Re: [問題] 請問大家最喜歡或覺得最好笑的一集

看板wearefriends作者 (還沒開始永遠結束...)時間19年前 (2005/06/13 23:54), 編輯推噓2(202)
留言4則, 2人參與, 最新討論串37/87 (看更多)
212 這集蠻多好玩的. ----- Brooke Shields 當 joey 的 stalker Erica: 一開始 Erica 到 joey 家時: ERICA: It's Erica. JOEY: Ah, the stalker. ERICA: Never mind, it's open. CHANDLER: [Joey grabs a frying pan] Yes, hitting her with a frying pan's a good idea. We might wanna have a backup plan, though, just in case she isn't a cartoon. JOEY: Let's get out of here. [They run out and knock on Monica and Rachel's door] CHANDLER: The one time they're not home. JOEY: OK, we'll just leave, and when we pass her on the stairs, she won't know it's me 'cause we've never met. CHANDLER: That's how radio stars escape stalkers. JOEY: She's comin'. [Both run back in their apartment. There's a knock at the door.] ERICA: It's me. JOEY: Uhh, this is it, this is how we're gonna die. Ready? CHANDLER: Wait, wait, wait. [Opens the top of the dish soap he's holding] [Joey opens the door and sees Erica (Brooke Shields). Joey gets a huge smile and Chandler squeezed the dish soap in the air.] ERICA: Hi. JOEY: Erica. chandler 在看到 Erica 前特別開清潔劑瓶蓋, 然後看到 Erica 後擠出來 XD. --- Erica 和 Joey 約會時: JOEY: Good, otherwise my watch would fall off. [laughs hysterically] ERICA: No, seriously. These hands. These miracle, magical, life-giving hands. Oh, just to be near them, touch them, maybe even lick one? JOEY: Alright, just one. [she licks his hands rather emphatically] Wow, you're good at that. 以前我以為 Brooke Shields 是演那種美女型的. (可能是我都只看到她的 poster 的關係? XD) 這段完全破壞了以前她給我的形象 XD. --- 最後 Erica 衝到 Joey 家中質問 Drake 跟 Sabrina 的事情: ERICA: You told me I was the only one. [throws a glass of water in his face] JOEY: Alright look, that's it. I don't think we should see each other anymore, alright. Look, I know I should have told you this a long time ago but I am not Drake Remore, OK. I'm not even a doctor, I'm an actor. I just pretend to be a doctor. ERICA: Oh my God. Do the people at the hospital know about this? JOEY: Somebody wanna help me out here? RACHEL: Oh, I know, I know. [Turns on the TV. Joey in on it.] ERICA: How, how can you be here and there. JOEY: 'Cause it's a television show. ERICA: Drake, what're you getting at? JOEY: I'm not Drake. ROSS: That's right, he's not Drake, he's Hans Remore, Drake's evil twin. ERICA: Is this true? RACHEL: Yes, yes it is true. And I know this because, because he pretended to be Drake to, to sleep with me. [throws water in his face] MONICA: And then he told me he would run away with me, and he didn't. [throws water in his face] CHANDLER: And you left the toilet seat up, you bastard. [throws water in his face] Joey 一直被潑水 XD. ----- Phoebe 到某幼稚園唱歌: (之前有人提過.) 先是 grandparents: Now, grandma's a person who everyone likes, she bought you a train and a bright, shiny bike. But lately she hasn't been coming to dinner, And last time you saw her she looked so much thinner. Now, your mom and your dad said she moved to Peru, but the truth is she died and some day you will too. La-la-la la la-la-la la la-la-la la... --- 然後是: PHOEBE: [singing] There'll be times when you get older when you'll want to sleep with people just to make them like you. . . But don't. Cause that's another thing that you don't wanna do, everybody That's another thing that you don't wanna do. MONICA: Excellent! CHANDLER: Very informative! RACHEL: Not at all inappropriate! --- 然後是關於動物歌: PHOEBE: Today we're gonna start with some songs about barnyard animals. [singing] Oh, the cow in the meadow goes moo, Oh, the cow in the meadow goes moo. Then the farmer hits him on the head and grinds him up, And that's how we get hamburgers. Nooowww, chickens! --- 最後 phoebe 被 fire 掉以後小朋友跑到 central perk 裡聽歌: PHOEBE: [singing] Sometimes men love women, sometimes men love men, and then there are bisexuals, though some just say they're kidding themselves. la la-la-la la-la-la-la-la-la-la... 然後鏡頭照到 chandler 時旁邊黑人小朋友在邊看他邊偷笑 XD. ----- Ross 發現 marcel 在電影 outbreak II: The virus takes manhattan: ROSS: Well, I tracked down Marcel and get this, he's healthy, he's happy, and he's right here in New York filming Outbreak II - The Virus Takes Manhattan. RACHEL: You're kidding. JOEY: This is amazing. ROSS: I know. JOEY: I finally get a part on TV and the monkey's makin' movies. 最後 6 個人去片場找 marcel 時: ROSS: Hey, hey buddy, Marcel. Marcel. [Marcel doesn't react so Ross starts singing] In the jungle, the mighty jungle the lion sleeps tonight. [no reaction from Marcel, Monica and Joey urge him on] In the jungle, the mighty jungle the lion sleeps tonight. [Marcel looks over and everyone joins in] a-weema-way, a-weema-way..... [Marcel runs over and hops up on Ross's shoulder] Joey 衝高音的時候還蠻好玩的 XD. ※ 引述《vul3fu6yap (~小琪~￾ )》之銘言: : 還有一個我覺得印象很深的是Joey要Chandler把他們的第一個小孩取名Joey : 因為他說他可能不會結婚 要有人繼承他的family name : chan就說:your family name is "Tribbiani"!! : Joey還很認真的想了一下 然後笑說:你差點唬到我了... XD : 還有一次Rach和Ross吵架其他四個人躲在Mon的房間不敢出來 : Joey就說早知道就戴保險套在身邊 大家都用很怪的眼神看他 : 她還理直氣壯的說:天知道我們要在這裡關多久 我們可能需要在這裡繁衍後代! : Chan就說:and condoms can help you to do that? : (實際上台詞忘了啦 完全憑記憶亂打 ╮( ̄▽ ̄")╭) : 超喜歡看chan吐Joey 超可愛的啦 他們兩個真的是絕配!! : 還有一次好像也是Rachel跟Ross吵架 Chan在中間很尷尬 : 就跑去旁邊玩一支會脫衣服的筆 : 後來吵架中場休息的時候他就跑出來跟Ross說: : 她開始覺得這支筆無聊了 可以給他一點A片嗎?? : 後來發現緊張的氣氛還在 Chan愣了一下 又抱著那隻筆傻笑地回去了 : 那個表情真是超可愛的 XD : Ross也有好多好多很經典的橋段 但都是說不出來的 : 說出來可能沒那麼好笑 但是他的表情太讚了 David真的很強~ : 我覺得以角色來說 Ross是最不討喜的一個~ 卻可以把他演得這麼有效果 ^^" -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From: 06/14, , 1F
潑水那段超好笑的! 06/14, 1F 06/14, , 2F
大家逮到機會潑水 哈 06/14, 2F 06/14, , 3F
尤其是起頭的ross在說的時候眼神還飄了一下 06/14, 3F 06/14, , 4F
超逗趣傳神的 06/14, 4F
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