[錄取] 荷蘭RSM FIA/瑞典SSE/美國MSU Purdue

看板studyabroad作者 (單單)時間7年前 (2017/05/14 00:14), 7年前編輯推噓8(800)
留言8則, 8人參與, 最新討論串1/1
Program Finance and Investments/ Accounting Admission Stockholm School of Economics(SSE)-Accounting and Financial Management (50%tuition waiver) Rotterdam School of Management(RSM)-Finance and Investments Advanced (EUR6,000 Merit based scholarship) Michigan State University-Accounting Purdue University-Accounting Rejection None Test Score GMAT 690 TOEFL 106 Education BS in Accounting at National Chengchi University(現在大四) Decision Rotterdam School of Management-Finance and Investments Advanced Why Netherlands? 1. 大學時聽到去荷蘭讀MBA學姐的留學分享,自此對荷蘭印象很好 2. 據交換的朋友表示英文很通,雖然要在當地就業的話還是要學荷蘭文 3. 畢業生有12個月在荷蘭免工作簽證的找工作時間,甚至在一定期限內可以自己決定這 12個月要何時開始 4. location Application package 申請文件基本上差不多,大致如下 Application Form, CV, GMAT, TOEFL/IELTS, Motivation letter (for program and scholarship), Recommendation Letter RSM的motivation letter寫起來比較不同,總共4題,每題限制1000 characters,大概寫 200 words左右就滿了,我一開始看錯寫成1000 words,不過這也幫助我真正精鍊 motivation RSM FIA Introduction 關於RSM的介紹板上有滿多的,我主要介紹FIA program。我原本申請的是FI,後來收到學 校的信說GMAT分數高於一定標準,問我要不要update motivation申請FIA,如果沒上FIA 會再把我放回FI;據我所知除了申請FI的學生外,MiM的學生也有人收到信。 FIA program今年(2017 fall)是第二屆,申請方式分為3關,第一關先符合學校各個分數 的minimum(如GPA、TOEFL等),第二關篩GMAT分數,第三關是面試;面試完後學校會把符 合錄取資格的學生用GMAT/GPA排序,小班制program收40人;第一屆均分GMAT 712,GPA 8,4。 FIA時長比FI多4個月,共16個月。課程內容與FI的差別就是多了一些career training、 financial trip,program跟一些公司有合作,另外還要實習(要自己找)。一些program資 訊都可以在RSM FIA的網站上找到:https://goo.gl/Qd1Sid 面試 RSM強烈建議學生飛去當地面試,但對亞洲學生來說為了30分鐘面試飛過去真的有點奢侈 ,所以我是採用skype面試的,以下是學校發給我的面試通知 "The 25-minute personal interview with the FIA Selection Committee will be con ducted using the "STAR" interview method. You will be interviewed by both acad emic and admissions staff members and we will focus on your motivation to part icipate in the programme as well as key competencies we look for in students f or this specific programme. You will also be asked specific finance related qu estions. Please Note: Directly following the interview round all applicants will be ranked based on their performance in the interview and academic record (GPA/GMAT). The best applicants will be selected to participate in the programme. Candidates who meet the admission criteria but are ranked lower will be put on a waiting list and offered alternative admission to the regular MSc Finance & Investments programme." 因為我自己的教育背景是會計,對Finance領域的專業知識沒有很多,我準備Finance專業 問題的方式就是重讀財管跟初會重點章節,背一些計算公式等等,再上網找一些MS Finance的問題來準備。 以下就我的面試題目做分享 1. Why you chose RSM? 2. Do you apply finance program in other schools? 3. Why you choose RSM instead of SSE? 4. Experiences in teamwork 5. What is your interpersonal skill? 6. What is your weakness? 7. What do you think advanced program can help you with that weakness? 8. What did you do when you have conflicts with others? 9. What will your internship supervisor recommend you? 10. What will your internship supervisor think that you need to improve? 11. What do you think the future financial trend may be? 12. I don’t find any international interaction in your CV. Do you have any in ternational interactions/exchanges? 13. What courses do you have in financial field and statistics? 14. Have you learned about Statistics 15. Have you learned about linear regression? 16. Do you have any questions for us? 17. How will you finance your master expenses? 面試官有兩個,都是Advanced program的教授。我的面試並沒有問到專業問題,我猜是因 為自己本身不是finance背景的,不過據我所知,finance背景的同學專業問題包括:請選 一個金融概念並解釋、解釋Black-Scholes公式、BS公式有哪些假設等等,跟我在網路上 查到的都不一樣,個人覺得很兇殘…. 此外,面試也會就motivation letter上的內容詢問,一個同學寫了因為fascinated with the gorgeousness of Finance就被問到什麼是gorgeousness of Finance然後想衝 回去給過去的自己甩兩巴掌了… Others 其實一開始在SSE和RSM FI中非常搖擺,SSE課程2年,學校的reputation非常好加上是我 喜歡的小班制教學,另外又拿到半獎(我還寫信問了學校有沒有機會拿full scholarship ,但學校表示今年沒有給full 的名額),真的讓我很心動。但後來考量就業與價格因素後 ,忍痛斷捨離SSE,等等看RSM能不能拿到FIA面試機會,收到面試其實滿訝異的,畢竟 GMAT低於標準20分,而且對於還要面試真的心裡滿挫的。另外我覺得推薦信真的很重要, 簡直把我從中場踹進球門,能拿到獎學金我覺得也有泰半是因為推薦信強度很大,有機會 的話還是要讓教授記住你。 以上,申請的學校比較非主流,主要是美國比較貴,我不想揹這麼多債,另外是對荷蘭 有一個非常好的印象。申請的過程真的受到非常非常多人的幫助與無私分享,不管是板 上或是朋友、系上、教授、未蒙面的學長姐等等,希望藉由我的心得能對於有志申請MS的 學生有所助益! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/studyabroad/M.1494692075.A.CC9.html ※ 編輯: fst92009 (, 05/14/2017 00:23:19

05/14 00:26, , 1F
05/14 00:26, 1F

05/14 01:04, , 2F
05/14 01:04, 2F
※ 編輯: fst92009 (, 05/14/2017 01:32:49

05/14 10:27, , 3F
謝謝分享 不知道方便分享GPA&實習背景嗎
05/14 10:27, 3F
實習背景在四大,GPA3.93 ※ 編輯: fst92009 (, 05/14/2017 12:33:02

05/17 01:07, , 4F
單 恭喜喔~ 我是很高的王~
05/17 01:07, 4F

05/20 09:04, , 5F
nccu acct好文推!
05/20 09:04, 5F

05/21 02:38, , 6F
05/21 02:38, 6F
謝謝!! ※ 編輯: fst92009 (, 05/22/2017 21:03:22

12/01 09:09, , 7F
推推 很棒的資訊
12/01 09:09, 7F

12/17 20:46, , 8F
12/17 20:46, 8F
文章代碼(AID): #1P5p3hp9 (studyabroad)