作者查詢 / oakleysee

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作者 oakleysee 在 PTT 全部看板的留言(推文), 共830則
[心得] 我的poker經歷 (4) a grinder
[ Poker ]20 留言, 推噓總分: +11
作者: EMPshockwave - 發表於 2007/07/23 03:38(17年前)
2Foakleysee:push...:)07/23 06:31
3Foakleysee:regarding the mood adjustment, when my AA got beaten07/23 06:32
4Foakleysee:from reraise by k9o, which made a str8, i immediatel07/23 06:33
5Foakleysee:decided to log off from the god damn table....07/23 06:34
6Foakleysee:note: that's the pre-flop push from k9o...07/23 06:47
13Foakleysee:bet 2/3 pot ->being reraised 2 or 3 pot size ->07/23 20:30
14Foakleysee:consider the player -> short stack or loose plyr ->07/23 20:33
15Foakleysee:i will push ->solid player ->fold07/23 20:34
16Foakleysee:usually reraise a solid player is an option,07/23 20:34
17Foakleysee:but when he pushes allin, u are pot commited and07/23 20:35
18Foakleysee:has to call his push. so i will decide push or fold07/23 20:36
19Foakleysee:on flop ^^07/23 20:37
20Foakleysee:EMP u don't elaborate about this hand...?07/24 19:49
Re: [問題] Do u go all-in with QQ on pre-flop? …
[ Poker ]1 留言, 推噓總分: +1
作者: RyanTan - 發表於 2007/07/19 10:43(17年前)
1Foakleysee:歐歐 感謝指導~~07/19 15:49
[問題] Do u go all-in with QQ on pre-flop? (Cash game)
[ Poker ]12 留言, 推噓總分: +5
作者: oakleysee - 發表於 2007/07/19 10:31(17年前)
1Foakleysee:sorry the game should be NL50 not NL500 :P07/19 10:34
11Foakleysee:感謝指導 升級是因為nll25越打越沒耐性07/19 15:45
12Foakleysee:打大一點比較會專心 撲撲07/19 15:47
[問題] Don't know how to play middle pair
[ Poker ]4 留言, 推噓總分: +4
作者: oakleysee - 發表於 2007/07/05 03:54(17年前)
2Foakleysee:多謝指教 TAG是指Tight/Aggressive嘛07/05 07:08
[心得] 我的poker經歷 ... (1)
[ Poker ]9 留言, 推噓總分: +9
作者: EMPshockwave - 發表於 2007/07/04 13:08(17年前)
1Foakleysee:want to read more about ur story!07/04 13:11
[閒聊] 真是敗給FL了...
[ Poker ]13 留言, 推噓總分: +8
作者: RyanTan - 發表於 2007/06/24 21:34(17年前)
2Foakleysee:我拿a8 heart flop出來8qk heart 對方allin 我call06/25 00:22
3Foakleysee:後面兩張牌runer runer king 他拿到4張k 也是十幾塊06/25 00:23
4Foakleysee:就這樣消失 打錯了 flop 是9qk06/25 00:25
[心得] Play poker on PPstar
[ Poker ]36 留言, 推噓總分: +24
作者: oakleysee - 發表於 2007/06/22 08:23(17年前)
29Foakleysee:you may check this website to deposit into PP06/25 11:32
30Foakleysee:www.epassporte.com06/25 11:32