作者查詢 / MacGuffin

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作者 MacGuffin 在 PTT 全部看板的留言(推文), 共2694則
Re: 楊士倫生日快樂!!!
[ NCCU04_BA ]1 留言, 推噓總分: +1
作者: chenie - 發表於 2004/12/13 23:39(19年前)
1FMacGuffin:yo學弟happy B-day! 12/14
[情報] 明天文化盃 人員配置 歡迎熱情者隨 …
[ NCCU03_BA ]22 留言, 推噓總分: +21
作者: chenie - 發表於 2004/12/03 22:03(19年前)
12FMacGuffin:I got it!西班牙文課給他翹啦 >_<~~ 12/03
[ NCCU04_BA ]9 留言, 推噓總分: +8
作者: greysky - 發表於 2004/12/02 01:55(19年前)
5FMacGuffin:你說出了我心中最想喊的話了! 12/02
6FMacGuffin:唱不到 至少要讓人看出我們有要唱的誠意140.119.75.114 12/02
[ NCCU04_BA ]3 留言, 推噓總分: +3
作者: starrychoco - 發表於 2004/12/01 00:43(19年前)
2FMacGuffin:笑可以解除緊張的氣氛,也幫助情緒培養! 12/01
Re: 給各位親愛的錢塘寶貝們
[ NCCU04_BA ]130 留言, 推噓總分: +102
作者: MacGuffin - 發表於 2004/11/30 01:08(19年前)
5FMacGuffin:son los palabras de mi corazon!BA加油~ 11/30
14FMacGuffin:AC有中文輸入啦~~!下次來篇中文稿@.@" 11/30
15FMacGuffin:you like 'That's the way it is"? GOOD!! 11/30
16FMacGuffin:其實這篇文還引用了另外3首歌喔考考學弟妹140.119.73.94 11/30
58FMacGuffin:用信念唱凍蒜之日會來到!感動自己和別人吧140.119.195.59 12/01
59FMacGuffin:對了,有人找到另外三首歌了嗎?^_^""">_< 12/01
95FMacGuffin:let the body follow the groove140.119.195.59 12/01
96FMacGuffin:will gain help to get into the melody140.119.195.59 12/01
97FMacGuffin:we're not only singing the songs140.119.195.59 12/01
98FMacGuffin:we are "Performing" the song140.119.195.59 12/01
99FMacGuffin:performing consists of Voice, Smile, 12/01
100FMacGuffin:Body Language, and Intepretation140.119.195.59 12/01
101FMacGuffin:Voice is the essential part, but what140.119.195.59 12/01
102FMacGuffin:makes the performance exceptional is140.119.195.59 12/01
103FMacGuffin:the "intepretation", which includes140.119.195.59 12/01
104FMacGuffin:Emotions involve, how you place yoursel140.119.195.59 12/01
105FMacGuffin:in the song. well, I call it the SOUL. 12/01
106FMacGuffin:sing a song without SOUL, it's Karaoke140.119.195.59 12/01
107FMacGuffin:so remember, you're more than only a140.119.195.59 12/01
108FMacGuffin:singer; on the stage,underthe spotlight140.119.195.59 12/01
109FMacGuffin:you're a performer...perform with the140.119.195.59 12/01
110FMacGuffin:form of songs, and the spirit of your140.119.195.59 12/01
111FMacGuffin:.............................SOUL. 12/01
112FMacGuffin:that will brilliantly move people140.119.195.59 12/01
113FMacGuffin:that people include.........Yourself^_^ 12/01
114FMacGuffin:P.S到底有沒有人要猜哪三首呢? 呵呵^^" 12/01
119FMacGuffin:總之,與其以歌者自居,不如以表演者自許! 12/01
[ NCCU03_BA ]26 留言, 推噓總分: +25
作者: violetsoda - 發表於 2004/11/29 01:30(19年前)
19FMacGuffin:Happy Birthday to Mr Fast! 11/30
[ NCCU04_BA ]14 留言, 推噓總分: +9
作者: flygod - 發表於 2004/09/24 22:46(19年前)
12FMacGuffin:wow my學妹IS監事ㄝ~COOL! 加油~fromA.C140.119.195.59 09/25
[ NCCU04_BA ]18 留言, 推噓總分: +12
作者: panda71 - 發表於 2004/09/24 20:32(19年前)
18FMacGuffin:大數是活動ㄝ~學弟加油啊 呵呵 A.C140.119.195.59 09/25
[ NCCU03_BA ]37 留言, 推噓總分: +35
作者: mine0206 - 發表於 2004/09/22 00:10(19年前)
37FMacGuffin:keep writing your history...de amor!! 09/25
[ NCCU04_BA ]7 留言, 推噓總分: +3
作者: dodosu2002 - 發表於 2004/08/13 16:10(20年前)
7FMacGuffin:我參加過 沒事可以參加 我覺得還不錯^^ 08/16