作者查詢 / gnihcS

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作者 gnihcS 在 PTT [ Jeremy_Lin ] 看板的留言(推文), 共388則
[情報] Q&A開始嚕~~
[ Jeremy_Lin ]380 留言, 推噓總分: +209
作者: lovelypag - 發表於 2012/04/03 11:22(12年前)
16FgnihcS:@lila davis i love romans. especially romans 5:3-5 or04/03 11:30
18FgnihcS:all of romans 804/03 11:30
25FgnihcS:我不知道他在回答啥問題,反正看到他答就貼上來...04/03 11:32
33FgnihcS:"Apple Joy Yadao favorite pokemon? :D" my favorite04/03 11:34
34FgnihcS:pokemon growing up was blastoise lol. hes a beast04/03 11:34
37FgnihcS:Christopher Gamez favorite part of NYC?" my favorite04/03 11:35
38FgnihcS:part of NYC is the fans and playing at MSG. the energy04/03 11:36
40FgnihcS:that the fans give us is unreal and unlike any other04/03 11:36
41FgnihcS:arena04/03 11:36
44FgnihcS:摁啊我就是在撈針04/03 11:37
60FgnihcS:Ake Pee do you have ill feeling to those who pull you04/03 11:39
61FgnihcS:down?what would you want to tell them?" nope everyone04/03 11:39
62FgnihcS:gets their own opinion and i respect that. i just want04/03 11:40
63FgnihcS:God to be happy with my effort and my heart everytime04/03 11:40
64FgnihcS:i step on the court!04/03 11:40
66FgnihcS:"April Chen Should I give up??? 0.0" now you can becaus04/03 11:41
67FgnihcS:i answered your question!04/03 11:41
70FgnihcS:Nishan Balakumar biggest fear in life?" looking back04/03 11:42
71FgnihcS:and feeling like i wasted my life living for the wrong04/03 11:42
72FgnihcS:reasons. and also needles04/03 11:42
79FgnihcS:Kaolag La Xiong Sushi or steak?" thats a tough question04/03 11:44
81FgnihcS:depends on the day but my three favorite foods are sush04/03 11:45
83FgnihcS:sushi, steak and seafood04/03 11:45
86FgnihcS:Apple Wu Do u like animals? dogs OR cats ?" dogs all04/03 11:48
87FgnihcS:the way. when i was young, i saw a cat run into my04/03 11:48
88FgnihcS:backyard and rip my favorite nerf ball in half but i04/03 11:49
89FgnihcS:was too young/scared to chase the cat away04/03 11:49
90FgnihcS:"Sherry J Kim gummy worms or sour patch kids?" sour04/03 11:51
92FgnihcS:patch kids. but my favorite candy of all time is04/03 11:51
94FgnihcS:refrigerated fruit snacks or haribo coca cola gummies04/03 11:51
110FgnihcS:Stephen Ostrowski how/when are you going to start04/03 11:55
112FgnihcS:rehabbing?" rehab starts tmrw. lots of ice, stretching,04/03 11:55
114FgnihcS:muscle activation. then eventually biking, swimming,04/03 11:55
115FgnihcS:running. then finally shooting, cutting and jumping04/03 11:55
123FgnihcS:"Bill Wang would you fight a tiger for an nba04/03 11:58
124FgnihcS:championship?" no because the tiger would kill me and04/03 11:58
125FgnihcS:id never get to the part about the nba championship. i04/03 11:58
126FgnihcS:would fight a snail though.04/03 11:58
128FgnihcS:我不找了累死我了=_=04/03 11:59
141FgnihcS:我覺得是記者等我們整理好= =04/03 12:02
252FgnihcS:"Sophia Chen When will this Q&A section end lol"04/03 12:22
256FgnihcS:now unfortunately lol. getting tired04/03 12:22
263FgnihcS:結束囉04/03 12:25
352FgnihcS:我覺得他在玩video game...04/03 13:40
360FgnihcS:蛤???我有幫了啥嗎???04/03 13:48
367FgnihcS:喔喔了解~不客氣喔:)04/03 14:37
Re: [情報] LIN的手術成功~!
[ Jeremy_Lin ]46 留言, 推噓總分: +13
作者: zerokonz - 發表於 2012/04/03 08:31(12年前)
31FgnihcS:推台灣醫療好,美國不是什麼都好,沒必要看扁自己的國家喔04/03 11:17
[情報] LIN的手術成功~!
[ Jeremy_Lin ]289 留言, 推噓總分: +188
作者: jaevastar - 發表於 2012/04/03 05:37(12年前)
6FgnihcS:推推推:)04/03 05:59
61FgnihcS:更在Twitter04/03 08:18
66FgnihcS:Twitter內容要重發一篇嗎?04/03 08:22
119FgnihcS:Amare居然也在!!!還有BB是不是瘦啦最近一直這樣覺得~04/03 09:20
Fw: [討論] Jeremy Lin的模版
[ Jeremy_Lin ]53 留言, 推噓總分: +14
作者: RainCityBoy - 發表於 2012/04/02 18:30(12年前)
14FgnihcS:推Parker04/02 18:41
25FgnihcS:我覺得跟教練有關吧,如果Lin能給Popovich帶就好了04/02 18:45
27FgnihcS:Parker就是被Popovich訓練成現在這樣的不是嗎04/02 18:46
29FgnihcS:被扒頭挺好的阿,兇的時候夠兇但又會帶球員的心,pop是好教練04/02 18:47
[閒聊] 自製T-shirt開箱囉
[ Jeremy_Lin ]121 留言, 推噓總分: +95
作者: Starwindd - 發表於 2012/04/02 12:45(12年前)
85FgnihcS:樓上XDDDDDDDDD04/02 16:24
[新聞] 醫師憂豪傷:彈跳、切入速度會影響
[ Jeremy_Lin ]58 留言, 推噓總分: +3
作者: hatebrothers - 發表於 2012/04/02 12:36(12年前)
33FgnihcS:大叔是醫生?04/02 13:06
43FgnihcS:反正現媒體都隨便看看就好...常常在亂寫...有夠受不了...04/02 13:11
[新聞] 富比士:林書豪要讓自己成為不可或缺
[ Jeremy_Lin ]25 留言, 推噓總分: +16
作者: s66449 - 發表於 2012/04/02 10:59(12年前)
1FgnihcS:痾...富比士給的建議Lin早就已經做到啦...04/02 11:02
18FgnihcS:推s大 台媒的英文程度..................04/02 12:36
[閒聊] 化怒氣為助攻~
[ Jeremy_Lin ]133 留言, 推噓總分: +68
作者: reneeviolet - 發表於 2012/04/02 10:38(12年前)
57FgnihcS:除了MSG主播其他家的我都不太喜歡,ESPN還好,最討厭FOX04/02 13:13
63FgnihcS:我對FOX沒啥好感,因為以前英文教授有說過FOX的一些事,再加04/02 13:17
64FgnihcS:上我第一次連到FOX直播聽的不是很爽,之後只要看到FOX就直接04/02 13:19
65FgnihcS:換連結,寧願看大lag的MSG也不想看FOX04/02 13:20
77FgnihcS:對暴龍絕殺那場MSG的超讚,可惜沒有影片無法再看一次QQ04/02 13:44
83FgnihcS:ESPN撥了MSG還是有撥喔,對照Knicks和NBA的轉播表會發現04/02 14:02
84FgnihcS:倒是abc和TNT播的話MSG才不會撥04/02 14:03
85FgnihcS:"播"...一直打錯= =04/02 14:04
87FgnihcS:絕殺暴龍MSG有轉播主播喊BANG的那個,我那時看的就是MSG的04/02 14:07
88FgnihcS:不過網路上找不到MSG全場版的只有最後決殺...不知為啥04/02 14:08
92FgnihcS:摁找不到全場,我找了好久都找不到,無法再回味一次QQ04/02 14:10
Fw: [外電] 拳王:沒有了林,我們要更專注防守
[ Jeremy_Lin ]53 留言, 推噓總分: +37
作者: Winsanity - 發表於 2012/04/02 02:35(12年前)
8FgnihcS:錕handler04/02 06:42
9FgnihcS:推04/02 06:43
10FgnihcS:...............= = 推Chandler.............04/02 06:44
[閒聊] Spike Lee的twitter
[ Jeremy_Lin ]20 留言, 推噓總分: +12
作者: lb00202549 - 發表於 2012/04/02 01:20(12年前)
19FgnihcS:在四月的第一個星期天,祈禱和祝福Lin有一個迅速並且完全的04/03 18:10
20FgnihcS:康復,我們將會與我們所擁有的一起前進04/03 18:12