作者查詢 / AnthonyStark

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作者 AnthonyStark 在 PTT 全部看板的留言(推文), 共74則
[討論] 要不要跟TFND一起辦版聚呢?^^
[ Transformers ]44 留言, 推噓總分: +27
作者: batistas623 - 發表於 2008/06/15 16:28(16年前)
16FAnthonyStark:版主把Matrix打開 在場版友全部都被閃了06/15 22:15
[問題] 08動畫
[ Transformers ]9 留言, 推噓總分: +6
作者: thor63 - 發表於 2008/06/02 16:27(16年前)
8FAnthonyStark:Of course it is a good movie!06/03 10:10
[閒聊] 鋼鐵人最後決戰時...(內有鋼鐵人和變形金剛雷XD)
[ Transformers ]6 留言, 推噓總分: +5
作者: m19871006 - 發表於 2008/05/07 20:31(16年前)
5FAnthonyStark:What the hell is that?05/11 20:38
[閒聊] 很白爛的果汁機影片...
[ Transformers ]34 留言, 推噓總分: +22
作者: TX55 - 發表於 2008/05/06 21:27(16年前)
14FAnthonyStark:WHAAAT!???05/06 22:27
22FAnthonyStark:Stark Enterprises will buy Nokia as a revenge,05/06 22:42
23FAnthonyStark:yesss.05/06 22:44
[閒聊] 這就所謂的柳暗花明又一村嗎?
[ Transformers ]21 留言, 推噓總分: +11
作者: greensky39 - 發表於 2008/04/25 20:19(16年前)
12FAnthonyStark:論TF版被我買下的可能性04/25 22:14
Re: [情報] 變形金剛2
[ Transformers ]12 留言, 推噓總分: +8
作者: ericxinny - 發表於 2008/04/07 23:39(16年前)
11FAnthonyStark:Frankly, I'd like to show up as a guest star.04/08 09:37
Re: [心得] 轉輪星吼+火棒
[ Transformers ]27 留言, 推噓總分: +13
作者: mylife2001 - 發表於 2008/03/20 01:18(16年前)
23FAnthonyStark:That's RV, not van.03/22 16:19
[產品] 英研發變形金剛 真實版來了
[ Transformers ]23 留言, 推噓總分: +18
作者: fiaoms - 發表於 2008/03/17 00:00(16年前)
8FAnthonyStark:Upstair!03/17 23:21
10FAnthonyStark:Of course, It's my pleasure. (signing)03/18 11:31
12FAnthonyStark:Yes, it's very cool.03/18 21:23
13FAnthonyStark:I don't want this message show up on MySpace.03/18 21:24
15FAnthonyStark:Which TF product do you want?03/18 22:04
17FAnthonyStark:My money isn't enough. Iron Monger rob my firm.03/18 22:10
19FAnthonyStark:Yes, and I drink alcoholic beverage a lot. (Oops)03/19 00:30
21FAnthonyStark:Don't think about it. Though I don't have enough03/19 08:48
22FAnthonyStark:money, I'm still richer than you.03/19 08:49
[建議] Cybertron.cc在這裡實現的可能
[ Transformers ]230 留言, 推噓總分: +158
作者: TX55 - 發表於 2008/03/10 18:49(16年前)
222FAnthonyStark:I'm pretty sure he is the real one.03/13 22:56
224FAnthonyStark:Don't worry, my company will support my products.03/13 23:21
225FAnthonyStark:btw, I think I come to the right place. Hah hah.03/13 23:21