
179Foter99:01/18 21:46
180Foter99:★1/18早上6點03分臉書更新01/18 21:50
181Foter99: http://ppt.cc/phoG01/18 21:50
182Foter99: 早安!本來想多拍幾張我們去機場路上的照,01/18 21:50
183Foter99: 但太陽還在睡著,什麼都看不到哈哈01/18 21:51
184Foter99: morning! I was going to take more pics on the01/18 21:51
185Foter99: way to the airport but the sun is still01/18 21:51
186Foter99: snoozing and you can't see anything in the01/18 21:52
187Foter99: photos haha01/18 21:52
188Foter99:01/18 21:52
189Foter99:★1/18早上7點44分臉書更新01/18 21:54
190Foter99: http://ppt.cc/H4N_01/18 21:55
191Foter99: 上飛機了!北京 (星光大道)見!01/18 21:55
192Foter99:01/18 21:55
193Foter99:★1/18下午2點16分臉書更新01/18 21:58
194Foter99: http://ppt.cc/K6qj01/18 21:59
195Foter99: s'mores, anyone? i got the marshmallows...01/18 21:59
196Foter99: or how about a nice cup of hot cocoa?01/18 21:59
197Foter99:01/18 21:59
217Foter99:01/22 12:30
218Foter99:★1/22下午0點30分臉書更新01/22 12:31
219Foter99: http://ppt.cc/jpem01/22 12:31
220Foter99: 1/26!01/22 12:32
221Foter99:01/22 12:32
222Foter99:★1/22下午0點30分臉書更新01/22 12:33
223Foter99: http://ppt.cc/dhIl01/22 12:33
224Foter99:01/22 12:35
225Foter99:★1/22晚上7點06分臉書更新01/22 21:41
226Foter99: http://youtu.be/-u-rhnV4l0801/22 21:41
227Foter99: 最近正在想抽煙這個問題,因為前幾天在封閉空間有01/22 21:42
228Foter99: 人抽煙,害大家一起跟著吸他們的二手煙,今天又坐01/22 21:42
229Foter99: 到一台抽煙的計程車司機!雖然這是泰文的promo短片01/22 21:42
230Foter99: ,字幕是英文,但我真的希望大家會看一看和瞭解一01/22 21:43
231Foter99: 下,也分享一下,我覺得這個短片做得很好01/22 21:43
232Foter99: these past few days smoking has been prevalent01/22 21:43
233Foter99: on my mind, (not bc i want to smoke, never have01/22 21:44
234Foter99: , never will!) bc a few days ago i was stuck01/22 21:44
235Foter99: several times in enclosed rooms were people01/22 21:44
236Foter99: inconsiderately lit up cigarettes and just01/22 21:44
237Foter99: puffed away, forcing everyone else to breathe01/22 21:45
238Foter99: in their second hand smoke... and just today01/22 21:45
239Foter99: i got on a cab where the driver was still01/22 21:45
240Foter99: smoking when i got on the car. even though this01/22 21:46
241Foter99: promo clip is in thai and the subtitles are in01/22 21:46
242Foter99: english, i hope everyone can watch it and01/22 21:46
243Foter99: understand it and share this video,01/22 21:47
244Foter99: it has a really great message...01/22 21:47
245Foter99:01/22 21:47
248Foter99:01/25 23:31
249Foter99:★1/24凌晨1點02分臉書更新01/25 23:32
250Foter99: http://ppt.cc/VHAs01/25 23:32
251Foter99: 今天要工作到凌晨?點,明天7am要起床工作到晚上01/25 23:33
252Foter99: 11點多,我看我們今晚就沒的睡了吧!還好有一位怪01/25 23:33
253Foter99: 帥哥陪我哈哈...01/25 23:34
254Foter99: Today we are working until who knows what time,01/25 23:34
255Foter99: tomorrow morning I have to be up by 7am for01/25 23:34
256Foter99: work until past 11pm, I'm guessing we won't get01/25 23:35
257Foter99: any sleep tonight! Thankfully I have a weird01/25 23:35
258Foter99: handsome guy here to keep me company hahaha...01/25 23:36
259Foter99:01/25 23:36
260Foter99:★1/24早上8點43分臉書更新01/25 23:42
261Foter99: 當我那麼累的時候沒睡多少然後還有一整天的通告要01/25 23:42
262Foter99: 撐過,有人貼心的幫我買早餐然後來接我帶我到公司01/25 23:43
263Foter99: ,我覺得我很幸福... 大家猜猜看我睡了幾個小時!?01/25 23:43
264Foter99: when I'm falling down tired with very little01/25 23:44
265Foter99: sleep and still have an entire day of work to01/25 23:44
266Foter99: get through, and someone arrives at my door01/25 23:45
267Foter99: early in the morning with breakfast in hand to01/25 23:45
268Foter99: drive me to work, I feel really lucky... Guess01/25 23:45
269Foter99: how many hours I slept last night!?01/25 23:46
270Foter99:01/25 23:46
271Foter99:★1/24晚上8點06分臉書更新01/25 23:49
272Foter99: http://ppt.cc/d4ES01/25 23:49
273Foter99: 你們覺得這是在拍那首歌的mv場景呢?01/25 23:49
274Foter99: which song's mv would you guess this is the01/25 23:49
275Foter99: set for...?01/25 23:50
276Foter99:01/25 23:50
277Foter99:★1/24晚上8點07分臉書更新01/25 23:52
278Foter99: 我在POP RADIO 「What's up music」LIVE!01/25 23:52
279Foter99:01/25 23:52
280Foter99:★1/24晚上9點24分臉書更新01/25 23:57
281Foter99: 現在等待排舞時間,誰想陪我聊聊天?01/25 23:57
282Foter99:01/25 23:57
283Foter99:★1/24晚上10點28分臉書更新01/25 23:58
284Foter99: http://ppt.cc/2OpK01/25 23:58
285Foter99: 1/25 Friday 13:30-15:00 來做些善事!明天見!01/25 23:58
286Foter99:01/25 23:58
287Foter99:★1/25晚上7點29分臉書更新01/26 00:02
288Foter99: http://ppt.cc/DXwI01/26 00:02
289Foter99: 謝謝今天來參加活動的歌迷朋友們,特別是有支持買01/26 00:02
290Foter99: 鬆餅禮盒的人,還有我旁邊的這位天津來的歌迷朋友01/26 00:02
291Foter99: 那麼有愛心,為了捐錢給家扶基金會標到我親手做的01/26 00:03
292Foter99: 鬆餅咖啡餐!這個活動很棒,從今天到2/28只要購買01/26 00:03
293Foter99: 鬆餅禮盒($200)oven coffee 會捐出29元給家扶基01/26 00:03
294Foter99: 金會!大家可以享受美味的鬆餅也可以做善事,幫助01/26 00:03
295Foter99: 小朋友喔!?01/26 00:04
296Foter99:01/26 00:04
329Foter99:01/30 21:24
330Foter99:★1/28晚上6點55分臉書更新01/30 21:24
331Foter99: http://ppt.cc/q1JI01/30 21:24
332Foter99: 快去post你們的照片!01/30 21:25
333Foter99:01/30 21:25
334Foter99:★1/28晚上6點56分臉書更新01/30 21:29
335Foter99: http://ppt.cc/GJrN01/30 21:29
336Foter99: 節目播出通知...今晚喔~!01/30 21:29
337Foter99:01/30 21:29
338Foter99:★1/29中午11點27分臉書更新01/30 21:32
339Foter99: http://ppt.cc/~cTt01/30 21:32
340Foter99: 就是今天!16:30見!01/30 21:32
341Foter99:01/30 21:34
344Foter99:01/30 21:34
342Foter99:★1/29下午3點19分臉書更新01/30 21:34
343Foter99: 等下飛碟UFO live!聽一下!01/30 21:34
345Foter99:★1/29晚上10點36分臉書更新01/30 21:37
346Foter99: http://ppt.cc/mvhc01/30 21:37
347Foter99:01/30 21:38
348Foter99:★1/30中午11點37分臉書更新01/30 21:44
349Foter99: http://ppt.cc/LLrX01/30 21:44
350Foter99: 我不需要是最紅的,第一名的,最美麗的,最賺錢的01/30 21:44
351Foter99: ,最厲害的,這些都對我不重要,只要我有儘力,有01/30 21:46
352Foter99: 支持我的人的肯定跟陪伴,我覺得我很ok!對於不支01/30 21:47
353Foter99: 持我的人,你們不喜歡我可以選擇不看我的fb不看我01/30 21:47
354Foter99: 的消息,何必來這裡亂鬧亂罵人呢?這樣只有浪費你01/30 21:47
355Foter99: 自己的時間,讓大家不舒服也對你自己不好...01/30 21:47
356Foter99: I don't need to be the most popular,01/30 21:48
357Foter99: the number 1 anything, the richest,01/30 21:48
358Foter99: the prettiest, the best, that's not what's01/30 21:48
359Foter99: important to me... As long as I try my best,01/30 21:49
360Foter99: and I have the company and belief of ppl who y01/30 21:49
361Foter99: truly support me, I think I'll be fine! To the01/30 21:50
362Foter99: ppl who don't like me, you can choose to not01/30 21:52
363Foter99: look at my Facebook or simply just ignore my01/30 21:52
364Foter99: news, why bother to come here and say mean or01/30 21:52
365Foter99: insulting things? It's only a waste of time01/30 21:53
366Foter99: and effort for you, going to make everyone01/30 21:53
367Foter99: else here uncomfortable , plus it's probably01/30 21:53
368Foter99: not doing any good for your spiritual health...01/30 21:53
369Foter99:01/30 21:54
370Foter99:★1/30下午3點04分臉書更新01/30 21:57
371Foter99: http://ppt.cc/pwtH01/30 21:57
372Foter99: Wow... 如果有人這樣畫我的mv的話我會暈倒!01/30 21:58
373Foter99:01/30 21:58
374Foter99:★1/30晚上8點53分臉書更新01/30 22:00
375Foter99: http://ppt.cc/fx~p01/30 22:00
376Foter99: :)01/30 22:00
377Foter99:01/30 22:00
378Foter99:★1/30下午5點38分臉書更新01/30 22:03
379Foter99: http://ppt.cc/odae01/30 22:04
380Foter99: 2/1 純白音樂會,7:30pm憑「欣*進化」入場!西門01/30 22:04
381Foter99: 河岸留言,8點開始,唱完會簽專輯,記得帶欣專輯01/30 22:04
382Foter99: 來!:)01/30 22:04
383Foter99:01/30 22:04
384Foter99:★1/31下午2點29分臉書更新02/01 00:21
385Foter99: http://youtu.be/aTLySbGoMX002/01 00:22
386Foter99: 今天起床時特別累,身體有點痠痛,但看到這個心情02/01 00:22
387Foter99: 好起來了。02/01 00:23
388Foter99: i woke up sore achy and tired today, but then02/01 00:23
389Foter99: I saw this and it made me smile... ?02/01 00:23
390Foter99:02/01 00:23
391Foter99:★1/31下午4點39分臉書更新02/01 00:26
392Foter99: http://ppt.cc/k~DA02/01 00:26
393Foter99:02/01 00:26
[公告] 12月份獎勵名單
[ eVonne ]3 留言, 推噓總分: +3
作者: qwerewq - 發表於 2013/01/01 20:14(11年前)
3Foter99:感謝版主 收到了 XD01/02 10:39
[情報] 12月份臉書+微博每日更新區
[ eVonne ]186 留言, 推噓總分: 0
作者: qwerewq - 發表於 2012/12/01 21:20(11年前)
10Foter99:12/03 08:02
11Foter99:★12/2晚上11點37分臉書更新12/03 08:02
12Foter99: http://youtu.be/tBNHPk-Lnkk12/03 08:03
13Foter99: coool!12/03 08:03
14Foter99:12/03 08:04
15Foter99:★12/3凌晨0點13分臉書更新12/03 08:08
16Foter99: http://ppt.cc/Vi_w12/03 08:08
17Foter99: 棒12/03 08:10
18Foter99:12/03 08:10
19Foter99:★12/3下午5點45分臉書更新12/03 20:58
20Foter99: 前往台中了!剛剛聽到一首很magical的歌...12/03 20:59
21Foter99: 現在一路上一直在聽!12/03 21:00
22Foter99: 現在我只能說謝謝 my dear magical friend, peggy.12/03 21:02
23Foter99:12/03 21:02
24Foter99:★12/3晚上8點42分臉書更新12/03 21:03
25Foter99: http://ppt.cc/P6zs12/03 21:04
26Foter99: 好久沒有唱校園了!現在心情好好!12/03 21:06
27Foter99: 很開心大家一起支持公益12/03 21:07
28Foter99: seems like it's been quite a while since I've12/03 21:09
29Foter99: done a campus performance! really happy12/03 21:10
30Foter99: everyone came out to support a charitable cause12/03 21:10
31Foter99:12/03 21:11
32Foter99:★12/4晚上7點23分臉書更新12/04 20:22
33Foter99: http://ppt.cc/J-fR12/04 20:23
34Foter99: 昨天晚上開始過敏,喉嚨癢,鼻塞,頭痛,12/04 20:24
35Foter99: 害我今天錄音很緊張,但還是錄完一首的主音+和聲!12/04 20:25
36Foter99: 今晚要吃什麼呢?12/04 20:25
37Foter99: late last night I started having weird12/04 20:27
38Foter99: allergies, itchy throat, stuffy nose,12/04 20:28
39Foter99: headache... so I was really nervous going into12/04 20:29
40Foter99: the studio today to record, but we somehow12/04 20:30
41Foter99: finished recording all main vocals and12/04 20:31
42Foter99: harmonies for the song!12/04 20:33
43Foter99: *whew* so... what's should I have for dinner?12/04 20:33
44Foter99:12/04 20:34
58Foter99:12/08 12:55
59Foter99:★12/6晚上10點57分臉書更新12/08 12:58
60Foter99: http://ppt.cc/1P3912/08 12:59
61Foter99: hahaha... 像嗎?12/08 12:59
62Foter99:12/08 12:59
63Foter99:★12/6晚上11點00分臉書更新12/08 13:01
64Foter99: http://youtu.be/ALIgRZCWrlk12/08 13:02
65Foter99: cute!12/08 13:02
66Foter99:12/08 13:02
67Foter99:★12/8早上10點58分臉書更新12/08 13:04
68Foter99: 今天要錄超偶!:)12/08 13:04
69Foter99:12/08 13:05
70Foter99:★12/8下午5點48分臉書更新12/08 20:17
71Foter99: http://ppt.cc/m28A12/08 20:18
72Foter99: 錄音休息中亂拍照!哈哈12/08 20:19
73Foter99: waiting between tapings,12/08 20:19
74Foter99: taking random photos in the judges' room ;)12/08 20:20
75Foter99:12/08 20:20
117Foter99:12/21 20:17
118Foter99:★12/21晚上8點05分臉書更新12/21 20:17
119Foter99: http://ppt.cc/UkL212/21 20:19
120Foter99: 最近練舞練到腿軟腳抽筋,自從拍黑天鵝mv有點忘了12/21 20:21
121Foter99: 這支舞蹈有多累!哈哈感謝所有dancer&永遠有精神12/21 20:22
122Foter99: 的藍波老師,辛苦了!希望明天,29號,還有跨年的12/21 20:23
123Foter99: 表演都順利,大家幫我們加加油吧!12/21 20:23
124Foter99:12/21 20:24
125Foter99:★12/22晚上10點34分臉書更新12/23 08:27
126Foter99: http://ppt.cc/eJr812/23 08:28
127Foter99: 今天錄超偶壓力比較大,最近比較累,12/23 08:31
128Foter99: 在休息室等待的時候還是拍了我最近愛拍的方向照片12/23 08:32
129Foter99: ,知道我的意思嗎?— 與 Evonne Hsu 。12/23 08:33
130Foter99:12/23 08:34
131Foter99:★12/25早上11點49分臉書更新12/25 12:47
132Foter99: http://ppt.cc/RtXS12/25 12:47
133Foter99: Merry Christmas!12/25 12:48
134Foter99:12/25 12:48
135Foter99:★12/25晚上10點15分臉書更新12/25 22:22
136Foter99: http://ppt.cc/bEyj12/25 22:27
137Foter99: 12/26 (明天)下午一點半1:30pm來跟我聊個天吧!12/25 22:28
138Foter99: eVonne 許慧欣微訪談地址 http://ppt.cc/bEyj12/25 22:31
139Foter99:12/25 22:31
140Foter99:★12/26凌晨0點22分臉書更新12/26 08:18
141Foter99: http://youtu.be/tCiNELK9P_A12/26 08:19
142Foter99: 許慧欣-黑天鵝【MV花絮】12/26 08:22
143Foter99:12/26 08:22
144Foter99:★12/26凌晨0點22分臉書更新12/26 08:23
145Foter99: http://youtu.be/oF6DN_1YZms12/26 08:23
146Foter99: 許慧欣-黑天鵝【官方完整版MV】12/26 08:24
147Foter99:12/26 08:24
148Foter99:★12/26早上8點15分臉書更新12/26 09:52
149Foter99: http://youtu.be/oF6DN_1YZms12/26 09:52
150Foter99: 早安!「黑天鵝」mv出來了,你們喜歡嗎?:)12/26 09:53
151Foter99:12/26 09:54
155Foter99:12/28 16:29
156Foter99: ★12/28下午2點06分臉書更新12/28 16:29
157Foter99: http://youtu.be/yKfEZdpfk0s12/28 16:30
158Foter99: ^-^ 你們喜歡黑天鵝mv我很開心,因為我們真的跳得12/28 16:31
159Foter99: 很累!!!12/28 16:31
160Foter99:12/28 16:32
161Foter99:★12/29晚上9點58分臉書更新12/30 13:01
162Foter99: http://ppt.cc/-gin12/30 13:01
163Foter99: what happened, will? why the pouty face?12/30 13:02
164Foter99:12/30 13:03
165Foter99:★12/30凌晨3點52分臉書更新12/30 13:05
166Foter99: http://ppt.cc/7Sb412/30 13:06
167Foter99: :)12/30 13:07
168Foter99:12/30 13:07
169Foter99:★12/30中午12點48分臉書更新12/30 13:08
170Foter99: http://ppt.cc/biu812/30 13:09
171Foter99: 上飛機了,北京見!on the plane now, see ya in12/30 13:10
172Foter99: Beijing!12/30 13:10
173Foter99:12/30 13:10
174Foter99:★12/31下午2點34分臉書更新12/31 17:28
175Foter99: http://youtu.be/oF6DN_1YZms12/31 17:30
176Foter99: wow! 我們什麼時候破了150,000 views! ^-^ 感謝大12/31 17:30
177Foter99: 家的支持!12/31 17:31
178Foter99:12/31 17:32
179Foter99:★12/31下午5點46分臉書更新12/31 18:37
180Foter99: http://ppt.cc/qBaR12/31 18:37
181Foter99: are y'all ready? i'm almost ready!12/31 18:39
182Foter99: hope the past few days of nose and throat12/31 18:40
183Foter99: discomfort will magically disappear QUICKLY!12/31 18:41
184Foter99: 準備好了嗎?我快好了!12/31 18:41
185Foter99: 希望這幾天的鼻子喉嚨不舒服很快就消失!12/31 18:42
186Foter99:12/31 18:42
[公告] 11月份獎勵名單
[ eVonne ]2 留言, 推噓總分: +2
作者: qwerewq - 發表於 2012/12/01 21:19(11年前)
2Foter99:感謝版主大人 收到了 :D12/02 08:49
[情報] 11月份臉書+微博每日更新區
[ eVonne ]217 留言, 推噓總分: +1
作者: qwerewq - 發表於 2012/11/01 23:20(11年前)
12Foter99:11/3晚上10點17分臉書更新11/04 10:49
13Foter99:http://ppt.cc/jZ~811/04 10:50
14Foter99:be safe everyone!11/04 10:50
15Foter99:11/4早上8點42分臉書更新11/04 10:51
16Foter99:http://ppt.cc/PZn611/04 10:51
17Foter99:happy sunday! please no rain today...11/04 10:52
37Foter99:11/06 22:04
38Foter99:11/6晚上8點30分臉書更新11/06 22:05
39Foter99:http://ppt.cc/_Po311/06 22:05
40Foter99: at the taipei zoo, we saw a poor tortoise that11/06 22:12
41Foter99: had somehow gotten flipped over onto his back11/06 22:15
42Foter99: and his dear buddy, who kept trying to help11/06 22:16
43Foter99: push him and flip him back on his belly. we11/06 22:16
44Foter99: called the zoo management and they said they11/06 22:17
45Foter99: would send someone over to help the tortoise.11/06 22:18
46Foter99: the sweet buddy kept pushing for so long that11/06 22:19
47Foter99: he got tired, but after taking a few bites of11/06 22:20
48Foter99: food and sometimes looking to the people as if11/06 22:20
49Foter99: to ask for help, he was back to tirelessly11/06 22:21
50Foter99: pushing and circling to try to find a better11/06 22:22
51Foter99: angle. it was really sweet and touching!11/06 22:22
52Foter99: 在台北動物園我們看到一隻可憐的陸龜不小心倒到他11/06 22:25
53Foter99: 背後上。 他的好朋友一直試著幫他翻回去,但找不到11/06 22:26
54Foter99: 對的角度。因為 我們不准跨欄自己幫他,我就打電話11/06 22:27
55Foter99: 給動物園的管理,請他 們趕快找人來幫忙。好朋友推11/06 22:27
56Foter99: 到累了但只有停一下,吃兩口 ,看看有沒有人能幫忙11/06 22:28
57Foter99: ,再不停的試著幫他朋友,真的很可 愛又感動!11/06 22:28
58Foter99: —與 Evonne Hsu 在台北市立動物園 Taipei Zoo11/06 22:29
59Foter99:11/06 22:29
60Foter99:11/8下午3點45分臉書更新11/08 16:48
61Foter99:http://ppt.cc/wggT11/08 16:48
62Foter99: Elton John is going to be in Beijing for a11/08 16:51
63Foter99: concert 11/25! tickets are selling at11/08 16:52
64Foter99: http://www.228.com.cn/ticket-8680150.html11/08 16:53
65Foter99: remember 7:30pm 11/25 at11/08 16:55
66Foter99: 萬事達中心(Mastercard arena?)11/08 16:56
67Foter99: elton john 艾爾頓 約翰11月25日要到北京開演唱會,11/08 16:57
68Foter99: 好想去看!!11/08 16:58
69Foter99: 喜歡他的人記得11/25晚上7:30萬事達中心 一起看!11/08 16:59
70Foter99:11/08 17:00
75Foter99:11/10 16:49
76Foter99:11/10 0點14分臉書更新11/10 16:50
77Foter99:http://ppt.cc/DqyQ11/10 16:53
78Foter99: peggy 許哲珮 明天下午4:30pm! 我想去...11/10 16:54
79Foter99:11/10 16:54
104Foter99:11/15 22:28
105Foter99:11/15下午4點54分臉書更新11/15 22:28
106Foter99:http://ppt.cc/1WA011/15 22:30
107Foter99:哈哈這個冰怎麼拍起來比我頭還大?11/15 22:30
108Foter99:還好有人幫我吃...要不然怎麼吃完?!11/15 22:31
109Foter99: haha this yummy shaved ice looks bigger than my11/15 22:32
110Foter99:head in this pic,11/15 22:33
111Foter99:definitely had help finishing this mountain of11/15 22:34
112Foter99:icy deliciousness!— 與 Evonne Hsu 。11/15 22:35
113Foter99:11/15 22:35
114Foter99:11/18中午12點51分臉書更新11/18 14:45
115Foter99:http://ppt.cc/4_2511/18 14:46
116Foter99: Guess what I'm trying to make!11/18 14:46
117Foter99: 猜猜我在試著做什麼東東!— 與 Evonne Hsu 。11/18 14:47
118Foter99:11/18 14:48
123Foter99:11/21 19:16
124Foter99:11/21晚上6點35分臉書更新11/21 19:16
125Foter99:http://ppt.cc/Lbez11/21 19:19
126Foter99: kiwi常常愛假裝她覺得cocoa很煩,11/21 19:20
127Foter99:但明明很愛他... 哈哈我們終於抓到證據了!11/21 19:20
128Foter99: kiwi likes to pretend she thinks cocoa is11/21 19:21
129Foter99: annoying, when she actually really loves11/21 19:22
130Foter99: him... haha we finally caught her,11/21 19:23
131Foter99: got some evidence!11/21 19:23
132Foter99:11/21 19:25
158Foter99:11/22 23:46
159Foter99:11/22晚上22點56分臉書更新11/22 23:47
160Foter99:http://ppt.cc/LJAL11/22 23:48
161Foter99: Life of Pi Movie11/22 23:50
162Foter99: ( http://www.facebook.com/LifeofPi )11/22 23:53
163Foter99:11/22 23:54
164Foter99:11/24晚上6點22分臉書更新11/24 18:54
165Foter99:http://0rz.tw/SoZyu11/24 18:54
166Foter99: 有沒有人想我?does anyone miss me?11/24 18:56
167Foter99:11/24 18:56
168Foter99:11/25晚上8點54分臉書更新11/25 22:51
169Foter99:http://ppt.cc/pKMS11/25 22:52
170Foter99: ♥ hsu sister11/25 22:55
171Foter99:11/25 22:58
172Foter99:11/26下午1點55分臉書更新11/26 18:19
173Foter99: what is up w the weather lately?11/26 18:20
174Foter99: yesterday during the day was warm and sunny,11/26 18:20
175Foter99: today it's rainy and freezing!11/26 18:21
176Foter99: 最近天氣是怎樣?昨天的白天有太陽又暖,11/26 18:21
177Foter99: 今天下雨又冷!11/26 18:22
178Foter99:11/26 18:22
179Foter99:11/26下午5點04分臉書更新11/26 18:23
180Foter99:http://ppt.cc/42YI11/26 18:24
181Foter99: 你們知道我穿幾號鞋子嗎?11/26 18:26
182Foter99: 今天發現我還可以穿的下peggy的兒童size的雨靴!11/26 18:26
183Foter99: 哈哈看得出來我自己的雨靴那時候買的太大了...11/26 18:27
184Foter99: do you know what size shoe I wear?11/26 18:27
185Foter99: I found out that I can fit into peggy's kid-size11/26 18:29
186Foter99: rain boots! Haha and you can tell I bought my11/26 18:30
187Foter99: own rain boots a couple sizes too big...11/26 18:30
188Foter99: — 與Evonne Hsu 、許哲珮和 Peggy Hsu。11/26 18:33
189Foter99:11/26 18:34
190Foter99:★11/27晚上7點01分臉書更新11/27 20:22
191Foter99: http://ppt.cc/zn1m11/27 20:23
192Foter99: 這幾天錄音很開心,昨天先在wonder錄完peggy的歌,11/27 20:26
193Foter99: 再去好久不見的白金錄到晚上11點,11/27 20:27
194Foter99: 今天又錄完一首歌 :)11/27 20:27
195Foter99:11/27 20:27
199Foter99:11/28 10:21
200Foter99:★11/28早上7點45分臉書更新11/28 10:21
201Foter99: http://ppt.cc/Jqr911/28 10:22
202Foter99: going to wuhu tomorrow...11/28 10:23
203Foter99:11/28 10:24
204Foter99:★11/28晚上6點07分臉書更新11/28 18:31
205Foter99: http://ppt.cc/YldW11/28 18:31
206Foter99: Yichang's concert on 12/1 has so many versions11/28 18:33
207Foter99: of posters,11/28 18:35
208Foter99: I decided to post all the ones I found, haha...11/28 18:35
209Foter99: 宜昌演唱會的海報有好幾個版本,11/28 18:36
210Foter99: 我找到的都post!哈哈11/28 18:36
211Foter99:11/28 18:38