作者查詢 / acebank

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作者 acebank 在 PTT [ Baseball ] 看板的留言(推文), 共425則
[新聞] 賽後面色凝重 王彥程坦言讓大家失望了
[ Baseball ]127 留言, 推噓總分: +47
作者: iamshana - 發表於 2023/11/18 22:42(5月前)
102Facebank: To succeed, you should learn to be courageous enough11/19 00:11
103Facebank: to meet any challenges.11/19 00:11
[討論] 中職2023各球隊短打戰術總評比
[ Baseball ]214 留言, 推噓總分: +174
作者: wh0386 - 發表於 2023/11/15 12:42(5月前)
205Facebank: I'd like to commend you on your hard work.11/15 23:53
[情報] 鄭宗哲進入海盜四十人名單
[ Baseball ]300 留言, 推噓總分: +256
作者: zxc906383 - 發表於 2023/11/15 07:32(5月前)
294Facebank: It was a delightful day for me.11/15 23:52
[分享] 鄭宗哲 棒球美國海盜農場#9!
[ Baseball ]206 留言, 推噓總分: +159
作者: fountainNess - 發表於 2023/11/14 21:49(5月前)
168Facebank: To succeed, you should learn to be courageous enough11/15 00:47
169Facebank: to meet any challenges.11/15 00:47
[情報] 台灣大賽FMVP:徐若熙
[ Baseball ]252 留言, 推噓總分: +141
作者: cho840929 - 發表於 2023/11/12 20:55(5月前)
251Facebank: 反觀月薪百萬的11/13 00:55
[新聞] 9年熬1冠 伍鐸:其他榮耀比不上這座冠軍
[ Baseball ]137 留言, 推噓總分: +101
作者: iamshana - 發表於 2023/11/12 21:46(5月前)
128Facebank: Successful people are those who always get prepared11/13 00:41
129Facebank: when opportunities come.11/13 00:41
[分享] 2023王維中成績
[ Baseball ]78 留言, 推噓總分: +47
作者: suchungzen52 - 發表於 2023/11/12 23:43(5月前)
59Facebank: 會不會拿去賣750萬呢?嘻嘻11/13 00:39
[討論] 張政禹這個球員是不是挺不成熟的
[ Baseball ]404 留言, 推噓總分: +145
作者: star520 - 發表於 2023/11/13 00:10(5月前)
122Facebank: It's not easy to get rid of a bad habit once it is11/13 00:33
124Facebank: formed.11/13 00:33
[新聞] 系列賽40次守備機會0失誤 李凱威再寫台灣
[ Baseball ]225 留言, 推噓總分: +163
作者: InoueNagi - 發表於 2023/11/12 22:11(5月前)
193Facebank: Successful people are those who always get prepared11/13 00:31
194Facebank: when opportunities come.11/13 00:31
[新聞] 台灣大賽/百萬左投王維中眼眶泛淚!職
[ Baseball ]199 留言, 推噓總分: +94
作者: DoncicInPTT - 發表於 2023/11/12 23:35(5月前)
144Facebank: Look at your grades.11/13 00:30
146Facebank: It's time for you to work harder.11/13 00:30