[人生] 電影鐵娘子的名言

看板wisdom作者 (610)時間12年前 (2012/06/18 21:02), 編輯推噓10(1000)
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If I can't go out to buy a pint of milk than what is the world coming to. 如果我連一品脫牛奶都不能自已去買了,這世界會變成什麼樣啊! It used to be about trying to do something. Now its about trying to be someone. 過去人們總是努力要做成某件事,現在是要努力成為某個人 one's life must matter 一個人的生命必須是有意義的 I meant it. 我是說真的 You can rewind it, but you can't change it. 你可以倒帶但不能改變過去 We Conservatives believe in giving people the freedom and opportunity to fulfil their own potential, especially the young. 我們保守黨堅信讓人們有自由去發掘完善自已的潛能,尤其是年輕人 There's no good in pretending we're all equal.. 假裝人人平等是沒有好處的 we're not all the same, never have been, never will be. 每個人都不同,從來都不是也永遠不會一樣。 The only thing you should remeber is that everyone else is either reckless or inept. 你只要記住,其他人不是無能,就是魯莽 And often both. 通常兩者都是 One must be brave if one is to take the wheel. 一個人如果要開始承擔責任就需要更勇敢 What I'm saying is that someone must force the point. 我是說總得有人面對問題 say the nusayable. None of theses men hve the guts. 說出難以啟齒的話,這些男人都沒有膽子 One must know when to go. 一個人必須知道何時該出手 lose track of everyone 跟大家如此脫節 Too busy climbing the greasy pole. 太忙於向上爬了 What's crucial is that you hold your course, and stay true to who you are. 最重要的是,你要堅定立場做出自已的風格 Never be anything other than yourself. 永遠不要成為其他人 Leave us to do the rest. 讓我們來做其他事 They are absolutely non-negotiable. 這件事沒法妥協 This isn't really about the voice, it's about belief 這其實不是關乎聲音是關乎信念 A nice deep breath. 來個深呼吸 It's time to get up. I'ts time to go to work. 是時後站起來了,是時後去工作了 It's time to put the Great back into Great Britain! 是時後讓大不列顛重上巔峰了! Give 'em hell! 給他們點顏色看看! If you want to change the party, lead it. 如果你想要改變這個政黨就去親自領導它 If you wnat to change the country, lead it. 如果你想要改變這個國家就去親自領導它 You've got it in you to go the whole distance! 你會獲取最終勝利來領導這個國家 a prayer of St Francis of Assisi: 祝禱詞來自方濟 "Where there is discord may we bring harmony" 凡是有不和的地方我們要為和諧而努力 "Where there is error may we bring truth" 凡是有謬誤的地方我們要為真理而努力 "Where there is doubt may we bring faith" 凡是有疑慮的地方我們要為信任而努力 "Where there is despair may we bring hope" 凡是有絕望的地方我們要為希望而努力 Shoulders back, tummies in! 挺肩,收腹! stay up late熬夜 People don't 'think' any more. 人們已經不"思考"了 They 'feel'. 'How are you feeling?' 只是"感覺" "你感覺如何?" "Oh I don't feel comfortable with that' "噢,那個讓我覺得不太舒服" One of the great problems of our age is that we are governed by people who care more about feelings than thoughts and ideas. 你知道嗎? 這個時代最大的問題是我們是被這樣的人們領導著,他們注重感覺多於思考和 想法 Now thoughts and ideas. That interests me. 思考和想法才能讓我感興趣 Ask me what I am thinking 問問我在"想"什麼 Watch your thoughts, for they become words. 注意你所想的因為它們會變成嘴裡的話 Watch your words, for they become actions. 注意你所說的因為它們會變成實際的行動 Watch your actions, for they become habits. 注意你的行為因為它們會形成習慣 Watch your habits, for they become your charater. 注意你的習慣因為它們會形成你的人格 And watch your character, for it becomes your destiny. 注意你的人格因為它們會影響你的命運 What we think, we become. 我們想的是什麼就會成為什麼樣的人 My father always said that. 我的父親一直這樣說 And I think I am fine. 我"認為",我很好 If I can't hear you then I can't see you. 如果我聽不見你說話那我也就看不見你了 And if I can't see you then you are not here. 如果我看不見你了你就不存在了 And if you are not here, I am not going mad. 如果你不存在我就沒有發瘋了 I will not go mad. 我不會發瘋的 I will not... I will not go mad. 我不會…我不會發瘋 The Woman who Change the Face of History. "改變了歷史容顏的女人" Order! Order! 肅靜!肅靜! Don't try to hide your opinions. 請不要隱藏自已的想法 Goodness me, I'd much rather you were open and straight forward about them. 天哪,我多麼希望你們能開誠布公,有什麼就直說 instead of continuously and damagingly leaking them to the press. 而不是持續地惡意地透露給媒體 The medicine is harsh 良藥都是苦口 but the patient requires it in order to live. 但病人們只有服藥才能繼續活下去 Shall we with hold the medicine? No! We are not wrong. 我們能把這藥停了嗎? 不!我們沒有錯 Barring a failure of nerve. 不許因為膽怯而失敗 I don't expect everyone just to sit there and agree with me. 我並不希望每個人只是坐在那裡,對我點頭哈腰 but what kind of leader am I if I don't try to get my own way 假如我不努力堅持自已的路我算是哪門子的領導人呢? to do what I know to be right. 我必須做自已認為對的事 We will stand on principle or we shall not stand at all. 我們應該堅持立場否則甘脆一事無成 I have done battle every single day of my life. 我這一生沒有哪一天不在戰鬥 and many men have underestimated me before 許多人之前都低估了我 This lot seem bound to do the same 這群人似乎也犯了同樣的錯誤 buy they will rue the day. 他們終會後悔 -- But man is not made for defeat. A man can be destroyed, but not defeated. Ernest Hemingway July 21, 1899 – July 2, 1961 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

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