[新聞] 西班牙在新版的FIBA成年男子世界排名中更接近美國

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Spain close in on USA in the updated FIBA World Ranking Men, presented by NIKE 西班牙在新版的FIBA成年男子世界排名中更接近美國 19/09/2019 RANKING 2 MIN TO READ MIES (Switzerland) - The FIBA World Ranking Men, presented by NIKE has been updated after the conclusion of the FIBA Basketball World Cup 2019, with USA maintaining their top-ranked status but the newly-crowned World Cup champions Spain closing in the gap. 在2019世界盃後,由NIKE呈現的FIBA成年男子世界排名已經更新,美國維持在排名最高 的位置,但新任世界盃冠軍西班牙已經縮小差距。 There was significant movement at the top end of the ranking, with Australia (673.6) climbing to third place and leapfrogging the fourth-ranked Argentina (670.5) and fifth-placed France (665.4) in the process. 在排名的頂尖球隊有了明顯的變動,澳洲(673.6)攀升到第三名,而阿根廷(670.5)躍昇 到第四名,在這過程中法國(665.4)則落到第五名。 Coming into the World Cup as the #11 ranked team, Australia received extra points for beating higher-ranked teams in France and Lithuania en route to their best-ever performance at the flagship event. 以世界排名第11名來到世界盃,澳洲在打敗排名較高的法國和立陶宛得到更多的積分, 而這是他們在這旗艦賽事中最好的表現。 As the ranking takes into account results from the past eight years, the Boomers also benefited from a great run of results in major tournaments with their fourth-place finish in China coming on the back of a Semi-Finals appearance at the 2016 Rio Olympics and winning the FIBA Asia Cup in 2017. 由於排名依據過去八年的比賽結果,袋鼠軍也受惠於在大型錦標賽中的好成績,在中國 最終得到第四名,而在2017年里約奧運也現身四強賽,並贏得2017年亞洲盃的冠軍。。 World Cup runners-up Argentina also moved up a spot at the expense of France, whose overall point tally did increase at the World Cup, but not enough to compensate for the gains made by Australia and Argentina. 世界盃的亞軍阿根廷也由於法國的犧牲向上攀升一個排名,法國雖然在世界盃中增加了 積分,但仍跟不上澳洲和阿根廷所增加的差距。 With results at the beginning of the eight-year period gradually having less bearing, the points France acquired from winning EuroBasket 2013 are now weighed at 25 percent, compared to 50 percent in the previous edition of the ranking. 隨著八年期間的比重漸減,法國在2013歐錦賽中獲得的積分僅剩25%,而在先前一次公布 版本的排名比重則是50%。 Czech Republic (596.8) and Poland (583.0) were among the highest risers, with their strong showings at the World Cup reflecting in the newly-updated ranking. The Czechs climbed 14 places and are now 10th, while the Poles jumped to 13th place, having gained 12 positions. 捷克(596.8)和波蘭(583.0)身在排名升高最多的國家之中,他們在世界盃中的強勢表現反 映在了最新的排名中。捷克攀升了14個排名來到第10名,而波蘭躍升到第13名,增加了12 個排名。 The trajectory is also pointing up for some other World Cup participants, as Nigeria, Tunisia, Jordan, Japan, Cote d'Ivoire registered double-digit gains, while the countries losing ground were those not present at the 32-team tournament in China. 這個軌跡也顯示在一些其他世界盃參賽隊,例如:奈及利亞、突尼西亞、約旦、日本、 象牙海岸在排名都增進了雙位數,而下降的則是那些未現身在中國的32隊中的國家。 Click here to view the full ranking. http://www.fiba.basketball/rankingmen/ The latest edition of the ranking serves as the basis to determine the last eight teams to secure places in next year's FIBA Olympic Qualification Tournaments. In addition to the 16 teams that earned berths via the FIBA Basketball World Cup, the two top-ranked countries from each region in the ranking join the 24-team Olympic Qualification Tournament field. 最新版本的排名也提供了明年度FIBA奧運資格賽中最後八個參賽席次的基礎。除了透過 世界盃產生的16支參賽隊外,每個大區的排名前二名將加入形成奧運資格賽的24隊。 Those teams are: Angola and Senegal (Africa), Mexico and Uruguay (Americas), China and Korea (Asia-Oceania), and Croatia and Slovenia (Europe). 這些球隊分別是:安哥拉與塞內加爾(非洲區)、墨西哥與烏拉圭(美洲區)、中國及南韓 (亞大區)、克羅埃西亞與斯洛維尼亞(歐洲區)。 The FIBA World Ranking Men, presented by NIKE, will next be updated following February's Continental Cup Qualifiers. It takes into consideration rating points of games played in top official FIBA competitions and their Qualifiers over the course of an eight-year period. 由NIKE呈現的FIBA世界成年男子排名下次更新將會是明年度2月份的洲際盃資格賽後。其 中考慮了包含八年期間內的頂級FIBA官方賽事及這些賽事的資格賽。 FIBA https://tinyurl.com/y267p9z2 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/worldbasket/M.1568985893.A.2C0.html
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