作者查詢 / oter99

總覽項目: 發文 | 留言 | 暱稱
作者 oter99 在 PTT [ eVonne ] 看板的留言(推文), 共1176則
[公告] 7月份獎勵名單
[ eVonne ]1 留言, 推噓總分: +1
作者: qwerewq - 發表於 2013/08/02 20:43(11年前)
1Foter99:謝謝版主 獎金收到~08/08 10:20
[公告] 7月份臉書+微博每日更新區
[ eVonne ]64 留言, 推噓總分: 0
作者: qwerewq - 發表於 2013/07/03 20:32(11年前)
49Foter99:★7/27早上9點09分臉書更新07/30 13:32
50Foter99: http://ppt.cc/BCfB07/30 13:32
51Foter99: good morning! Flying to yinchuan today, are my07/30 13:33
52Foter99: lil darlings going to miss me? (ivy hsu)07/30 13:33
53Foter99: 早安!今天飛銀川,我的寶貝們會想我嗎?07/30 13:34
54Foter99:07/30 13:34
55Foter99:★7/30早上10點01分臉書更新07/30 13:36
56Foter99: http://ppt.cc/tQHz07/30 13:36
57Foter99:07/30 13:36
58Foter99:★7/31下午3點28分臉書更新07/31 20:28
59Foter99: http://ppt.cc/ymW307/31 20:28
60Foter99: Apparently, no one is immune from inflation!07/31 20:29
61Foter99: They have been doing their duty for decades07/31 20:29
62Foter99: to help maintain justice... but at what cost?07/31 20:30
63Foter99: Haha, thanks for the link, c!07/31 20:30
64Foter99:07/31 20:30
[公告] 6月份獎勵名單
[ eVonne ]2 留言, 推噓總分: +2
作者: qwerewq - 發表於 2013/07/03 20:31(11年前)
1Foter99:謝謝 獎金收到~07/04 00:24
[公告] 6月份臉書+微博每日更新區
[ eVonne ]44 留言, 推噓總分: +1
作者: qwerewq - 發表於 2013/06/01 23:32(11年前)
17Foter99:06/15 11:39
18Foter99:★6/11晚上7點52分臉書更新06/15 11:39
19Foter99: http://ppt.cc/eYZf06/15 11:40
20Foter99: love this lil winky face!06/15 11:40
21Foter99:06/15 11:40
22Foter99:★6/12下午4點36分臉書更新06/15 11:42
23Foter99: 端午節快樂!你們喜歡吃甜的粽子還是鹹的粽子?06/15 11:42
24Foter99:06/15 11:43
29Foter99:06/22 14:17
30Foter99:★6/21早上11點38分臉書更新06/22 14:18
31Foter99: 誰在看nba finals?好刺激!!06/22 14:18
32Foter99: 你們在為誰加油?誰會贏??06/22 14:18
33Foter99: who is watching the nba finals?06/22 14:19
34Foter99: really exciting game!!06/22 14:20
35Foter99: Who are you guys rooting for? Who's gonna win??06/22 14:20
36Foter99:06/22 14:21
37Foter99:★6/26晚上7點23分臉書更新06/28 13:19
38Foter99: http://ppt.cc/GHSx06/28 13:19
39Foter99: Wow... A life of pi attempt?06/28 13:20
40Foter99:06/28 13:20
[公告] 5月份獎勵名單
[ eVonne ]2 留言, 推噓總分: +2
作者: qwerewq - 發表於 2013/06/01 23:30(11年前)
2Foter99:謝謝 獎金收到~06/03 13:25
[情報] 5月份臉書+微博每日更新區
[ eVonne ]82 留言, 推噓總分: 0
作者: qwerewq - 發表於 2013/05/01 20:17(11年前)
4Foter99:05/08 21:57
5Foter99:★5/4下午2點22分臉書更新05/08 21:58
6Foter99: http://ppt.cc/MSnw05/08 21:58
7Foter99: dance practice...05/08 21:58
8Foter99:05/08 21:58
9Foter99:★5/5晚上10點33分臉書更新05/08 21:59
10Foter99: http://ppt.cc/CNXt05/08 21:59
11Foter99:05/08 21:59
12Foter99:★5/7下午5點01分臉書更新05/08 22:02
13Foter99: http://ppt.cc/0ugE05/08 22:02
14Foter99: 今晚11pm有我還有ivy hsuJanet Hsieh!05/08 22:03
15Foter99:05/08 22:03
16Foter99:★5/7下午5點02分臉書更新05/08 22:05
17Foter99: http://ppt.cc/e5mN05/08 22:05
18Foter99:05/08 22:05
39Foter99:05/19 13:46
40Foter99:★5/18下午1點51分臉書更新05/19 13:46
41Foter99: http://ppt.cc/KE8P05/19 13:47
42Foter99: i was born and raised in texas, and i've never05/19 13:47
43Foter99: seen an "American beef burger" that looked05/19 13:47
44Foter99: like this05/19 13:48
45Foter99: the question of the day is, what kind of meat05/19 13:48
46Foter99: do you think this is?05/19 13:48
47Foter99: 在德州出生長大的我從來沒看過這樣的"美式漢堡“05/19 13:49
48Foter99: ... 今天要問搭家的是,你們覺得這長得像哪種肉?05/19 13:49
49Foter99:05/19 13:49
50Foter99:★5/18下午6點29分臉書更新05/19 13:49
51Foter99: http://ppt.cc/DkD105/19 13:50
52Foter99: interesting effect, i put a brown color filter05/19 13:50
53Foter99: on this pic but the green of the dress still05/19 13:50
54Foter99: showed through05/19 13:50
55Foter99:05/19 13:50
58Foter99:05/22 23:16
59Foter99:★5/21下午4點28分臉書更新05/22 23:16
60Foter99: earthquake... is everyone ok?05/22 23:17
61Foter99: 地震... 大家還好嗎?05/22 23:17
62Foter99:05/22 23:17
63Foter99:★5/22凌晨2點17分臉書更新05/22 23:18
64Foter99: http://ppt.cc/xXP705/22 23:18
65Foter99: inspiring...05/22 23:18
66Foter99:05/22 23:18
67Foter99:★5/22晚上8點06分臉書更新05/22 23:24
68Foter99: http://ppt.cc/CKxH05/22 23:24
69Foter99: 上個禮拜救了一直坐在路邊淋著雨的可愛幼鳥,05/22 23:24
70Foter99: 你們看得出來他是哪種鳥兒嗎?05/22 23:25
71Foter99: last week i saved a baby bird that was sitting05/22 23:25
72Foter99: by the side of the road in the rain, cold and05/22 23:25
73Foter99: shivering...05/22 23:25
74Foter99: can y'all tell what kind of bird he is?05/22 23:26
75Foter99:05/22 23:26
[公告] 4月份獎勵名單
[ eVonne ]2 留言, 推噓總分: +2
作者: qwerewq - 發表於 2013/05/01 20:15(11年前)
1Foter99:謝謝板主 收到獎金了!05/03 11:34
[情報] 4月份臉書+微博每日更新區
[ eVonne ]203 留言, 推噓總分: 0
作者: qwerewq - 發表於 2013/04/01 20:36(11年前)
28Foter99:04/10 17:22
29Foter99:★4/7晚上11點21分臉書更新04/10 17:22
30Foter99: http://ppt.cc/q9V704/10 17:23
31Foter99:04/10 17:23
32Foter99:★4/8晚上7點47分臉書更新04/10 17:24
33Foter99: http://ppt.cc/7pfY04/10 17:24
34Foter99: 班機好像延誤了一些... 一起等飛機吧!04/10 17:24
35Foter99: flight's delayed... let's wait together!04/10 17:25
36Foter99:04/10 17:25
37Foter99:★4/9下午3點51分臉書更新04/10 17:29
38Foter99: http://ppt.cc/NP-M04/10 17:30
39Foter99: 我從來沒有說過我是個美女,我也不是女神,時間不04/10 17:30
40Foter99: 會為任何人停留。有人說我醜,老,胖,等等其實我04/10 17:31
41Foter99: 真的沒關係!有愛我的人支持我的人看得到我的優點04/10 17:31
42Foter99: 缺點還是支持我還是看得到我的努力,我的特色和我04/10 17:31
43Foter99: 自己的"美"在哪裡就好。我只是覺得來我的粉絲團批04/10 17:31
44Foter99: 評我有什麼意義?只會讓我的true fans看的不舒服04/10 17:32
45Foter99: ,不是嗎?04/10 17:32
46Foter99:04/10 17:32
47Foter99:★4/10上午10點06分臉書更新04/10 17:35
48Foter99: http://ppt.cc/gLF704/10 17:36
49Foter99: 到機場了,希望今天班機不會延誤!04/10 17:36
50Foter99: at the airport now, hope there are no flight04/10 17:36
51Foter99: delays today!04/10 17:36
52Foter99:04/10 17:37
61Foter99:04/17 15:02
62Foter99:★4/16下午2點05分臉書更新04/17 15:03
63Foter99: What is happening w the world? A bomb found on04/17 15:03
64Foter99: the Taiwan HSR and now this terrible attack in04/17 15:03
65Foter99: Boston... It's easy for everyone to put others'04/17 15:03
66Foter99: tragedies and hardships out of sight out of04/17 15:04
67Foter99: mind, but when you actually have friends and04/17 15:04
68Foter99: relatives on that HSR every day, or who live04/17 15:04
69Foter99: in Boston or run the Boston Marathon, it04/17 15:04
70Foter99: suddenly throws things into frightening focus.04/17 15:04
71Foter99: Praying for Boston. Praying that people can04/17 15:05
72Foter99: find and spread more happiness and love and04/17 15:05
73Foter99: stop causing intentional pain and spreading04/17 15:05
74Foter99: hate.04/17 15:05
75Foter99:04/17 15:06
76Foter99:★4/16下午2點16分臉書更新04/17 15:10
77Foter99: http://ppt.cc/lLQk04/17 15:10
78Foter99:04/17 15:10
100Foter99:04/23 22:52
101Foter99:★4/23下午4點17分臉書更新04/23 22:53
102Foter99: 昨天晚上回台北聽到一個故事。有位年輕的媽媽抱著04/23 22:53
103Foter99: baby拖這裝滿在超市買的東西的拖車要上往內湖方向04/23 22:53
104Foter99: 的公車。結果因為上公車要刷卡就不小心把拖車籃子04/23 22:53
105Foter99: 弄倒了,裡面的東西都撒出來。公車門一打開蘋果還04/23 22:54
106Foter99: 一棵一棵滾出去。公車上的人就看著這位媽媽邊抱著04/23 22:54
107Foter99: 寶寶邊拿著籃子忙著跑來跑去彎腰把東西一個一個撿04/23 22:54
108Foter99: 起來。沒有一個人伸出手或彎下去幫她撿起一樣東西04/23 22:55
109Foter99: 。那位女士就是我的好朋友(之前我有為她的早產寶04/23 22:55
110Foter99: 寶Alicia post過文)我聽到這個事情其實覺得很不可04/23 22:55
111Foter99: 思議又失望。04/23 22:55
112Foter99: 如果我們想要讓這個世界變得更好,不管是說為了自04/23 22:56
113Foter99: 己想享受更好的世界/生活或是讓未來我們下一代下04/23 22:56
114Foter99: 下一代還有個好的日子可以過,真的要從你我開始。04/23 22:56
115Foter99: 我們如果每天有機會做一點點小善事,幫幫別人,或分04/23 22:56
116Foter99: 享一點愛就做一下吧!這個不一定是要花很多錢或很04/23 22:57
117Foter99: 多時間就能做到的... 那位媽媽如果是你的媽媽,你04/23 22:57
118Foter99: 的姊妹,你的太太,你的朋友,你一定會幫她。你也04/23 22:57
119Foter99: 不會希望有一天聽到你在乎的人有這樣的經驗。希望04/23 22:57
120Foter99: 大家不會那麼輕易的想”那不管我的事”然後冷冷的04/23 22:58
121Foter99: 坐在那邊當成在看戲。因為有一天那也許就是你,也04/23 22:58
122Foter99: 許有一天是你的媽媽你的姊妹你的太太你的朋友需要04/23 22:58
123Foter99: 一點點良心的幫忙。也許我今天講的狀況也並不是個04/23 22:58
124Foter99: 多嚴重誇張的事情,但是就因為它是個那麼容易幫一04/23 22:59
125Foter99: 下別人的狀況就覺得連這個都有人不願意做,那那些04/23 22:59
126Foter99: 真正需要很大的幫助的人呢?請想一想。這個世界需04/23 22:59
127Foter99: 要多點愛,這個愛是從我們的每一天開始... ?04/23 22:59
128Foter99: last night when I got back to Taipei I heard a04/23 23:00
129Foter99: story. a young mother with a baby in a baby04/23 23:00
130Foter99: carrier and a grocery stroller full of04/23 23:00
131Foter99: groceries was trying to get on a bus going04/23 23:00
132Foter99: towards neihu. bc her hands were full and she04/23 23:01
133Foter99: had to get her card to swipe, the grocery cart04/23 23:01
134Foter99: got knocked over and the groceries went04/23 23:01
135Foter99: tumbling out all over the place. when the bus04/23 23:01
136Foter99: doors opened, apples even rolled out through04/23 23:02
137Foter99: the doors onto the ground. the bus passengers04/23 23:02
138Foter99: just watched as she scrambled around, carrying04/23 23:02
139Foter99: her baby and the grocery cart, picking up her04/23 23:03
140Foter99: groceries one by one. not one person reached04/23 23:03
141Foter99: out a helping hand or stood up to help her or04/23 23:03
142Foter99: bent down to aid in picking up a single item.04/23 23:04
143Foter99: that young mother is my good friend (i have04/23 23:04
144Foter99: previously posted about her preemie baby Alicia04/23 23:04
145Foter99: )and when I heard this story I was shocked and04/23 23:04
146Foter99: couldn't believe that not a single person04/23 23:05
147Foter99: offered a helping hand... sad and disappointing04/23 23:05
148Foter99: ...04/23 23:05
149Foter99: if we want this world to be a better place,04/23 23:07
150Foter99: regardless of if it's to have a better life for04/23 23:07
151Foter99: ourselves or if it's to have a better world for04/23 23:07
152Foter99: our future generations, then we need to realize04/23 23:07
153Foter99: that it starts from you and me. if every day we04/23 23:07
154Foter99: have the opportunity to do some small act of04/23 23:08
155Foter99: kindness, to help someone or to spread some04/23 23:08
156Foter99: love into the world, then why not just do it?04/23 23:08
157Foter99: it doesn't necessarily require us to spend a04/23 23:09
158Foter99: lot of money or time... if that mother with the04/23 23:09
159Foter99: baby on the bus was your mother, your sister,04/23 23:10
160Foter99: your wife, or your friend, you would have04/23 23:10
161Foter99: helped her. you wouldn't want to one day hear04/23 23:10
162Foter99: her tell you that this happened to her. i04/23 23:10
163Foter99: really hope ppl won't see a situation like that04/23 23:11
164Foter99: and dismiss it and think oh others' troubles04/23 23:11
165Foter99: have nothing to do with me, and coldly sit04/23 23:11
166Foter99: there and watch numbly as if they're just04/23 23:11
167Foter99: watching tv, bc maybe one day it will be you,04/23 23:12
168Foter99: or your mom, your wife, your sister, your04/23 23:12
169Foter99: friend that needs a little bit of help and04/23 23:12
170Foter99: kindness from someone else. maybe the situation04/23 23:12
171Foter99: I'm writing about today isn't super serious,04/23 23:13
172Foter99: but it's almost bc it's such a simple thing to04/23 23:13
173Foter99: do to help, that if ppl are unwilling to do04/23 23:13
174Foter99: such a simple thing, will they be willing04/23 23:13
175Foter99: to help when it comes to others who are in04/23 23:13
176Foter99: serious situations who need a greater amount of04/23 23:14
177Foter99: help?04/23 23:14
178Foter99: think about it. the world needs more love, and04/23 23:14
179Foter99: it starts from us, every day...04/23 23:15
180Foter99:04/23 23:15
181Foter99:★4/27下午6點33分臉書更新04/28 23:30
182Foter99: today the word on my mind is "low-key."04/28 23:31
183Foter99: 今天我腦裡的字是"低調“。04/28 23:31
184Foter99: is it so hard to believe that a person would04/28 23:32
185Foter99: rather be low-key and more private?04/28 23:34
186Foter99: not everyone enjoys attracting attention 24/7..04/28 23:40
187Foter99: like let's say when you're running errands.04/28 23:41
188Foter99: walking the dog. paying your bills. working04/28 23:41
189Foter99: out. trying to have a simple, peaceful meal out04/28 23:42
190Foter99: with family or friends. just trying to be a04/28 23:42
191Foter99: normal person and doing normal everyday things,04/28 23:43
192Foter99: but being low-key about it. without hassle and04/28 23:44
193Foter99: fuss and ppl intruding on your life and04/28 23:44
194Foter99: conversation and privacy.04/28 23:45
195Foter99:04/28 23:45
196Foter99:★4/27晚上7點0分臉書更新04/28 23:50
197Foter99: http://ppt.cc/seco04/28 23:50
198Foter99: ♥04/28 23:52
199Foter99:04/28 23:52
200Foter99:★4/28晚上10點04分臉書更新04/28 23:55
201Foter99: http://ppt.cc/NZ9904/28 23:56
202Foter99: 現在可以聽聽 亞州電台!04/28 23:56
203Foter99:04/28 23:57
[公告] 3月份獎勵名單
[ eVonne ]2 留言, 推噓總分: +2
作者: qwerewq - 發表於 2013/04/01 20:32(11年前)
2Foter99:謝謝板主 收到獎金了!04/02 21:19
[情報] 3月份臉書+微博每日更新區
[ eVonne ]126 留言, 推噓總分: 0
作者: qwerewq - 發表於 2013/03/01 20:38(11年前)
1Foter99:★3/3早上9點24分臉書更新03/03 21:21
2Foter99: http://0rz.tw/UcWKf03/03 21:22
3Foter99: feeling peaceful... wishing you all a beautiful03/03 21:22
4Foter99: day!03/03 21:23
5Foter99: 感覺很平靜... 祝大家有個美好的一天!03/03 21:23
6Foter99:03/03 21:24
7Foter99:★3/3下午2點10分臉書更新03/03 21:27
8Foter99: http://ppt.cc/-1TG03/03 21:27
9Foter99: 孟欣 we love you!03/03 21:28
10Foter99:03/03 21:32
11Foter99:★3/3下午5點01分臉書更新03/03 21:32
12Foter99: http://youtu.be/HaIBgv9tUDE03/03 21:33
13Foter99: c03/03 21:33
14Foter99:★3/3下午5點03分臉書更新03/03 21:38
15Foter99: http://youtu.be/2hKGw2XW6wE03/03 21:38
16Foter99:03/03 21:38
17Foter99:★3/3下午5點18分臉書更新03/03 21:40
18Foter99: http://youtu.be/Dn7IzYb1CRA03/03 21:41
19Foter99: 今天晚上10點,華視!記得要看喔!03/03 21:41
20Foter99:03/03 21:41
24Foter99:03/07 14:46
25Foter99:★3/7早上10點52分臉書更新03/07 14:46
26Foter99: http://ppt.cc/~EAO03/07 14:47
27Foter99: 你們有看到新拍的照片嗎?聽說在台北忠孝東路可以03/07 14:47
28Foter99: 看得到,有人經過可以拍給我看嗎?03/07 14:47
29Foter99: have you seen the new pics for AMABILIS?03/07 14:47
30Foter99: I heard you can see them on zhongxiao e. rd...03/07 14:47
31Foter99: if anyone passes by and sees them,03/07 14:48
32Foter99: can you take pics for me?03/07 14:48
33Foter99:03/07 14:48
34Foter99:★3/7早上11點39分臉書更新03/07 14:50
35Foter99: Earthquake... Everyone ok? 地震,大家還好嗎?03/07 14:50
36Foter99:03/07 14:50
37Foter99:★3/8早上10點39分臉書更新03/08 23:46
38Foter99: http://ppt.cc/T4pD03/08 23:46
39Foter99: 6歲!她才6歲!she's only 6 years old!03/08 23:47
40Foter99:03/08 23:47
118Foter99:03/20 21:17
119Foter99:★3/20晚上7點21分臉書更新03/20 21:17
120Foter99: 上次海選錄到凌晨2點多,希望今天可以讓我飛北京03/20 21:18
121Foter99: 前多睡幾個小時!錄完還要回家整理行李,大家可以03/20 21:18
122Foter99: 幫我打打氣嗎?03/20 21:18
123Foter99:03/20 21:19
124Foter99:★3/21早上5點14分臉書更新03/21 21:56
125Foter99:好累!今天雖然不是拍戲但有種拍戲的feel。早安!03/21 21:56
126Foter99:03/21 21:56