Fw: [爆卦] 聯合航空因為超賣就隨便抓人拖下飛機

看板studyabroad作者 (陳倉)時間7年前 (2017/04/11 09:04), 編輯推噓18(1918)
留言28則, 20人參與, 最新討論串1/1
※ [本文轉錄自 Gossiping 看板 #1Oww_DHl ] 作者: Rogerisme (I'm Roger) 看板: Gossiping 標題: [爆卦] 聯合航空因為超賣就隨便抓人拖下飛機 時間: Tue Apr 11 00:16:11 2017 影片 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mMTpvzJp4ps
大意就是UA聯合航空超賣機位 在登機門地勤有問說誰願意放棄搭這班飛機拿補償 結果沒人願意 UA的地勤等大家都登機以後 上飛機根據系統隨便抓四個人下飛機 影片裡面被保全拖走的那個人還被保全弄到嘴角流血 他就是四個人裡面的其中一位 是醫生而且趕著去看他的病人 之後醫生說要找他的律師來 這真是太誇張了 ====== 美國新聞報導網址 https://goo.gl/YtjKBY A video posted to Facebook Sunday evening showed what is becoming another public relations nightmare for United Airlines, which is owned by United Continental Holdings. One unnamed passenger boarded a United flight at Chicago's O'Hare International Airport, headed to Louisville, not knowing he was about to be forced to leave a plane that was overbooked. A nearly 30-second video clip, posted on social media by a fellow passenger, shows three security officers approaching a man who was already seated, asking him to give up his spot on the plane. After the man refuses, he was eventually dragged by his arms and screaming toward the front of the plane. A witness to the debacle said passengers were warned at the gate that the flight was overbooked, and United was asking for volunteers to switch flights, with reimbursements included. Nobody spoke up. According to Audra Bridges, who posted the video to her Facebook page Sunday evening, United management came on board the flight and used a computer to randomly select four passengers who would be removed from that trip. The man in the video — one of those four randomly selected — reportedly claimed he was a doctor and needed to see his patients at the hospital in the morning, then proceeded to say he would call his lawyers. After being forcibly ejected by three security officers, the man was able to get back on the plane, though his face was bloody, and he seemed disoriented, Bridges said. United offered no update to the flight's other passengers, who waited for more than two hours for things to calm down before taking off, she added. United later issued a statement, saying: "Flight 3411 from Chicago to Louisville was overbooked. After our team looked for volunteers, one customer refused to leave the aircraft voluntarily and law enforcement was asked to come to the gate. We apologize for the overbook situation. Further details on the removed customer should be directed to authorities." As it often does, Twitter erupted following the posting of this video, with many individuals voicing their concern over the way the man was treated by United employees. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Gossiping/M.1491840973.A.46F.html

04/11 00:18, , 1F
04/11 00:18, 1F

04/11 00:18, , 2F
04/11 00:18, 2F

04/11 00:19, , 3F
沒有意外的話 完蛋了
04/11 00:19, 3F

04/11 00:19, , 4F
04/11 00:19, 4F

04/11 00:19, , 5F
這病人出意外的話 聯航可以準備申請破產了
04/11 00:19, 5F

04/11 00:19, , 6F
04/11 00:19, 6F

04/11 00:20, , 7F
04/11 00:20, 7F

04/11 00:23, , 8F
吉死航空公司啊 可惡透頂
04/11 00:23, 8F

04/11 00:23, , 9F
亞洲人不易外 被抓第一個 哭哭......
04/11 00:23, 9F

04/11 00:23, , 10F
04/11 00:23, 10F

04/11 00:24, , 11F
04/11 00:24, 11F

04/11 00:24, , 12F
04/11 00:24, 12F

04/11 00:24, , 13F
04/11 00:24, 13F

04/11 00:25, , 14F
這合理嗎 ?
04/11 00:25, 14F

04/11 00:28, , 15F
04/11 00:28, 15F

04/11 00:28, , 16F
在美國 賠償金很驚人喔
04/11 00:28, 16F

04/11 00:29, , 17F
04/11 00:29, 17F

04/11 00:30, , 18F
白痴航空公司... 沒人自願就再往上加, 通常就會有了
04/11 00:30, 18F

04/11 00:31, , 19F
UA 這麼猛阿…這個應該能告到脫褲吧
04/11 00:31, 19F

04/11 00:31, , 20F
如果這內容真的屬實 那賠償金絕對是億鎂起跳
04/11 00:31, 20F

04/11 00:32, , 21F
米國不意外阿 早想玩國定殺戮日 亞洲人樣地位最低當然拉
04/11 00:32, 21F

04/11 00:33, , 22F
04/11 00:33, 22F

04/11 00:34, , 23F
04/11 00:34, 23F

04/11 00:35, , 24F
04/11 00:35, 24F

04/11 00:37, , 25F
這個遇到猛的律師 應該會賠好幾百萬美金
04/11 00:37, 25F

04/11 00:38, , 26F
04/11 00:38, 26F

04/11 00:38, , 27F
04/11 00:38, 27F

04/11 00:42, , 28F
幹 怎麼可以蠢成這樣XD 以為自己是中國公司嗎
04/11 00:42, 28F

04/11 00:43, , 29F
至少有兩筆賠償金 醫生和他要看的病人
04/11 00:43, 29F

04/11 00:44, , 30F
應該都是百萬美當單位了, 然後最好病人不要出啥事
04/11 00:44, 30F

04/11 00:45, , 31F
賠償金不願意加 就讓他們賠到爽
04/11 00:45, 31F

04/11 00:48, , 32F
因為聯航機員要趕去肯州上班 所以要拉走4名乘客改搭明天
04/11 00:48, 32F

04/11 00:49, , 33F
04/11 00:49, 33F

04/11 00:50, , 34F
04/11 00:50, 34F

04/11 00:50, , 35F
04/11 00:50, 35F

04/11 00:50, , 36F
04/11 00:50, 36F

04/11 00:55, , 37F
04/11 00:55, 37F

04/11 00:56, , 38F
超賣還搞這招 就等著被吉 損失應該不只十倍
04/11 00:56, 38F

04/11 00:56, , 39F
04/11 00:56, 39F
還有 71 則推文
還有 1 段內文
04/11 04:52, , 111F
後來不知道為什麼,又跑上來,但精神狀況就不太好了 o.o
04/11 04:52, 111F

04/11 06:11, , 112F
04/11 06:11, 112F

04/11 06:23, , 113F
04/11 06:23, 113F

04/11 06:24, , 114F
04/11 06:24, 114F

04/11 06:24, , 115F
04/11 06:24, 115F

04/11 07:51, , 116F
在美國在賠到脫褲了 鬼島只會賠張機票
04/11 07:51, 116F

04/11 08:19, , 117F
04/11 08:19, 117F

04/11 08:28, , 118F
把 乘 客 當 作 喪 屍
04/11 08:28, 118F

04/11 08:29, , 119F
04/11 08:29, 119F

04/11 08:49, , 120F
04/11 08:49, 120F

04/11 09:03, , 121F
04/11 09:03, 121F
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ※ 轉錄者: ryuchenchang (, 04/11/2017 09:04:19

04/11 09:23, , 122F
04/11 09:23, 122F

04/11 09:50, , 123F
早就不搭UA了 很多朋友有過不愉快經驗
04/11 09:50, 123F

04/11 11:05, , 124F
04/11 11:05, 124F

04/11 11:16, , 125F
04/11 11:16, 125F

04/11 12:04, , 126F
04/11 12:04, 126F

04/11 12:19, , 127F
04/11 12:19, 127F

04/11 12:28, , 128F
UA不意外啊~ 去年搭過一次 引擎壞掉 飛了一小時後才說要
04/11 12:28, 128F

04/11 12:28, , 129F
迫降阿拉斯加,一降落 一堆消防車夾道歡迎.......
04/11 12:28, 129F

04/11 12:30, , 130F
04/11 12:30, 130F

04/11 13:34, , 131F
好險我沒搭過 UA, 看上去就破破的...
04/11 13:34, 131F

04/11 15:41, , 132F
04/11 15:41, 132F

04/11 15:55, , 133F
超爽 選我選我 直接人生勝利組
04/11 15:55, 133F

04/11 16:44, , 134F
04/11 16:44, 134F

04/11 17:59, , 135F
04/11 17:59, 135F

04/11 17:59, , 136F
04/11 17:59, 136F

04/11 17:59, , 137F
04/11 17:59, 137F

04/11 17:59, , 138F
04/11 17:59, 138F

04/11 18:08, , 139F
還好沒去美國 完全沒有搭到UA的煩惱
04/11 18:08, 139F

04/11 21:41, , 140F
這種文也有玻璃心人可以酸 哈哈哈 超可憐的
04/11 21:41, 140F

04/11 22:01, , 141F
不搭UA 爛公司
04/11 22:01, 141F

04/12 00:07, , 142F
04/12 00:07, 142F

04/12 06:37, , 143F
好像是問完發現沒人自願 結果用強迫中獎方式
04/12 06:37, 143F

04/12 06:37, , 144F
理論上是要再加更多錢補償 問到有人願意才對
04/12 06:37, 144F

04/12 06:46, , 145F
QQ前幾天才買UA舊金山直飛台灣的機票 希望別有問題
04/12 06:46, 145F

04/12 07:28, , 146F
理論上這在乘客登機前就要橋好了 要是有人已經先登機
04/12 07:28, 146F

04/12 07:29, , 147F
晚到的人沒位子 那當然是請晚到的人離開
04/12 07:29, 147F

04/12 07:30, , 148F
乘客都坐進去了才趕人走 實在是蠻誇張的
04/12 07:30, 148F

04/12 20:55, , 149F
04/12 20:55, 149F
文章代碼(AID): #1Ox2kLZg (studyabroad)