作者查詢 / amox

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作者 amox 在 PTT 全部看板的留言(推文), 共13575則
[ UTAH-JAZZ ]88 留言, 推噓總分: +62
作者: cyp001 - 發表於 2005/12/24 08:33(18年前)
1Famox:﹛12/24 08:40
3Famox:12/24 08:58
4Famox:13 : 912/24 08:59
5Famox:4 turnover already with 3:56 remining ...12/24 09:02
7Famox:3:17 Loose ball foul on Jarron Collins (2 PF)12/24 09:03
8Famox:not in start lineup12/24 09:04
9Famox:15 : 1112/24 09:04
10Famox:1:40 Greg Ostertag missed Jump Shot, Blocked by Maurice12/24 09:06
11Famox:19:21 ....12/24 09:11
15Famox:watching Pacers @ Cavaliers ...12/24 09:16
16Famox:Robert Whaley is on court !12/24 09:17
17Famox:8:43 Loose ball foul on Jarron Collins (3 PF)12/24 09:19
19Famox:6:45 Robert Whaley made Layup (2 PTS)12/24 09:23
22Famox:2 many turnovers on both teams -_-12/24 09:28
25Famox:monster-dunk by LeBron James .....................12/24 09:31
27Famox:Oooops12/24 09:32
29Famox:AK goes to X'mas vacation12/24 09:34
[情報] Bee's News 12/23
[ Pelicans ]2 留言, 推噓總分: +2
作者: succ062 - 發表於 2005/12/23 21:36(18年前)
2Famox:i think J.R have bad shot selection ...12/24 03:26
[ UTAH-JAZZ ]100 留言, 推噓總分: +55
作者: eeghost - 發表於 2005/12/21 08:14(18年前)
15Famox:where's AK ?12/21 08:40
19Famox:UTA 8:45 Defensive Rebound by Greg Ostertag12/21 08:44
27Famox:Hughes got 4 fouls ...12/21 08:53
31Famox:Collins 20-ft jump shot made --12/21 08:56
34Famox:Hughes got 4 fouls on CBS, including 2 offensive fouls12/21 08:57
36Famox:but 3 fouls written on ESPN12/21 08:59
40Famox:UTA 2:35 Offensive foul on Matt Harpring12/21 09:02
44Famox:Okur didnt play the 2nd qtr .... with 2 fouls12/21 09:05
48Famox:Offensive foul on Devin Brown ...........................12/21 09:07
49Famox:big Z again12/21 09:07
50Famox:49 - 4412/21 09:08
52Famox:we got too much turnovers12/21 09:09
53Famox:The Hawks got only 9 points in 1st qtr . Orz12/21 09:11
54Famox:there will be Seattle - Phoneix game on CCTV512/21 09:14
55Famox:i can watch it later on ppstream ..12/21 09:14
56Famox:O\囧>12/21 09:15
57Famox: 口12/21 09:15
58Famox: < \12/21 09:16
77Famox:61 - 87 ...12/21 10:01
81Famox:go watching Suns-Sonic game .. :(12/21 10:04
84Famox:i dun like both of them -.-12/21 10:05
85Famox:CCTV5 broadcaster is blah blah .....12/21 10:06
88Famox:67 - 94 . sign....12/21 10:09
90Famox:Marion 2 straight 3-pointer12/21 10:15
91Famox:he is on Fire, got 8 points12/21 10:16
[ UTAH-JAZZ ]362 留言, 推噓總分: +196
作者: sam369 - 發表於 2005/12/15 03:22(18年前)
97Famox:thias game is watchable on pplive12/15 11:17
98Famox:http://www.pplive.com/source.shtml12/15 11:18
102Famox:guan-dong sports12/15 11:22
116Famox:wo ai NBA .......... =.=12/15 11:29
136Famox:Jarron i the man !12/15 11:36
186Famox:McLeod..... >.<12/15 11:52
237Famox:thatas Block , Not Foul !!!!!!12/15 12:12
[情報] 12月月曆
[ UTAH-JAZZ ]94 留言, 推噓總分: -11
作者: aly - 發表於 2005/12/02 16:09(18年前)
89Famox:打死老鷹12/18 08:14
Re: LA Lakers (5-8) at Utah (6-9)
[ UTAH-JAZZ ]324 留言, 推噓總分: +141
作者: TimChiu - 發表於 2005/12/02 14:36(18年前)
28Famox:where is the foul ?12/02 14:41
54Famox:錄節目還要買電視卡12/02 14:43
110Famox:KOBE今天只有5次上籃..20次跳投12/02 14:48
124Famox:3 POINTER !!!?!?!??!?12/02 14:49
134Famox:1 + 3 =4 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!12/02 14:50
159Famox:Harpring 又犯規.12/02 14:51
180Famox:換誰'上? 不用 owens ?12/02 14:53
197Famox: SASHA ...12/02 14:54
246Famox:MISSED ...12/02 14:57
283Famox:法克12/02 15:02
300Famox: where is the foul ?12/02 15:04
314Famox: T_T12/02 15:08
318Famox:換回簡體系統...現在一堆亂碼 =.=12/02 15:08
321Famox:補一句 : where is our win ?12/02 15:09
Re: LA Lakers (5-8) at Utah (6-9)
[ UTAH-JAZZ ]175 留言, 推噓總分: +108
作者: gratitude - 發表於 2005/12/02 13:49(18年前)
2Famox:連爆 ?12/02 13:50
16Famox:那我們`至少要拿30分...12/02 13:52
87Famox:去了笑話板..還沒笑到, `就追近了12/02 14:01
153Famox:今天跳投好像沒進幾個 ?12/02 14:09
Re: LA Lakers (5-8) at Utah (6-9)
[ UTAH-JAZZ ]319 留言, 推噓總分: +127
作者: sam369 - 發表於 2005/12/02 13:49(18年前)
67Famox:.....去了joke回來 比分就會拉近...12/02 14:20
120Famox:WALTON 溜飯了啊..12/02 14:25
143Famox:澳客掰12/02 14:27
192Famox:23.8秒? ..我這更新有點慢12/02 14:29
213Famox:xu;3兩隊有78次罰球12/02 14:31
231Famox:D. Williams steals the ball from K. Bryant12/02 14:32
265Famox:YAHOO掛了..cbs連不上...12/02 14:35
270Famox:要罰幾球?12/02 14:35
299Famox:OT???12/02 14:37
314Famox: [TBD] Instant Replay: Support Ruling (是看錄影檢查>???)12/02 14:39
Re: LA Lakers (5-8) at Utah (6-9)
[ UTAH-JAZZ ]208 留言, 推噓總分: +108
作者: deronwilliam - 發表於 2005/12/02 12:45(18年前)
2Famox:@ @12/02 12:47
6Famox:another 3-pointer by DW12/02 12:48
11Famox:北極星? OK.12/02 12:49
13Famox:Taiwanese in Gounzhou12/02 12:50
23Famox:i can type trad-Chinese , but cant be showed on BBS -.-12/02 12:52
27Famox:逄炵衄恀枙12/02 12:54
30Famox:惤炵衄蚖觳12/02 12:54
34Famox:Odom's shotting ... Orz 1 for 712/02 12:55
55Famox:Stockton216, yes... i know that.12/02 12:58
59Famox:but i have to restart windows everytime be4 i enter ptt..12/02 13:00
62Famox:SeanMay !.................................12/02 13:01
66Famox:only 2 blocks today12/02 13:01
68Famox:XP12/02 13:02
81Famox:Stockton216, i know12/02 13:05
83Famox:and i have to restart computer then.12/02 13:05
97Famox:岆瘓鍔12/02 13:08
121Famox:重開機..換好語系...?等下半場12/02 13:20
128Famox:希望下半場讓Odom 主攻...12/02 13:23
130Famox:YAHOOc還在中場休息?12/02 13:23
136Famox:香妹說科比砍三分..冏12/02 13:26
139Famox:NBA.COM 那裡已經開始了...12/02 13:26
141Famox:我是希望Odom自己投啦....12/02 13:27
145Famox:DW 的助攻得分籃版現在都領先全隊..12/02 13:29
162Famox:www.sportsline.com/nba12/02 13:38
185Famox:我們罰球蠻多的..12/02 13:45
LA Lakers (5-8) at Utah (6-9)
[ UTAH-JAZZ ]174 留言, 推噓總分: +115
作者: gratitude - 發表於 2005/12/02 07:44(18年前)
108Famox:20 +20 + 20 +20 = 80 !y12/02 12:23
114Famox:where should i watch boxscore online? CBS ? ESPN ?12/02 12:28
117Famox:3Q12/02 12:29
124Famox:Okur in !12/02 12:32
141Famox:Deron is on the court .....12/02 12:39
156Famox:分有這麼難嗎12/02 12:43
161Famox:i am in china :P12/02 12:44
168Famox:unable to type trad-Chinese in BBS on simp-Chinese system12/02 12:45