作者查詢 / blasteg

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作者 blasteg 在 PTT [ C_Chat ] 看板的留言(推文), 共265則
[創作][法貞] 義呆利同人小說—遲來的春天 第一章
[ C_Chat ]4 留言, 推噓總分: +2
作者: clamp - 發表於 2011/08/11 22:18(13年前)
1Fblasteg:看完推08/11 22:31
[11夏] 希洽村物語 劇場版三 三控爭霸之御姊控 …
[ C_Chat ]280 留言, 推噓總分: +113
作者: chin740505 - 發表於 2011/07/16 23:40(13年前)
10Fblasteg:到成熟期叫進化 不叫超進化07/16 23:44
13Fblasteg:超進化是成熟期到完全體07/16 23:44
18Fblasteg:那個對數碼迷來說 是天大的錯誤07/16 23:47
173Fblasteg:還有 brave heart 應該在進化過程中就出來07/17 00:21
Re: [閒聊] 所謂 台灣風格的漫畫到底是什麼
[ C_Chat ]62 留言, 推噓總分: +36
作者: spock - 發表於 2011/07/13 02:40(13年前)
38Fblasteg:你可以來玩鋼鐵雄心07/13 09:19
[討論] 關於大力水手 似乎還是有不少人誤解...
[ C_Chat ]24 留言, 推噓總分: +15
作者: rockmanx52 - 發表於 2011/07/04 11:57(13年前)
2Fblasteg:名字都打錯...Popeye07/04 11:58
[11春] 希洽村物語 六期預告
[ C_Chat ]27 留言, 推噓總分: +20
作者: chin740505 - 發表於 2011/05/10 22:39(13年前)
[11冬] 希洽村物語 劇場版二 預告
[ C_Chat ]131 留言, 推噓總分: +105
作者: chin740505 - 發表於 2011/03/27 18:01(13年前)
7Fblasteg:喔喔喔喔喔 沒想到有人跟我一樣喜歡The Crystal Maze03/27 18:06
10Fblasteg:我找時間抓全集來掛撥好了03/27 18:07
12Fblasteg:其實現在youtube上有全套了 一直沒時間看03/27 18:08
15Fblasteg:不過我不老耶@@03/27 18:08
19Fblasteg:最經典的是門外的人拼命喊 門內的則一副腦包樣 笑死人了03/27 18:12
25Fblasteg:印象最深刻的是 Industrial Zone有關要組裝轉柄去轉齒輪03/27 18:22
26Fblasteg:燃後那個人就真的一直轉 連水晶球可以拿了都不知道03/27 18:23
27Fblasteg:然後時間快到逃出來 隊友全傻眼03/27 18:23
38Fblasteg:繼續推03/27 18:46
53Fblasteg:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_kLzhCw1l6g03/27 20:28
54Fblasteg:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vwxCJSXWCaA03/27 20:31
55Fblasteg:突然發現這節目比我還老w03/27 20:32
56Fblasteg:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-U68PUwXUoQ03/27 20:34
57Fblasteg:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sQD_idvdjXg03/27 20:36
58Fblasteg:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L8McKX8t1BA03/27 20:38
60Fblasteg:http://ppt.cc/pw9503/27 20:41
61Fblasteg:http://ppt.cc/kI7F03/27 20:44
62Fblasteg:http://ppt.cc/6PMC03/27 20:47
63Fblasteg:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OOLZvAziLzc03/27 20:50
64Fblasteg:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JcHEtS2g0W003/27 20:53
65Fblasteg:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=faQ1TfarvZY03/27 20:56
66Fblasteg:Would you Start the Fans, Please!03/27 20:59
67Fblasteg:Would you Start the Fans, Please!03/27 21:01
68Fblasteg:5003/27 21:03
69Fblasteg:Would you Start the Fans, Please!03/27 21:05
70Fblasteg:1Would you Start the Fans, Please!03/27 21:06
71Fblasteg:X1Would you Start the Fans, Please!03/27 21:08
72Fblasteg:Would you Start the Fans, Please!03/27 21:11
73Fblasteg:Would you Start the Fans, Please!03/27 21:13
74Fblasteg:Would you Start the Fans, Please!03/27 21:17
75Fblasteg:Would you Start the Fans, Please!03/27 21:20
76Fblasteg:Would you Start the Fans, Please!03/27 21:22
77Fblasteg:Would you Start the Fans, Please!03/27 21:24
78Fblasteg:Would you Start the Fans, Please!03/27 21:26
79Fblasteg:Would you Start the Fans, Please!03/27 21:27
80Fblasteg:Would you Start the Fans, Please!03/27 21:30
81Fblasteg:Would you Start the Fans, Please!03/27 21:35
82Fblasteg:Would you Start the Fans, Please!03/27 21:42
83Fblasteg:Would you Start the Fans, Please!03/27 21:44
84Fblasteg:Would you Start the Fans, Please!03/27 21:47
85Fblasteg:Would you Start the Fans, Please!03/27 21:54
86Fblasteg:Would you Start the Fans, Please!03/27 21:59
87Fblasteg:Would you Start the Fans, Please!03/27 22:04
88Fblasteg:Would you Start the Fans, Please!03/27 22:09
89Fblasteg:Would you Start the Fans, Please!03/27 22:32
90Fblasteg:Would you Start the Fans, Please!03/27 22:34
92Fblasteg:Would you Start the Fans, Please!03/27 22:46
93Fblasteg:Would you Start the Fans, Please!03/27 22:50
94Fblasteg:Would you Start the Fans, Please!03/27 22:53
95Fblasteg:1Would you Start the Fans, Please!03/27 22:54
96Fblasteg:1Would you Start the Fans, Please!03/27 22:54
98Fblasteg:Would you Start the Fans, Please!03/27 23:00
99Fblasteg:Would you Start the Fans, Please!03/27 23:09
100Fblasteg:Would you Start the Fans, Please!03/27 23:14
101Fblasteg:Would you Start the Fans, Please!03/27 23:17
102Fblasteg:Would you Start the Fans, Please!03/27 23:19
103Fblasteg:Would you Start the Fans, Please!03/27 23:24
104Fblasteg:Would you Start the Fans, Please!03/27 23:26
105Fblasteg:Would you Start the Fans, Please!03/27 23:31
106Fblasteg:Would you Start the Fans, Please!03/27 23:34
107Fblasteg:Would you Start the Fans, Please!03/27 23:38
108Fblasteg:Would you Start the Fans, Please!03/27 23:40
109Fblasteg:Would you Start the Fans, Please!03/27 23:43
110Fblasteg:1Would you Start the Fans, Please!03/27 23:45
111Fblasteg:Would you Start the Fans, Please!03/27 23:49
112Fblasteg:Would you Start the Fans, Please!03/27 23:53
113Fblasteg:Would you Start the Fans, Please!03/27 23:55
114Fblasteg:Would you Start the Fans, Please!03/27 23:57
115Fblasteg:Would you Start the Fans, Please!03/28 00:00
116Fblasteg:Would you Start the Fans, Please!03/28 00:02
117Fblasteg:Would you Start the Fans, Please!03/28 00:05
118Fblasteg:1Would you Start the Fans, Please!03/28 00:06
119Fblasteg:Would you Start the Fans, Please!03/28 00:09
120Fblasteg:Would you Start the Fans, Please!03/28 00:11
121Fblasteg:1Would you Start the Fans, Please!03/28 00:12
122Fblasteg:Would you Start the Fans, Please!03/28 00:18
125Fblasteg:總算爆了 收工 TOOOOOOOO the CRYYYYYSTAL DOOOOOOOOME03/28 00:19
127Fblasteg:不過我倒沒想到還有人在這一篇w03/28 00:21
129Fblasteg:不是說你,VIP,是說99那個03/28 00:26
[創作][APH/法灣] 義呆利小說—望愛 第五章[慶 …
[ C_Chat ]6 留言, 推噓總分: +5
作者: clamp - 發表於 2011/03/20 21:02(13年前)
1Fblasteg:推03/20 21:12
[11冬] 希洽村物語 五期 浩劫與重生
[ C_Chat ]79 留言, 推噓總分: +62
作者: chin740505 - 發表於 2011/03/17 22:17(13年前)
23Fblasteg:間隙迷宮?????03/17 22:24
24Fblasteg:我承認我一個都不知道03/17 22:24
39Fblasteg:找到了 在索引翻到的03/17 22:33
41Fblasteg:簽到?03/17 22:33
44Fblasteg:我進不去那篇阿03/17 22:40
[11冬] 希洽村物語 五期 幽狄的挑戰書
[ C_Chat ]83 留言, 推噓總分: +76
作者: chin740505 - 發表於 2011/03/12 21:17(13年前)
9Fblasteg:P19 抽牌03/12 21:21
41Fblasteg:P27 效果文與對話不合03/12 21:46
48Fblasteg:P4 角色 P67 再比 殘缺的???03/12 21:53
[11冬] 希洽村物語 五期 希洽餐廳
[ C_Chat ]70 留言, 推噓總分: +54
作者: chin740505 - 發表於 2011/02/18 22:21(13年前)
9Fblasteg:推02/18 22:25
22Fblasteg:裝甲進化不是這樣用的吧XDDDD02/18 22:34
42Fblasteg:http://ppt.cc/FoV3 裝甲進化BGMXD02/18 22:58