Re: [國中] 關代後面須接that的情況

看板teaching作者 (跳樑小丑)時間13年前 (2010/11/15 13:35), 編輯推噓3(300)
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※ 引述《Adlay (前進南方新大陸)》之銘言: : 台灣的英文文法書常常提到先行詞有all等限定詞或是最高級形容詞修飾, : 甚至先行詞本身是every-等組成, : 後面的關係代名詞要用that..... : 基本上,這樣的規則不存在, : 去查英語的語料,或是多翻閱英文文章, : 會發現母語人士照樣使用wh的關代, : 只是比例低於that關代的使用,但不是不合語法.... : 此外,真的去查英美比較有語言學素養的專家編寫的文法書, : 也沒有看到這樣的規則.... : 請不要繼續教給學生這些不符合英語事實的假文法規則~~ 說這樣的規則不存在似乎有點過於武斷,不知A大是否有所本? 個人同意隨著語言的演化,有些文法會不適用,進而被淘汰, 但有些僅是informal register的不注重,就不能說不存在.... 我是不會過於信任我在國高中時代所學到的文法, 但因為很懶,所以通常都是聽到人家說的跟我學的不一樣時才會去查證XD 所以現在就把我查到的拿上來比對一下囉~ Michael Swan編著的<<Practical English Usage>>裡有寫到: That is especially common after quantifiers like all, every(thing),some(thing), any(thing), no(thing), none, little, few, much, only, and after superlatives. Is this all that's left?(More natural than ...all which is left?) Have you got anything that belongs to me?(More natural than ...anything which...) The only thing that matters is to find our way home. I hope the little that I've done has been useful. It's the best film that's ever been made about madness. 另外,R. Quirk等人所編的<<A Comprehensive Grammar of the English Language>> 在這本書裡也有提到,我就不列例子了,只截取說明段: That as subject and that or zero as object are preferred to which when the antecedent is nonpersonal all, anything, everything, nothing, littel, or much: . . . When the antecedent is modified by a superlative or by one of the post- determiners first, last, next, only, the relative pronoun as subject is usually that, and, as object, that or zero rather than which or who(m): BBC lerning English園地在回答讀者的回應裡也有一小段提到( ): that rather than which After quantifiers like everything, something, all and after the thing… we normally use that rather than which: Everything that is in this room once belonged to Elton John. The thing that amazes me is how wide his interests were. All that will be left after the auction are a few candlestick holders. 上面兩本書,第一本是我晃書店時翻翻覺得不錯就買下來的, 第二本是板上先進推薦的,所以作者(群)有沒有語言學素養我是真的不清楚.. 第三個回答者的素養我就更不清楚了~ 文法書裡通常不會說「絕對」、「應該」怎麼怎麼樣,取而代之的通常會說 「xxx較合適」、「xxx較常用」、「xxx較常見」,所以說是規則或許太過絕對, 不這樣用也許不算錯,但有些聽者就會覺得not proper or not plain... 之前板上有位老師推文說過,原話怎麼說的我忘了,大意是語言的世界裡沒有絕對, 我們只是在選擇較適當的用法:) 最後附上一小段最近看的書裡的段落,裡面提了個很有趣的觀點, 裡面提到所謂的"proper English"的體系建立不過300年左右,然後: For just one third of 1 percent of the history of language in general, and for just 20 percent of the history of our own langauge, have we had to go to shool to study the language we already speak. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From: ※ 編輯: hubertt 來自: (11/15 15:30)

11/15 17:48, , 1F
11/15 17:48, 1F

11/16 04:32, , 2F
11/16 04:32, 2F

12/27 17:03, , 3F
有心 推
12/27 17:03, 3F
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