[情報] AIT有條件同意緊急面試

看板studyabroad作者 (小糯米)時間3年前 (2020/07/13 17:07), 3年前編輯推噓14(14015)
留言29則, 13人參與, 3年前最新討論串1/1
原文: Thank you for your interest in a U.S. Visa. We are happy to inform you that your request for an Emergency appointment for your U.S. Visa interview has been approved. Additional comments for approval : <font face="Calibri"><font size="3">IMPORTANT INFORMATION FOR STUDENTS: <u>All students must have a new I-20 at the time of interview</u>. All students applying for an F1 or M1 visa are required to have a new form I-20 that states the operating status of their schools and whether their courses will be online, in person, or both. Electronic I-<span style="color: black;">20 forms</span> are acceptable. Please contact your school if you have not yet received this form. More information about the Department of Homeland Security’s new procedures for international students can be found at: </font></font><a href="https://gcc01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ice.gov%2Fdoclib%2Fsevis%2Fpdf%2Fbcm2007-01.pdf&amp;data=02%7C01%7CPANV2%40state.gov%7C658f13ccf1304e6a933208d826eed06b%7C66cf50745afe48d1a691a12b2121f44b%7C0%7C0%7C637302154419530050&amp;sdata=lCoXmMqmxHnuGfp%2FUGK5WCj2nRaNp1H6wxzse9n1zgE%3D&amp;reserved=0" target="_blank"><font color="#0563c1"><font face="Calibri"><font size="3">https://www.ice.gov/doclib/sevis/pdf/bcm2007-01.pdf</font></font></font></a><font face="Calibri"><font size="3"> .</font></font><br> To schedule your Emergency appointment please log into your U.S. visa services account at http://www.ustraveldocs.com, click on “Reschedule Appointment”, to schedule the new appointment, and print out your new appointment confirmation letter. Please note that this Emergency appointment approval is only valid until Jul 20, 2020. If you do not schedule your appointment within this period you will no longer qualify for the Emergency appointment. As a reminder you will not be granted access into the U.S. Consular Section unless you have an appointment confirmation letter with a scheduled appointment for that particular day. Thank you, United States Consular Section 需要有新的I-20,但一周好趕QQ 另外還有個問題 https://imgur.com/z34U0rh
VISA網站還是沒有Reschedule Appointment的選項 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/studyabroad/M.1594631237.A.54A.html

07/13 17:14, 3年前 , 1F
07/13 17:14, 1F

07/13 17:15, 3年前 , 2F
07/13 17:15, 2F

07/13 17:16, 3年前 , 3F
沒拿到QQ 我身邊拿到的人都是不符合14天前申請的規定
07/13 17:16, 3F
※ 編輯: dreamgirl ( 臺灣), 07/13/2020 17:18:44

07/13 17:22, 3年前 , 4F
可以請問您申請加急的時間點以及I20 program start dat
07/13 17:22, 4F

07/13 17:22, 3年前 , 5F
07/13 17:22, 5F

07/13 17:22, 3年前 , 6F
登入進去就看得到 reschedule appointment 的選項了
07/13 17:22, 6F
剛剛改了密碼才看的到 7/15~7/17和7/21-7/24都有位置 ※ 編輯: dreamgirl ( 臺灣), 07/13/2020 17:23:46

07/13 17:49, 3年前 , 7F
07/13 17:49, 7F

07/13 17:49, 3年前 , 8F
07/13 17:49, 8F

07/13 17:49, 3年前 , 9F
07/13 17:49, 9F

07/13 17:50, 3年前 , 10F
07/13 17:50, 10F

07/13 17:50, 3年前 , 11F
07/13 17:50, 11F

07/13 18:00, 3年前 , 12F
07/13 18:00, 12F

07/13 22:17, 3年前 , 13F
想問如果放棄緊急面試(太趕 怕I-20拿不到) 會不會影
07/13 22:17, 13F

07/13 22:17, 3年前 , 14F
響之後8月已預約面試? 謝謝~
07/13 22:17, 14F

07/14 00:19, 3年前 , 15F
07/14 00:19, 15F

07/14 07:25, 3年前 , 16F
07/14 07:25, 16F

07/14 07:25, 3年前 , 17F
07/14 07:25, 17F

07/14 07:25, 3年前 , 18F
07/14 07:25, 18F

07/14 07:29, 3年前 , 19F
07/14 07:29, 19F

07/14 11:48, 3年前 , 20F
07/14 11:48, 20F

07/14 11:48, 3年前 , 21F
07/14 11:48, 21F

07/14 11:56, 3年前 , 22F
07/14 11:56, 22F

07/14 11:58, 3年前 , 23F
07/14 11:58, 23F

07/14 12:13, 3年前 , 24F
通過了 學校才剛要開始處理所有人的I-20
07/14 12:13, 24F
我也遇到一樣的情形,學校說下周末才弄的好, 但系上說下下周一前要道才能有獎學金...... 目前能做的大概就是寫信去催 ※ 編輯: dreamgirl ( 臺灣), 07/14/2020 12:18:18

07/14 12:25, 3年前 , 25F
07/14 12:25, 25F

07/14 12:26, 3年前 , 26F
07/14 12:26, 26F

07/14 14:05, 3年前 , 27F
07/14 14:05, 27F

07/14 14:06, 3年前 , 28F
原8/12 收到同意信了
07/14 14:06, 28F

07/14 15:57, 3年前 , 29F
07/14 15:57, 29F
文章代碼(AID): #1V32H5LA (studyabroad)