[新聞] Bogdanovic在2019世界盃個人投進三分球比七支國家隊還多

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Bogdan Bogdanovic made more 3-pointers than seven national teams in 2019 World Cup Bogdan Bogdanovic在2019世界盃個人投進的三分球比七支國家隊還多 14/SEP/19 17:25 Bogdanovic was raining triples in China. Bogdanovic在中國下起三分雨 By Utkan Sahin / info@eurohoops.net Serbia guard Bogdan Bogdanovic finished the 2019 World Cup with some phenomenal stats, including the number of 3-pointers he made in the tournament. 塞爾維亞後衛Bogdan Bogdanovic以一些不凡的數據結束了2019年世界盃之旅,包含他 在賽會投進的三分球數。 In fact, Bogdanovic hit more 3-pointers by his own than seven national teams that participated in the World Cup. 事實上,Bogdanovic自己個人投進的三分球數量超越了七支參與世界盃的國家隊。 Thanks also to the 7/12 3-pointers he scored in the win over Czech Republic, Bogdanovic finished with 35 3-pointers made out of 66 attempts in 28.0 minutes over eight matches. This is more than the 3-point sum with which the following national teams finished the tournament: Dominican Republic (33 in five games), Jordan (32 in five games), Senegal (30 in five games), Japan (27 in five games), China (27 in five games), Puerto Rico (25 in five games) and Lithuania (tournament-low 23 in five games). 也由於贏了捷克的比賽中他12投7中的三分球,Bogdanovic最終在每場上場時間平均28.0 分鐘內總共在三分線出手了66次其中命中了35球。這個總數比以下幾支國家隊還要多: 多明尼加(5場比賽33個)、約旦(5場比賽32個)、塞內加爾(5場比賽30個)、日本(5場比賽27 個)、中國(5場比賽27個)、波多黎各(5場比賽25個)及立陶宛(賽會最低的5場比賽23個)。 The Sacramento Kings guard also tied the 35 3-pointers Angola made in five games. 這位來自沙加緬度國王隊的後衛同時也和安哥拉的5場比賽中35個三分球打成平手。 Overall, Bogdanovic averaged 22.9 points, 4.4 assists, and 4.1 rebounds. 整體而言,Bogdanovic場均有22.9分、4.4個助攻及4.1個籃板。 Photo: FIBA Basketball Eurohoops https://tinyurl.com/y2xped96 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/worldbasket/M.1568521230.A.43E.html

09/15 12:21, 4年前 , 1F
鬼神命中率 博蛋!!
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