
看板studyabroad作者 (Vich)時間7年前 (2017/04/14 15:58), 7年前編輯推噓11(11011)
留言22則, 15人參與, 最新討論串1/1
2月底收到以下email ------------------------------------------ I am pleased to inform you that you have been recommended for admission to the Graduate program in the Civil and Environmental Engineering department starti ng Fall quarter 2017. Each year admission to the graduate programs in our depa rtment is increasingly competitive, and this year is no exception. Congratulat ions on your accomplishments and recommendation for admission. This email serves as your “unofficial notice of admission” to the UCLA Civil and Environmental Engineering department. Official notification of admission will be sent by the UCLA’s Graduate Division Graduate Admission Office. If yo u have not already received this email, you should receive it sometime in Marc h. The email will contain information relevant to your admission and informat ion on how to notify us of your intent to enroll. We encourage you to submit your Statement of Intent to Register as soon as you have decided on a graduate program. International students will receive information on how to request th eir I-20 after submitting their Statement of Intent to Register. -------------------------------- 但是到現在都沒有收到正式信,3天前打電話去問系上說學校方面有delay,要我再等。 --------------------------------- 寄信去問他回 Thank you for your email. Please note that we anticipated all applicants to re ceive a final decision by March as the deadline to SIR is April 15th. We under stand many students are concerned that they have not received letter. Unfortunately, if you have not received an official letter, Graduate Division may still need time to evaluate or time to release your admission letter if ad mitted. At that time we can contact you on a new deadline to SIR. Thank you for your patience ----------------------------- 想問 1. 2月底收到的信算是上了嗎? 2. 今年UCLA有人收到系上的錄取信,卻ㄧ樣還沒收到正式信嗎? 3. 歷年學長姐,有人收到系上錄取信,最後卻被學校拒絕的嗎? 謝謝大家 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/studyabroad/M.1492156736.A.198.html ※ 編輯: Vicharles (, 04/14/2017 15:59:13 ※ 編輯: Vicharles (, 04/14/2017 16:00:14 ※ 編輯: Vicharles (, 04/14/2017 16:00:46 ※ 編輯: Vicharles (, 04/14/2017 16:03:17

04/14 16:15, , 1F
04/14 16:15, 1F

04/14 16:45, , 2F
這是有錄取阿= = 算上阿
04/14 16:45, 2F

04/14 16:45, , 3F
你爬一下文... 這是月經題了
04/14 16:45, 3F

04/14 16:46, , 4F
第三點 就不知道了 有聽說過 但很少
04/14 16:46, 4F

04/14 16:55, , 5F
04/14 16:55, 5F

04/14 17:12, , 6F
謝謝 好 我爬
04/14 17:12, 6F

04/14 17:20, , 7F
04/14 17:20, 7F
※ 編輯: Vicharles (, 04/14/2017 17:40:17

04/14 17:43, , 8F
沒必要淌這種混水 快快樂樂地走你人生路 比較重要
04/14 17:43, 8F

04/14 17:50, , 9F
long大想表達什麼呢 聽不懂沒慧根
04/14 17:50, 9F

04/14 20:23, , 10F
long大是推錯篇了吧 XD 原po不要想太多
04/14 20:23, 10F

04/14 20:56, , 11F
他是不是誤會了呀? 然後你上傳Statement of Intent了嗎?
04/14 20:56, 11F

04/14 21:10, , 12F
Yu大 我以為那是official 後的事吧?
04/14 21:10, 12F

04/14 21:46, , 13F
收到housing, dining, 的email就是有了
04/14 21:46, 13F

04/14 22:23, , 14F
要等到Graduate Division 寄的信才算正式錄取,不然都
04/14 22:23, 14F

04/14 22:23, , 15F
只是notification 而已
04/14 22:23, 15F

04/15 00:23, , 16F
通常推薦了就會上 除非學校有什麼理由擋
04/15 00:23, 16F

04/15 02:44, , 17F
04/15 02:44, 17F

04/15 08:00, , 18F
我目前也是這樣, 寄信去問是說收到正式錄取後三天內回
04/15 08:00, 18F

04/15 08:00, , 19F
04/15 08:00, 19F

04/15 10:39, , 20F
04/15 10:39, 20F

04/15 12:48, , 21F
收到SIR後三天回覆, 不過沒說什麼時候收到囧
04/15 12:48, 21F

04/15 14:39, , 22F
04/15 14:39, 22F
文章代碼(AID): #1Oy8506O (studyabroad)