[心得] Music for Lost Girl S1-S2

看板the_L_word作者 (我應該懂)時間10年前 (2014/02/04 16:06), 8年前編輯推噓6(600)
留言6則, 6人參與, 最新討論串1/1
Lost Girl 已經快到S4結尾了, 對劇情的走向實在有點傻眼, 越到真相出現的時候越覺得Bo好像是被下藥一樣,= = 我還寧可是Bo體內大魔王覺醒,起碼這樣醫生摸一摸就好了XD 算了,下刪五百字 = = 本篇是來聊音樂的。 這幾天在回顧前幾季,之前看的時候不會特別去注意配樂, 回去看的時候發現幾首歌很好聽, 和GA(實習醫生)不一樣的是, GA的配樂有時候是旋律好聽但沒有很搭劇情(no offense), LG的乍聽之下會聽不太懂歌詞, 但事實上歌詞情境都和當下的劇情非常合,大推! 1. Clara Klein - Madman (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yOEzD0t5sOs)
(場景:S01E08 Bo & Lauren love scene) You know, a madman Keep on smiling I watch you run and hide I don't know a thing Who else will decide We all make up your mind In your head, God knows Everyone's dying The true man shows The whole world Liars Who else will decide We all make up your mind We're out of our place We'll send you away We're out of our place We'll send you away We're out of our place We'll send you away We're out of our place We'll send you away, Away, away In here, blue matters Takes great hostages Or we climb ladders Reach, bigger cages.. 這首歌背景是在 Laruen 被 Ash 派去要拖延 Bo 追殺 Vex, Ash 強調了 Bo 的"屬性",暗示 Lauren 應該會有拖延的"好辦法"的時候, 整個場景都在暖色系的畫面,歌詞內容正是描寫Lauren對Bo的感覺, Lauren知道Bo不停在尋找真相(watch you run and hide), 但這就是個充滿了謊言的世界(liars), 儘管她不能理解,但她還是想盡力去保護(send you away), 她也知道她無法決定什麼(who else will decide), 其實她在這個時候也早就愛上Bo了(we're out of our place), 但她也還是只能待在自己的牢籠裡(climb ladders reach bigger cages).... 就床戲來說歌詞並不適合,但就曲調和劇情來說,這首歌簡直就是量身訂做的,推! 2. Brandon Chandler - We Are Everything https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fxKEs9m7c80
(更新連結,舊的死了XD) (場景: S02E02 Bo tries to get Dyson back) Ooo hold my fear Soon I'll be here complete No retreat On my feet You are everything that you want to be You are everything that you want to be You are everything that you want to be You are everything I won't wonder where I'm going When i lace up my shoes There's a world outside That we should see With our own eyes With our own eyes We are everything That we want to be We are everything That we want to be We are everything That we want to be We are everything That we want to be We are everything That we want to be That we won't to be That we won't to be We are everything 這首歌背景是Bo知道了命運女神拿走了Dyson的愛, 因為她還是愛著Dyson,所以希望兩人能試試重新開始, Bo知道Dyson被奪走了對她的愛(you are everything that you want to be), 但Bo的沒有被拿走(I won't wonder where I'm going when I lace up my shoes), Bo覺得只要兩人願意嘗試就沒有什麼不可能(We are everything that we want to be), 但最後Dyson狠狠地推開了她轉身離開(that we won't be). 從頭到尾這首歌就一直強調 We are everything that we want to be, 卻在最後兩句丟下了 That we won't to be 的深深遺憾。 3. Austra - Lost It (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8LJtMrhb558)
(場景: S02E06 Bo & Lauren love scene) Don't wanna lose you don't wanna lose Don't wanna lose you don't wanna lose I never knew you I never knew I never knew you I never knew Your body's harmful the very shape The cracks are deeper on every plate Don't wanna lose you don't wanna lose Don't wanna lose you don't wanna lose I get impatient with every word The more you ask me the more I've heard This is a thirst that I've never had I've never bled for another man Don't wanna lose you don't wanna lose Don't wanna lose you don't wanna lose My face screams my face screams My face screams without an emotion In the darkness comes another, another Hold her by the thumbs the other, the other Don't wanna lose you don't wanna lose (In the darkness comes another, another) Don't wanna lose you don't wanna lose (Hold her by the thumbs the other, the other) 這首歌的曲調非常快,出現在 Lauren 被 Ash 逮到後要她24小時之內回去工作, Lauren在Bo回家後告訴Bo她要離開了,可能會被永遠囚禁(誰敢囚禁醫生!!), 接著情不自禁下Lauren吻了Bo (don't wanna lose you), 問Bo是否為了遺忘Dyson才這樣做(the more you ask me the more I've heard), Lauren允許自己帶著不明意圖跟人家滾床單卻不准人家滾床單的時候心裡有別人XD 此時Bo應該也是喜歡Lauren的(don't wanna lose you), 但當Ash要求的時候Lauren也身不由己(the darkness comes another, another) 此時在兩人心中"光明"才是真正的黑暗(darkness)。 4. Doris Troy - Just One Look (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wDgT0cSm5tM)
(場景: S02E16 Bo & Ryan dance scene) Just one look and I fell so hard In love with you, oh-oh, oh-oh I found out how good it feels To have your love, oh-oh, oh-oh Say you will, will be mine Forever and always, oh-oh, oh-oh Just one look and I knew That you were my only one oh oh-oh oh! I thought I was dreamin' but I was wrong, yeah, yeah, yeah Oh, but-a, I'm gonna keep on schemin' Till I can a-make you, make you my own! So you see, I really care Without you I'm nothin', oh-oh, oh-oh Just one look and I know I'll get you someday, oh-oh, oh-oh Just one look, that's all it took Just one look, that's all it took Just one look, that's all it took 這個角色有點像路人甲,只出現幾集,(但沒辦法誰叫Nadia回來了呢) 但我莫名的喜歡這首輕快的旋律, 雖然Bo後來一直推開人家,但這死皮賴臉的傢伙莫名可愛啊XD, 在高中禮堂那場雙人舞會真是莫名浪漫(何時讓Bo和醫生也來一場>///<), 比起來我喜歡 Ryan 勝過 Dyson 啊(Dyson太悶了)XD, 這首就是 Ryan 的心裡話了(Say you will be mine forever and always), 雖然他是 dark fae,不過那又怎樣呢(without you I'm nothing), 好歹Bo在LG裡第一次穿婚紗也是獻給人家耶XD 5.Agnes Obel - Close Watch (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SGsCa9MD_nI)
(場景: S02E19 Bo & Kenzi talking on the bed) Never win and never lose There's nothing much to choose Between the right and wrong Nothing lost and nothing gained Still things aren't quite the same Between you and me I keep a close watch on this heart of mine I keep a close watch on this heart of mine I still hear your voice at night When I turn out the light And try to settle down But there's nothing much I can do Because I can't live without you Any way at all I keep a close watch on this heart of mine I keep a close watch on this heart of mine Oh I am sure No harm will come to you no more 'Cause I find myself in your hands Don't you be so hard on yourself Kenzi為了保密和保護Nate而與他分手, Bo發現大魔頭附身在Nadia身上想要殺了Lauren而一刀殺了Nadia, 一身疲倦回到家的Bo發現Kenzi蜷在床上; Bo 希望 Kenzi 幸福, 但事實就是Bo和Nate兩人Kenzi只能擇一(there's nothing much to choose), Kenzi選擇聽自己真實的想法(I keep a close watch on this heart of mine), 雖然 Kenzi 真的也很愛 Nate (I still hear your voice at night but nothing much I can do), 但Kenzi選擇為了BFF留下來,因為這是他的家,為此感動不已的Bo緊緊抱住Kenzi, Kenzi不忘關心Bo找Nadia算帳的結果如何, Bo說等一下再說吧(don't you be so hard on yourself), 這一集結束兩人靜靜的依偎在床上。 就旋律上來說有點神祕感,但看了歌詞就知道這是 Kenzi 的心聲, Kenzi也是LG裡頭我很愛的角色之一,調皮又鬼靈精怪, 每次都奮不顧身的保護Bo和跑回去解救Dyson讓人很感動, 跟Bo兩人情同姊妹(有一集Ryan和Bo一起被關在燈裡Kenzi出遠門還一直傳簡訊), 她們不只是好朋友,更是家人。 ************* 寫五首就好累,下次再寫 part2 好了,希望大家喜歡這幾首歌:) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: simplylive 來自: (02/04 16:13)

02/04 17:00, , 1F
喜歡108那首! 好搭
02/04 17:00, 1F

02/05 08:04, , 2F
02/05 08:04, 2F

02/05 08:44, , 3F
個人覺得lost girl 的歌都很好聽
02/05 08:44, 3F

02/08 17:48, , 4F
02/08 17:48, 4F

03/14 16:51, , 5F
好棒的介紹 之前都沒有仔細的聽
03/14 16:51, 5F

03/31 13:19, , 6F
03/31 13:19, 6F
※ 編輯: simplylive (, 09/23/2015 23:29:01
文章代碼(AID): #1Iy9zlRa (the_L_word)