[問題] U of Florida 文件寄送問題

看板studyabroad作者 (*Caramelization*)時間7年前 (2017/03/17 14:41), 編輯推噓4(4010)
留言14則, 4人參與, 最新討論串1/1
申請季節雖已近尾聲 但不材小妹還在投遞文件作最後掙扎 在申請U of Florida的食科的過程中 有ㄧ些指示實在不懂 煩請前輩解惑 1. GRE TOEFL成績寄送 在指示網頁中載明 "The GRE code for the University of Florida is 5812 and for the Food Science and Human Nutrition Department is 0107. The scores must be sent to the University, not the Department." 自我解讀=>GRE送一份成績到學校就好,代碼只要填5812 <=請問是這樣嗎? 不解的是為什麼還要寫出department code, 這是擾亂視聽嗎? 而TOEFL更妙 "The TOEFL/IELTS code is 5812 for the University of Florida and 99 for our Food Science and Human Nutrition Department. The scores must be sent to both the University and the Department" 意思是T成績要"寄兩次" ? 一次送學校(代碼5812) 另一送系所(代碼5812-99) 令我最感惶恐的是 對於國際申請學生他有規定文件要寄送 除了TOEFL外, 還有"Proof of complete financial support from his/her government, a document detailing fellowship or scholarship support from an international agency, or a written commitment from one or more faculty members in our Department who agree to provide financial support from grant or contract funding. The support must cover the entire matriculation" 我了解這是要寄送自己獎學金相關的證明 可是我是預計自費所以沒有其他經費補助 原本想不要寄這個,但是網頁寫"international students must submit" 而不是"option" 我想問 1. 可以寄自己的財力證明嗎? 2. 還是說這項要求是一種篩選門檻?他們只收帶錢過去的學生? 附上原始網頁 http://fshn.ifas.ufl.edu/main-menu-tab/graduate-program/graduate-admission/ 先謝謝大家!! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/studyabroad/M.1489732884.A.5C3.html

03/17 14:48, , 1F
你去托福官網申蓮寄送就知了 除學校代碼還可填系所代碼
03/17 14:48, 1F

03/17 14:49, , 2F
03/17 14:49, 2F

03/17 15:54, , 3F
其實TOEFL跟GRE成績寄送只需要學校代碼,department code是
03/17 15:54, 3F

03/17 15:54, , 4F
03/17 15:54, 4F

03/17 16:43, , 5F
03/17 16:43, 5F

03/17 16:45, , 6F
03/17 16:45, 6F

03/17 16:47, , 7F
03/17 16:47, 7F

03/17 17:40, , 8F
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03/17 17:40, , 9F
03/17 17:40, 9F

03/17 17:40, , 10F
03/17 17:40, 10F

03/17 17:41, , 11F
錯字,加發。所以只需要輸入學校的code,department code沒
03/17 17:41, 11F

03/17 17:41, , 12F
03/17 17:41, 12F

03/17 22:59, , 13F
03/17 22:59, 13F

03/20 08:32, , 14F
UF FSHN 不是 1/15 deadline嗎?
03/20 08:32, 14F
文章代碼(AID): #1OouKKN3 (studyabroad)