[新聞] 澳洲及黎巴嫩將主辦FIBA U16亞青賽

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Australia and Lebanon confirmed as hosts of the FIBA U16 Asian Championships 04/02/2020 ASIA 1 MIN TO READ BEIRUT (Lebanon) - FIBA Asia confirmed today that Australia and Lebanon will be the hosts of the FIBA U16 Asian Championships 2019 for both men and women. 亞洲籃協確認分別由澳洲及黎巴嫩主辦2016 FIBA U16亞青錦標賽女子及男子組。 The FIBA U16 Women's Asia Championship 2019 will be played from April 5-10, 2020 in Canberra, Australia at the Australian Institute of Sport Arena. 2019 FIBA U16 亞青女子錦標賽將在2020年4月5-10日在澳洲坎培拉的澳洲體育學院體育館 舉行。 The championship will be comprised of two divisions with Australia, Japan, China, New Zealand, Korea, Chinese Taipei, Thailand, and India competing in Division A. Meanwhile, Division B will feature Fiji and Samoa, who will be joined by six teams from Asia on a first-come first-registered basis. 錦標賽將分成兩個等級,澳洲、日本、紐西蘭、南韓、台灣、泰國及印度將在A組競。 同時,B組有斐濟、薩摩亞及六支來自亞洲率先註冊的球隊。 The top four in Division A will qualify for the FIBA U17 Women's Basketball World Cup 2020 in Cluj-Napoca, Romania taking place in August. A組的前四名將會取得八月在羅馬尼亞克盧日-納波卡舉行的2020 FIBA U17 女子世界盃 參賽資格。 Australia beat Japan 61-60 to win the U16 Women's Gold in Bengaluru in 2017 2017年在班加羅爾的U16女子金牌戰,澳洲以61比60擊敗日本。 Meanwhile, the FIBA U16 Asian Championship 2019 will be played April 5-12, 2020 in Lebanon and will feature the top 16 teams from Asia and Oceania. 同時,2019 FIBA U16 亞青男子錦標賽將在2020年4月5-12日在黎巴嫩舉行,由來自亞洲及 大洋洲的前十六名球隊參賽。 The participating teams will be divided into four groups of four teams each. The teams qualified for the event are: are Japan, Korea, Chinese Taipei, China, Australia, New Zealand, Syria, Iran, Lebanon, Indonesia, Philippines, Thailand, India, Kazakhstan, Saudi Arabia and Kuwait. 參賽隊將分成每組四隊的四組。取得參賽權的隊伍有:日本、南韓、台灣、中國、澳洲、 紐西蘭、敘利亞、伊朗、黎巴嫩、印尼、菲律賓、泰國、印度、哈薩克、沙烏地阿拉伯及 科威特。 The top four teams will represent Asia-Oceania at the FIBA U17 Basketball World Cup 2020 in Sofia, Bulgaria taking place in July. 前四名將代表亞大區參加七月於保加利亞索菲亞舉行的2020 FIBA U17世界盃。 ### About FIBA FIBA (fiba.basketball) - the world governing body for basketball - is an independent association formed by 213 National Basketball Federations throughout the world. It is recognized as the sole competent authority in basketball by the International Olympic Committee (IOC). For further information about FIBA, visit fiba.basketball or follow FIBA on facebook.com/fiba, twitter.com/fiba, instagram.com/fiba, and youtube.com/fiba. https://tinyurl.com/wjfslxr -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/worldbasket/M.1581608064.A.460.html

02/14 20:12, 4年前 , 1F
02/14 20:12, 1F
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